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Q: Do you all eat vitamins in China?

It's one thing I wish I'd brought with me from home. My skin is super dry here and I really feel like my general health has dropped since living in Beijing.

Do you all eat daily vitamins? Do you recommend it? Where can I buy some in Beijing?

12 years 43 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - Beijing

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I "eat" vitamins by eating a healthy diet with lots of green leaf vegetables, quite a bit of fish/seafood and some red meat. Very little processed foods.


I personally think synthetic vitamins are a scam and you can get all you need by eating healthily (and I'm NOT referring to tin-foil hat diets like Paleo, etc...)

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6 years 8 weeks ago
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I do. I take a calcium supplement and daily multi-vitamin to try to balance out the daily over-consumption of salt, fat, carbs etc. If you want to maintain your health then it's absolutely necessary to take some form of supplement. Can't help you with finding any in Beijing but I'm sure there's some kind of online store that could supply you there. 

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12 years 43 weeks ago
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I bought multi-vitamin tablets that you dissolve in water and drank a glass a day...until the day I found out that vitamin supplements are actually bad for you. Tests show that people who take vitamin supplements are at greater risk of getting cancer and dying younger. Now I just make sure to eat a few portions of fruit per day instead. Forget vitamin supplements, really!


valid sources or it didn't happen.

12 years 43 weeks ago
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That we need vitamins is not in dispute. Vitamins are a small group of substances that are essential in tiny quantities for growth and development. Most of them cannot be manufactured by the body and must come from our diet. But some people think that if you take vitamin pills by the handful, you don’t have to bother watching what you eat. It is easy to see the attraction of an approach whereby you can exist on junk food, have a terrible lifestyle and still be 'healthy'.

12 years 43 weeks ago
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12 years 43 weeks ago
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You only need vitamins if your diet is lacking otherwise you are wasteing your money. I eat large amounts of fruit,vegetables & fish and less meat in China and now in Australia with my mainly Chinese diet than I used to with my previous western diet. The only suppliment I take is fish oil.


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12 years 43 weeks ago
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6 years 8 weeks ago
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I take the "one-a-day energy" multivitamin. you can order them online. Its made by an American company. You can get them from Walmart if you are in Canada or America...but they sell them online... they are pretty good I think...each pill has the caffeine of a cup of coffee and has all the other vitamins you need. I don't drink coffee or anything with caffeine in it so its a nice little boost in the morning.

Shit, just noticed this is 6 years old thread...oh well fuck it.


ya,, 6 yrs old,, I wonder if she's found them by now? haha,,,   I used to buy Centrum off of taobao,,, but these days I bet any pharmacy would have some sorta vitamin supplements going on.

6 years 8 weeks ago
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6 years 8 weeks ago
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I "eat" vitamins by eating a healthy diet with lots of green leaf vegetables, quite a bit of fish/seafood and some red meat. Very little processed foods.


I personally think synthetic vitamins are a scam and you can get all you need by eating healthily (and I'm NOT referring to tin-foil hat diets like Paleo, etc...)

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6 years 8 weeks ago
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I take one a day,also New Zealand fish oil as well

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6 years 8 weeks ago
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Nope. I'm good.


Thanks for that status update. Otherwise, the people who started the thread six-and-a-half years ago might have missed out on some critical information.

6 years 8 weeks ago
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Ooh, scathing. You've bruised my ego alright. Did it make you feel better?

6 years 7 weeks ago
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6 years 8 weeks ago
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I try to get all my nutrition by eating right, but I'll take a multivitamin every now and then to supplement. That said, many vitamins are water soluble so you'll just pee out any excess your body doesn't need. However some vitamins are fat soluble so your body can store them longer. I see no harm in taking vitamins in moderation. 

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6 years 8 weeks ago
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I usually take a multivitamin and vitamin c in the winter. Also sometimes I'll take zinc. I usually bring some from home or buy some in hong kong or when I travel to japan or some other country. 

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6 years 8 weeks ago
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Unless you've been diagnosed by a competent doctor of having a specific vitamin or mineral deficency (unlikely), you're wasting your money and possibly harming your health by taking vitamins and other supplements.  Do the research, and don't be duped by the hype for medicating yourself.

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6 years 8 weeks ago
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I just used the old post to let people know that vitamins don't break down in the microwave because I was too lazy to start a new question. I can't tell you how many women have woke up the next morning in my bed and when I bring them breakfast in bed for the great night of exercise they say cooking in a microwave is bad, not thank you for making breakfast, nothing, maybe I should have given them some more snake sausage and I skip eating and take a blue pill and orange juice, some women are so ungrateful..

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6 years 8 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman