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Q: Do you feel fulfilled? (你幸福吗?)

This is a question asked by  CCTV  last year,all kinds of answers were given which must be out of the reporters' expectation.For me,as lots of the other ordinary Chinese, considering the high house price,low salary,pressure to support parents and kids,pollution,corruption,food safety,lack of morality in the society,and etc,it seems it's hard to say happiness.But on the other hand,lots of these problems have aroused wide controversy among people in this country and have been  top on the new government's agenda,so we have reason to believe things will change in the right direction in the following years.

To some extent,i am happy.As i really think just being alive is a happy thing.And i am healthy,don't need to worry about work, though my salary is still quite low,at least i have opportunity to study and learn if i want,then my salary would be higher and higher.I have families and friends and they love me,i still have dreams,i am a person with sympathy,passion,optimism,loyalty and honesty.So,in terms of these points,i am happy.Now,let's go back to the question,do you fell fulfilled?How do you define happiness?What's the happiest memories you had?Do you agree that happiness has more to do with people's attitude towards life than the material? Thanks for your anwers.May you a happy life whatever you do and wherever you are!

11 years 32 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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i will pop over to kick your ass whoever doesn't answer my question.

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11 years 32 weeks ago
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Happiness comes from can't buy happiness from the outside materialistic things. If you are happy you will truly know that you are. 


Being happy is a feeling and things can make you happy no doubt!  But things will make you happy for a short while. People are happiest when they are in love!

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11 years 32 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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I feel so happy when I am with my husband together,I'd call it happiness.

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11 years 32 weeks ago
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Real happiness it means learning to receive  the bad things in your life the same way you receive the best ones: thankfully and humble. Happiness it's not but a matter of how you translate everything that it happens with you into understanding, knowledge and wisdom. The more you feel released from the burden of getting more, the more you will feel free. Happiness it's freedom.


The real food of the body it's not the daily bread, or rice or noodles you can bump your body with, but the spirituality that comes as a result of understanding. You learn to receive and give back. You learn to receive or acquire goods and wealth and never stuck your heart into it. You learn to reach more goals and achieve fulfillment professionally, yet you learn how nothing you are or better said what you are not.


Definitely you rather are not much more than you think you are.


You learn to not get attached to anything at all, to anyone either and if you get attached to, you learn to accept the loss with peace and humility. Nevertheless you learn to nurture the best to make happy the ones you love. You learn to love and nurture people you are attached to with love.
If you can prevent the loss of your own materialistic good that makes you a good administrator. When you fight to prevent the loss of people in your life you learn to love them and keep loving them. By the time the loss occurs, whether by death or separation the wise receives it with humility and understanding that all it's a part of being given and giving back. Of course, the only separation that it makes you look like a fool it's a divorce. But out of it one may become wise learning from his own mistakes.

Nothing it's yours not even your life. You learn to understand that there's a day when you have to give back what it's been given at your birth: your own life. 

Above all these premises, if you learn to relate anything in your life to find the answer to questions like: why are you here and where are you to heading to, then maybe your life it won't be a waste at all. 

I personally believe that the answer to these questions is God and thus I know that happiness goes around understanding and knowing God. 

And yes, there is an intrinsic understanding about God anytime you love and keep learning to love yourself and anybody. 




In believing in God, you attach yourself 100% to something you can lose. The faith in God will not survive many dramatic life changing events, why would a good loving god make bad things happen to good people. 

Happiness is freedom. When you are attached to your religion, you are forced to live by the book, your own wellbeing matters less than that of the money making machine that is the church. You have sacrificed the ultimate reason for happiness, freedom, in return for becoming a part of something that effectively is an outdated tool for controlling the masses. 


If you read what your write, there is a duplicity in the fact that you write "you learn not to get attached to anything at all" and the fact that you attach yourself to a god. 

11 years 32 weeks ago
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I agree with you, Jeania.


Anyway, Scandinavian, everything you've said is completely wrong about the way I, and others live. I don't even go to Church.

11 years 32 weeks ago
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Not really, Scandi.


As Jeania says, don't hold onto anything - including one's beliefs. Obviously, it means that when the time comes to let go of the belief in a god, then it should also be done with humility and gratitude.

11 years 32 weeks ago
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yes I can read that too. but if being able to let go of "everything" is important, then why even mention a god, doing so implies holding on to the religion no matter what

11 years 32 weeks ago
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As a matter of fact, by nature you are bound to your mother and father. Likewise to me it means being bound to God who is my Creator. It is a natural and obvious fact that I cannot deny it. I observed and learnt from very early age that I have been created by God. I belong to God the same way I belong to my parents. Yet you can deny of your parents as well as you can deny of God. But that won't ever change the fact that you've been given life by your parents and been created by God. 

I am convinced that there is one single purpose in my life: I am here to know God, the one who made me and my parents. I don't get attached to them. I am attached by the law of nature though I can cut it loose anytime some touch of madness would make me to do so. 

In the way i see everything goes on, I always grow in this understanding that this is my only and greater purpose for being here. 


I used to go to church, but now I stopped for a long time a go, though I tried to visit it. From time to time, I do pay a visit but people tend to disappoint me very often and I prefer to stay home and inquire of God in the way you already know: praying and reading the Bible. 

I though to give those explanations out of the will to not let confusion and misunderstanding follow my post. No proselytism whatsoever it's been intended at all. 

11 years 32 weeks ago
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11 years 32 weeks ago
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Yes, everyday is awesome (well, with a few exceptions) 


Got my wife and a dog, what more do I need. 


Dog food :p

11 years 32 weeks ago
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yeah, and people food is good to have too, although the kibble is nice and crunchy. 

11 years 32 weeks ago
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damn dog just vomited on the floor

11 years 32 weeks ago
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When I choose to be, yes.


'Fulfillment' is a perspective, and perspectives can change (or be changed) in an instant. Just think for a second... you hear that your house has just burnt to the ground - you feel mortified. Then, you hear you favourite cat was saved - now how do you feel? It's all about perspective, hey!!


When I bog myself down in the materialistic here and now and all that crap, often things aren't feeling great. However, when I pull myself up, and put myself 'above' it all, then yeah, I feel good Smile

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11 years 32 weeks ago
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I learnt the more you buy the more you want and you will never be able to satisfy yourself. Now I'm happy to get home see the wife put on a smile and ask hows your day and vice versa I could not ask for anything more in life. A smile from a loved one is worth more than all the gold and diamonds in the world (in my opinion.)

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11 years 32 weeks ago
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A: Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside
A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77