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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Do chineses boys like black girls?? if not why??
I have never seen a chinese with black girlfriend.
Please let us make it clear. what is the matter?
10 years 37 weeks ago in Lifestyle - Other cities
I think black girls just intimidate the hell out of Chinese boys just by being present.
I mean like picture a Chinese guy having a discussion with Oprah.
They don't know what they're missing. Or maybe they do, but face is too important, and Chinese see dark skin as a stigma. They have tanned and dark skinned girls here in China, too, but it's not the same. If any Chinese men have a preference for black girls, they won't be open about it. R 'n B videos do a good job of displaying the beauty of black women, but in the Chinese mindset, it just confirms to them that they are junk-wiggling prostitutes.
Chinese worship money. Africa is poor. Value judgements have been formed, and Chinese are open about their prejudices. It's the mainstream here, not a seedy underbelly like in the West. I wouldn't reccommend trying to date Chinese guys, but if you do, be prepared for having to endure lots of sneakiness and shame for the sake of mianzi/facesaving.
Is it not a good thing that Chinese men limit themselves on who they find attractive? All the more for the rest of us!
(although not me anymore)
It exists (I've seen some couples, Chinese engineer who worked in Gambia), but it's super-duper rare. ohChina points out a nice article, but rather the exception than the rule. The woman in that article is just gorgeous and sounds like a fun, interesting person, so I guess it helps to break barriers and motivate romance
How I see it : Chinese tends to be conservative in their choices, and don't like making choice out of what is perceived as "normal" in China. For men, dating a black woman is straying very far from the norm, which scares most of them. Add to that a lot of ignorance regarding of things out of their daily circle. My wife hears quite a lot of bullshit because she married a white guy Not racism, just ignorance and adversity to perceived risks. If a local guy is willing to have a romance with you, I would think he is really in love and more confident than the average ^^
Chinese are very conservative and worship fair skins, no offense but for most Chinese men it would be a loss of face to be seen in public hand in hand with a Black woman, the opposite with a White woman. It's not that they are racists, it's just that in China many people still have a mindset equivalent to American in the 50s when it comes to races. I have even been told by a Chinese man in his 30s that mixed babies are genetically inferior and that interracial breeding is wrong (and I was really shocked, almost offended as my father is black and my mom white). Things are slowly changing and soon we will probably see more Chinese men with Black women, or Chinese women with Black men.
I would turn the question around, and ask " Do black girls like Chinese boys, and if not, why not?"
The same words in a different order would most likely get different answers.
I don't go in for this classification of people by skin colour or race. Different cultures yes, but skin colour no.
A black girl could have any culture in the world. She might be American, British, French, South African.... the list goes on and on. The same goes for every other person, boys and girls .
you are right on your geography observations, but the Chinese boys don't know that, they just see the skin color.
Who cares about the Chinese boy's, I like black girls.
Haha, I have a friend and his wife is black. And before getting marry I think they were in relation for 3 years. So it proves that Chinese boys don't hate black girls.
This question is not hard to answer:
Well, you know Chinese people like to be pale. Chinese girls even stay under the umbrella if it's a bit sunny. They are in fear to get tanned. I think 80% of Chinese guys prefer pale skin than colored skin. That's Chinese preferance.
Conclusion :
The beauty standard of Chinese or some of the Asian people = Being pale and white.
No offense. I like black people as well as Asian and white people.
I think black girls just intimidate the hell out of Chinese boys just by being present.
I mean like picture a Chinese guy having a discussion with Oprah.