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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Do you know where to register for the free chinese classes for expats in Guangzhou?
I just read an article about it a couple of days ago but I sent an email to them but no reply. Does anyone know the number or the person in charge? I believe they would begin Dec 3rd and last about 20 days. If anyone knows any info I would appreciate it.
Nothing is free in this world. If they haven''t replied back to you, you can bet your bottom dollar something is going on with this so called free class. Just find a friend language partner and have them teach you or tutor you to help you with your chinese. It shouldn't be hard to find someone that can speak both English and Chinese. You are in China!
where did you read the article? maybe contact who ever wrote it.
You are talking about ‘Amazing Guangzhou-Cross-Cultural Program for Expatriated’ held by Guangzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office. Send me email, I can register for you.