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Q: Do you push the "Close Door" button on lifts

In the building I live in, lifts are from Otis, the close button has absolutely zero effect, the doors close 2,5 seconds after they have opened or the door sensor has sensed someone entering/exiting. However all the neighbors are always hammering the close door button as soon as they have pressed the floor they want to go to. 


Do you press the button ? Are you Chinese ? 

11 years 46 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Yes, I press the close door button.  I also press the open door button when I arrive to my floor, but before the doors begin to open.  And when I am outside waiting for the elevator to arrive to my floor, I also press both the up and down buttons, regardless of which direction I would like to go.


Do you also push the open door button immediately after someone has pushed the close door button? That would really help start conversations with new people. smiley

11 years 46 weeks ago
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Yes, I can imagine it now:

Them: Gan ma?

Me: *Shrug*

11 years 46 weeks ago
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11 years 46 weeks ago
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This is funny, I always take notice to this.

I only push it if I am in a hurry, but usually I refrain from touching something that has been touched by people all day. It only makes a second of difference anyways. I am not a germaphobe, but if I have just washed my hands I don't want to touch something that I don't need to if it is dirty. 

The Chinese always push it as if the door would not close if you didn't push it. I like to make them scramble to push the button when they realize that I am not going to push it, or simply make them wait. Just a little thing in my day to make things more amusing.

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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Rarely I found myself alone in the it is obvious my Chinese colleagues or Local people do this..I think it they are habituated for this..

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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yes i's been a habit for awhile now cause am just in hurry to reach my destination these days as if i am running from something and i don't even know the reason

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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I usually press the close door button, and tbh when I do the lift closes almost immediately, Does it save time? Not much, but tbh it's easier if I do it (if I'm standing by the buttons) than having a horde of locals reach across me to press it themselves.


As an aside I was recently in a lift at work which I accessed from the 17th floor at rush hour, I went up as I knew the lifts going down would be full by the time they got to me. On the 18th floor someone got in while on his smartphone talking, very animatedly and pressed the basement button about 20 times in some kind of frenzy and started getting really angry when the lift went up. So I pressed the 30th floor button, and he got even angrier. When the lift got to the 30th floor he got even MORE angry when I didn't get out, So I pressed every button on the way down, he was almost apoplectic!. He got out on the 10th floor and dived down the stairs! Laugh? I nearly bought the beer! Silly, childish, cruel? Yes, but I did find it VERY amusing.

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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Only if someone is coming.

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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Nope. I am not an Otis Tech, but I just have a feeling it doesn't really do anything. Perhaps a true Tech will come across this thread and give us the low-down...

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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Well usually  I don't, but sometimes when the elevator is already full of people and I see some other people rushing to get in and squeeze us to death as if we are taking the last flight to heaven, I press the close door button and keep it pressed. It won't shorten time but it will prevent the door from being re-opened by someone outside after it starts to close. It is funny that some people can't wait the elevator to come back in few minutes, they push in, then when the overload alarm  goes off, they look at you hoping you get out, while you may be the first who got in.

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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I only push the "Close Door" button when I see a certain little fat Chinese guy that works in the office opposite to ours coming to get in the lift.

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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No, too much work.

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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Yes. I'm in a hurry and if you're screwing around instead of queued up to get on I will close the door on you. 


does the push of the button make any difference in the lifts you are using ? 

11 years 46 weeks ago
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Saves a few seconds.

11 years 46 weeks ago
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11 years 46 weeks ago
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There is some general elevator knowledge here


Personally I will, if going towards ground floor, often stand by the button panel, blocking it, so people getting on will stand, fingers itching to press the button, but they cannot

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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I press it and sometimes i press the open door button if someone is running to the elevator.

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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I've been thinking about this question for a long time now. I've been meaning to respond forever, but... I never got around to it, and kept forgetting about it. Every time I go to the elevators, I remember this question, but the daily grind makes me forget to reply.


Right, so anyway... we have several "OTIS" elevators in my complex, and they all act differently. Some of them will close immediately after hitting the door button, while others wait 2.5 seconds. Another might take 5 seconds to react to the button.


It's pretty random, and unless you memorize which ones work correctly (this is China), you might forget which one does what, or just do it out of habit.

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11 years 34 weeks ago
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Here's my serious answer.  At my company, people (including me) will press the "close door" button BEFORE they press the button for which floor they want to go to, because that door will stay open indefinitely unless you press the button.  Definitely will save some time.


At the local shopping center where I go to the gym, the door has about a 0.001 second delay before closing after you press which floor you want to go to.   People (not including me this time) still press the close door button anyways, usually after the door is within inches of being completely closed already.


Hulk's right.  They're all different.  TIC.

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11 years 34 weeks ago
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I never even touch the 'close' button because there always are plenty of people doing that anyway. It seems all Chinese like to do this and so everyone entering will hit that button; it must be a form of Chinese competition. LOL

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11 years 34 weeks ago
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I am inpatient, so i do Smile

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11 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 43 weeks ago
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Yes....  if you don't hit the button here, the doors will stay open for a full, unbearable 20 seconds.  In that moment, everybody inside the elevator is blankly staring out, wondering how long until the doors will close.  #// Button mashers unite!

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10 years 43 weeks ago
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I do EVERY SINGLE TIME since I came to China, even when I go back home. Just become a habit. When I don't I feel like I am wasting my life.. 

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10 years 43 weeks ago
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I do it to slightly speed things up but if I see someone else coming I'll hold the door open button to wait for then. What seriously pisses me off is when a local gets in the lift, sees me or others coming and purposely presses the close door button so they don't have to wait for anyone else. Pure selfishness that trick!

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10 years 43 weeks ago
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and I get so mad if there's somebody by the buttons and doesn't press it...

In my country there's no closing door button in elevators and it drives me crazy every time I look for it and I don't find it.


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10 years 43 weeks ago
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I need to do something with my finger - so it's either that or picking my nose

10 years 43 weeks ago
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10 years 43 weeks ago
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When I was in Shanghai last for a visit, my Shanghai friends showed me a neat little trick in Chinese elevators -- something like pressing the close door button and someother button at the same time and then hitting the floor number button that you desire and you are whisked non-stop to that floor.  It did work, at least with them, but I'll be darned if I can remember the second button in the sequence.


any responsible person googles what features the lifts have. there are in Otis lifts dip switches in the control panel to enable and disable these features. our lift used to be able to do this, now it cannot. 

10 years 43 weeks ago
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Thank you dear Scandinavian. I don't spend my free time googling lifts. If I do anything googling-wise involving lifts, it is the kind of lift that I place in my brassiere. Got it, dear Swedish meatball?

10 years 43 weeks ago
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she gotcha Scando...  :-p

10 years 43 weeks ago
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10 years 43 weeks ago
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A: Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside
A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77