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Q: Do we need a pinned post?

So after yet another skin colour related post it got me thinking. Wouldn't it be easier if there was a pinned "So you've just arrived in China" post, where skin colour, visa and other topics that crop up every month by someone new can be covered?  These are pretty obvious issues with China. Do these people really think they're the first person to mention them?



9 years 5 weeks ago in  Sports - Hohhot

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it seems that some sort of Admin is needed: maybe having one is an expensive luxury.

I notice that the 'answer of the week' is almost 3 months old, the 3 questions on the main page are almost as old, and articles and news are either re-posts of re-posts or just lazy posting of someone else's terrible blog.


Some of the 'new' posters seem to be trolls posting under different names in the hope of stimulating extreme comments.

As MissA says, there is an element of 'venting' but when a new poster launches straight into extreme general 'questions' rather than genuine specific queries, and they so obviously fail to contribute with answers or any follow up debate, i would question the level of moderation on this forum.


true it is summer now and this means fewer new issues are being raised, but that is no reason for feeding trolls.


Hey!!! My 'answer of the day" is still there after 3 months cos it's so AWESOME!!!!! That's all!



9 years 5 weeks ago
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9 years 5 weeks ago
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9 years 5 weeks ago
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Posts: 2381


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I think they're just venting half the time, not looking for a real answer.


Visa question aren't. And it's becoming more of a "Here's a link to the same question asked last week" situation.

9 years 5 weeks ago
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9 years 5 weeks ago
Posts: 3867


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You must be a registered user to vote!

it seems that some sort of Admin is needed: maybe having one is an expensive luxury.

I notice that the 'answer of the week' is almost 3 months old, the 3 questions on the main page are almost as old, and articles and news are either re-posts of re-posts or just lazy posting of someone else's terrible blog.


Some of the 'new' posters seem to be trolls posting under different names in the hope of stimulating extreme comments.

As MissA says, there is an element of 'venting' but when a new poster launches straight into extreme general 'questions' rather than genuine specific queries, and they so obviously fail to contribute with answers or any follow up debate, i would question the level of moderation on this forum.


true it is summer now and this means fewer new issues are being raised, but that is no reason for feeding trolls.


Hey!!! My 'answer of the day" is still there after 3 months cos it's so AWESOME!!!!! That's all!



9 years 5 weeks ago
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9 years 5 weeks ago
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9 years 5 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman