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Q: Do you have any good kitchen tips?

Chinese kitchens present some challenges. I lack storage space, I lack table space, no dishwasher, I hate cleaning the stove and working in the kitchen is generally annoying because everything is a bit too low and the room is tiny.


Anyway. Amidst all the misery, here is something that can help make the time spent in the kitchen less painful. 

The hood above the stove has in most Chinese kitchens I've seen a small plastic tray where grease and stuff drips into. Once full, the nasty task of cleaning it starts. To make this faster and easier. Take a bit of paper tissue, about 3 sheets of TP, bunch it up, stick it in the tray. Then when the tray gets full, you simply replace the paper. 



(This is my 5555th post on this site. )

10 years 36 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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without reading your whole thing..... knock down a wall and make the kitchen I will read it.....

I have cleaned the little tray thing... onerous chore ..sticky shit ...I have sliding doors as many do to separate the greasy. gross kitchen from the beautiful,pleasant dining room and the even more pleasant living rooms............... first.. the wok and oil has to go..good luck.   I love my wifes cooking and she knows it...I'm hooked.

she is learning though.....  we have a mini oven..  works better and less work to cook chicken than a standing and stirring over the damned wok.  

back to point..  get an oven.... bigger fridge .... move a wall if need be.



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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Buy a wok, a wooden spoon, a large bowl, and a butcher knife. You are all set, you don't need anything else ^^ Seriously, I can cook dozens of dishes with just that. It saves a lot of space, and it's quickly washed.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Yeah, nice tip about the tissue paper.

I have the same kind of stove/cooker hood in my kitchen and I'll have to tell my ayi about the TP household hint since she's getting a little tired of cleaning that damn plastic tray every six months or so.

So, what do you do with the left-over cooking oil that you've just drowned your veggies, eggs, and meats in? Dump it down the sink for some clogging action? Let it congeal overnight and use it again the next morning to fry the bacon, tomatoes and toast? Or do you do what I do?

I use cooking oil once and only once. Any excess, after it cools, goes into a mayonnaise or other good-sized jar stored under the sink and when full, it goes into the recycling bin on the pavement in front of my apartment block.

Anything for a cleaner and greener Chiner!


I dump it in my empty coffee mate glass jars and throw it out with the trash.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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  Yeh, don't make the mistake I made and rent a place with a kitchen that has a window sized hole in the wall that connects it with the toilet. We only moved in here 'cause the wife was pregnant and it's on the 2nd floor. But now i'm stuck in a place where I can hear the mother-in-law taking a dump while i'm frying breakfast, and worse than that I made the mistake of looking up at the ceramic tiled ceiling in front of the hole one time when she was having a shower (had to lean in to do it, don't ask me why I did, i'm my own worst enemy) and caught a perfect reflection of her arse. Looked like two large hams covered in cottage cheese. I didn't eat for a week.


I live on the bottom floor of 6- story building. When I am sitting on the toilet (...reading news....), and somebody from upper floors flushes the toilet, I get all stinky air (which 'travel' in front of the dump in the pipe) out of my bowl. I can hear, when somebody (2 or 3 floors above me) flushes the toilet. I'm like C. Lewis in the first 2 sec. after gun shot…..I have a garden thou….


I just want you make in peace. There are much worst things around in our 'mansions'.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Wait a minute...Wait a minute... Aren't YOU the guy that "accidentally" walked in on your your MIL nekked in the bathtub some months back, having her back scrubbed??? And suddenly you DO IT AGAIN??? SPYING on the old lady while she's taking a dump or showering????

You are a very naughty boy and I'm sure your MIL would be tickled pink to catch you In flagrante delicto one of these days between the ole flap-flap ham and the curdled cottage cheese... Sheesh!  enlightened

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I never have the stove tray with oil inside. At home we cook Italian and we wash it with hot water and dish soap it as soon as it gets the minimum shade on it.

Stove fan filters are also washed regularly, at least once a month.

And yes, first thing I do when I move to a new apartment/house, it's either the apartment/house has been just decorated/re-decorated, or the first thing I do is just throwing away the existing stove and fan.

You all know how the look like once used and abused by the regular Wang family.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Get married

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Quad fives eh....strewth.  What the hell else have you been doing you old Scandinavian bastard! you qualify for a new bathmat now?




I do have a lot of points yeah, but still waiting for the option to either have a bathmat or be able to donate some rice to some hungry people. 

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Yes that's right...Whatever became of that redeeming points for charity idea?  And I think the idea was yours, wasn't it?

I've got 1500 odd and I'd be happy if they could manifest themselves as a bowl of food for a hungry person.


10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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