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Q: Do you have a favourite pet troll?

I'm thinking about getting one, but I know how here in China, everything is fake. I want a REAL troll!


Also, I don't know much about their habits... What should I feed them? How often do I need to feed them? Do I need to give them lots of attention, or are they ok to be left on their own?


I know that China does have its own breed of troll... are they any better or worse than other trolls? Any special requirements for my Chinese troll? And how do I really tell the difference between a Chinese troll, and (say) an American troll? (I'm presuming a real troll from Finland or Norway would be waaayyy too expensive...).


Is it even legal to own a Chinese troll in China? (in either sense Tongue)


Thanks for your help!

9 years 9 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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My favourite troll goes by the Latin name of this species which is Vickius Strawberus. Sometimes she is a very quiet type of troll and is seldom heard, but when she does wake up things get more interesting. She only responds well to owners with pale skin, the closer to pure white the better. She will sometimes ask quite sensible questions but beware this type of troll can be very deceptive. If you dare to answer she only accepts views in line with her own. Possibly the IQ number needs to be raised before this troll is ready to accept dissenting opinions. Sorrel is right about the mirrors these are very important, allowing the troll to continually confirm her own opinion of herself. Mirrors do need to be large enough to accommodate the quite prodigious rear end of this model. Fairly easy to look after as the behaviou patterns are quite predictable. The troll will begin on what appears to be a fairly sensible discussion. Troll owners who are new to this species should accept this type of behaviour ;as a warning sign. The troll is likely to issue increasingly intense viewpoints, even going as far as verbally abusing those who like to pet this type of troll. It is known to follow the performance of the famed Oozlum bird, spinning faster and faster in a web of it's own infallibility before disappearing up it's own rear end, never to be seen again until some foolhardy person puts forward an answer she does not like. Known to like travel which enables this troll to spread the virtues of trollness as far as a mystical land known only as NY. Can be entertaining but troll petters get quickly bored due to this type of troll always giving the same performance. Feeding habits are quite easy provided you buy food from the correct feed supplier. The most reliable source is from a feed supplier called BK. this is good as this type of troll will readily accept any food from this supplier and it has the advantage of being readily available anywhere, even as far as the fabled land of NY. Mating habits are likewise fairly simple provided the rules are followed. The only rule you need to be aware of is not to introduce this type of troll to any potential mate whose plumage is not the purest white. Any attempts to introduce event the slightest of darker plumage will result in immediate rejection and great loss of face to all those involved, possibly even as far as precious possessions such as LV and Gucci (both fake) being ejected from the mating pen as well as the unlucky mate. Whilst this type of troll can be found in many environments it must be noted that some areas have actually banned this type of troll due to some bouts of excessive vocalizations so before attempting any interaction with this type please check with your local environment protection agents that this troll can be safely engaged.

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9 years 9 weeks ago
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I don't know the answer, but if you call SAFEA, they will tell you.


Poster in need is a pest, as lying yourself!angel

9 years 9 weeks ago
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9 years 9 weeks ago
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Chinese trolls survive on a diet of blind nationalism.

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9 years 9 weeks ago
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But do not feed them after midnight otherwise they will multiply (use the Gremlins movie as a rough guide and you should be fine)

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9 years 9 weeks ago
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You are right not to consider a Scandinavian troll as you would need a bridge, mountain or lake to keep one in: quite an expensive investment.


Chinese trolls require a lot of attention as they are quite sensitive.

if you leave them alone too long, they spout random nonsense to get your attention, although they get 'hurt feelings' quite regularly.

be sure to have plenty of mirrors for a Chinese troll so it doesn't get too lonely.

you may find they they get repetitive in their behavior: almost like OCD.


some non-Chinese trolls can be left alone for longer  periods as they are often quite happy to spout rubbish regardless of who it within hearing.

consider getting a pair so they are happy when you can not attend to yours.



many make claims of being one kind of troll when in fact they are another kind of troll.

observation is the key here to make sure you know what you are taking on.



all trolls need feeding.

if you forget to feed them or don't provide a mirror, they will become impotent.


but please ask yourself:

why do you want a troll? 

for entertainment of for hunting purposes.


a troll is not only for christmas, but for (it's) life.

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9 years 9 weeks ago
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My favourite troll goes by the Latin name of this species which is Vickius Strawberus. Sometimes she is a very quiet type of troll and is seldom heard, but when she does wake up things get more interesting. She only responds well to owners with pale skin, the closer to pure white the better. She will sometimes ask quite sensible questions but beware this type of troll can be very deceptive. If you dare to answer she only accepts views in line with her own. Possibly the IQ number needs to be raised before this troll is ready to accept dissenting opinions. Sorrel is right about the mirrors these are very important, allowing the troll to continually confirm her own opinion of herself. Mirrors do need to be large enough to accommodate the quite prodigious rear end of this model. Fairly easy to look after as the behaviou patterns are quite predictable. The troll will begin on what appears to be a fairly sensible discussion. Troll owners who are new to this species should accept this type of behaviour ;as a warning sign. The troll is likely to issue increasingly intense viewpoints, even going as far as verbally abusing those who like to pet this type of troll. It is known to follow the performance of the famed Oozlum bird, spinning faster and faster in a web of it's own infallibility before disappearing up it's own rear end, never to be seen again until some foolhardy person puts forward an answer she does not like. Known to like travel which enables this troll to spread the virtues of trollness as far as a mystical land known only as NY. Can be entertaining but troll petters get quickly bored due to this type of troll always giving the same performance. Feeding habits are quite easy provided you buy food from the correct feed supplier. The most reliable source is from a feed supplier called BK. this is good as this type of troll will readily accept any food from this supplier and it has the advantage of being readily available anywhere, even as far as the fabled land of NY. Mating habits are likewise fairly simple provided the rules are followed. The only rule you need to be aware of is not to introduce this type of troll to any potential mate whose plumage is not the purest white. Any attempts to introduce event the slightest of darker plumage will result in immediate rejection and great loss of face to all those involved, possibly even as far as precious possessions such as LV and Gucci (both fake) being ejected from the mating pen as well as the unlucky mate. Whilst this type of troll can be found in many environments it must be noted that some areas have actually banned this type of troll due to some bouts of excessive vocalizations so before attempting any interaction with this type please check with your local environment protection agents that this troll can be safely engaged.

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9 years 9 weeks ago
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Ah, I noticed the typo. You meant favourite petrol.  Well, when I was younger I went to Exxon, but now use Phillips 66 as they usually have leaded gas.


I prefer what they Chinese refer to as Zero(Hedge). It doesn't need a spark to get it going but does require attention and replies to its incessant pinging on here or it goes into meltdown and then It Couldn't Notice It Falsified Its 77 hours talking to the mythical SAFEA (or should that be CFTU or STFU?)

9 years 9 weeks ago
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9 years 9 weeks ago
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I don't know about a real troll from Norway, but you could probably recoup the expenses for purchasing a Finntroll through ticket sales for the concerts.

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9 years 9 weeks ago
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me. i'm the most endearing troll, for engaging in troll topics like this one.

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9 years 9 weeks ago
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go get kitty cat

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8 years 3 weeks ago
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