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Q: Do you really hate China or are you just venting?

At face value a significant amount of posters on this forum appear to hate China and perhaps are even racist. Now that is up to you, I'm not going to start making accusations about that, but I have the 'usual' questions.


If you hate China and the Chinese so much, why do you stay?

Do you say these things to Chinese people you meet?


Of course many of you may just be 'venting', again your choice. In general I love China, of course there are things I find annoying, but I keep them to myself or at least to the confines of my close friends. I try to think of it along the lines of how I would like immigration to be in the UK (my home country), I would prefer it if the immigrants would attempt to integrate and get along, so that is what I am trying here. My exception is the insanely dangerous driving habits, that one I REALLY struggle to contain.


And please note, I am NOT pointing ANY fingers at any one poster or any group of posters.

12 years 6 days ago in  Lifestyle - Other cities

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Um, yeah, oops, this is a pretty accurate description of me, actually, although I don't think I'm racist. I expected to love China, but I didn't, I disliked life there very much indeed. I wouldn't say hate, though.... that's going too far.


So I left. I came back to a country that I do love and am considerably happier here. I look back on my time in China with a great deal of sadness. My time in China was an unhappy time and, even though I consider myself pretty good at adapting to new places and things, I could not cut through the bullshit to make any meaningful connection with a single Chinese person in the whole time I was in the country. The silver lining was the support I received from the few westerners I knew.


I don't think it's always as easy as simply saying: 'if you don't like it, leave' (I know you're not saying this Hugh, but it is a common refrain). Most expats have work/family/financial commitments that make leaving difficult. For me, in the end, us leaving was surprisingly easy and absolutely the right choice.

ED Should also add: those people 'just venting' are not neccessarily wrong in their statements about China either. China does probably have more bullshit (sorry mod) per capita than any place I've been.... and there's a lot of people!



           Thank you for your honest comments.



12 years 5 days ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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Well, some do not have access to fellow expats except on this site.  And many rather share their venting here, where they will not offend their Chinese friends or give China a bad image to their friends back in the West.  Here, there are people who love being in China and who have gone through similar situations who may offer solutions, insight or even just a simple "I hear ya".

Speaking only for myslef, I am the only Westerner in my university.  I do not want to complain about certain things here in China with my friends back in the West because many of them are still stuck in the Cold War or, will only concentrate on the negative aspects. I learned this early on, when I was new here. I was letting off some steam on webcam with a buddy of mine back home and he asked "why do you stay in that sh*t hole".

Here, it is almost like "family" (along with squabbles, etc). We let out our steam here, we get our advice or sympathy here, and we dont offend our Chinese friends in real life nor do we give a poor image of China overseas.


Fair point, and thanks for sharing it.

12 years 6 days ago
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  Yours appears to be one of the voices of reason and common sense within this forum, and as i've said before, I see the need to vent when you are angry, but for me this is not the place, the reason being that I know many very kind, very decent Chinese people who might very easily come to a site such as this because they have an interest in learning/studying/practising Englsh and an interest in western cultures. For this reason I would never use such an open forum as a place to vent my angers and frustrations, and i'm talking about the kind of angry moments which make one want to scream "(add insulting adjective of your choice) Chinese people are all (add insulting noun of your choice)!!!!!" because I would never want to offend those people. Some might think me soft for that, but I know racism, I understand the ignorance and childish fears which drive it, and i've been a victim of it. I have scars on three sides of my head as a result of a racist attack and I have a fracture in the left side of my jaw from defending someone from a racist attack. I'm not being a goody goody, i'm being an adult.

12 years 6 days ago
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Gaohoa, I respect your decision to not use this site as a venting board about China because you don't want to offend a Chinese person who may or may not come here to study their English or learn about Western culture, but one of the beautiful things about most Western cultures is the ability to vent. Venting isn't necessarily a means to be disparaging or racist or offensive. It is just that... venting. It's a way of communicating our differences and speaking our minds, another beautiful tradition of our culture. Westerners vent about anything and everything, and then they move on. It's a healthy outlet for the psyche. And because many expats are isolated in their Chinese community, this is a perfect place. People can come and go as they please, learn an expat's view of China, and for us China virgins, get a more realistic story about what to expect in China than what you get from the tourist books or I <3 China sites.

During my time here, there have been many Chinese people who have visited the site. Some have come to cause trouble (just like some westerners), but several have given answers and reasons as to why things happen the way they do in China, and have actually helped in some situations. 

This site is meant for expats. Why shouldn't they use it as they see fit AND as is permitted by the administration?


12 years 6 days ago
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  Mrs Panda, what can I say? I believe in freedom of speech and if this site forbade people to exercise it I may well be the one to break that rule. It just seems to me that one has a responsibility in one's actions (hehe, I swear, I almost never use the word 'one' this much, it sounds kind of twatish) and that includes the way we speak.

   I can recognize that most people are just venting and I see that as a healthy thing. I'm also aware however that many people pass through this site and I wonder whether what they take away with them will them will go on to positive effect. If you walked past two strangers and heard one say to the other "Yeh, that Hugapada's a right bitch" it wouldn't matter if they talked it out and changed their minds later, you'd continue with that initial ugly message printed indelibly upon your brain. That's why we only talk about you behind your back.

  It matters what people say. Martin Luther King wouldn't have made such a positive impression if he'd said "I believe people that one day we will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white motherfuckers and little white bitches and walk together as sisters and brothers." In fact it may have caused some pretty - major - problems if he had. Did he ever think that way? At that time in history he'd have had to have been born a saint to have never had an angry racist thought.

  At the end of the day everyone's the same. You go to a White Supremacist rally and all you find are a bunch of people venting. Some of them will likely change their bigoted opinions over time but it wouldn't stop you expressing to them what you believe to be a more enlightened version of the truth. Should they be allowed to vent and spread their bigotry in such a public manner as a rally? Now there's a question which will challenge your views on freedom of speech, but if I am to support freedom of speech, which I do, I would have to say yes. Would you ever, under any circumstances agree, laugh or shrug off any public expression of racial hatred towards black people in America, be it transient or otherwise? I'm quite certain you would not. So why do you find the same such behaviour acceptable here on this public forum?

  My wife is Chinese, and my son is half Chinese. They are good people. Well the wife is, my son's a right little........ Aagh! Sometimes I just wanna.......

  Sorry, where were we? Oh yeh, good people. Lost my thread. Yeh, I just don't like to think of good people being subjected to ugliness. I don't know of any other way to put it. It just seems wrong to be blase about such casual bigotry. And just 'cause we feel a bit fed up sometimes and want to moan about it, it doesn't make it alright. Not in my mind. It just doesn't. Beyond which who is to say what kind of knock on effects such racial slandering may have upon other visitors to China?


  Lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime. And, departing, leave behind us footprints on the sands of time.

 H.W Longfellow (the most popular American Poet of the 19th century, 1807-1882)

12 years 6 days ago
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hUGS: THOSE THAT POST REMIND YOU OF ANYONE??? sorry for the caps. throwing in MLK and odd quotes.

12 years 6 days ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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Um, yeah, oops, this is a pretty accurate description of me, actually, although I don't think I'm racist. I expected to love China, but I didn't, I disliked life there very much indeed. I wouldn't say hate, though.... that's going too far.


So I left. I came back to a country that I do love and am considerably happier here. I look back on my time in China with a great deal of sadness. My time in China was an unhappy time and, even though I consider myself pretty good at adapting to new places and things, I could not cut through the bullshit to make any meaningful connection with a single Chinese person in the whole time I was in the country. The silver lining was the support I received from the few westerners I knew.


I don't think it's always as easy as simply saying: 'if you don't like it, leave' (I know you're not saying this Hugh, but it is a common refrain). Most expats have work/family/financial commitments that make leaving difficult. For me, in the end, us leaving was surprisingly easy and absolutely the right choice.

ED Should also add: those people 'just venting' are not neccessarily wrong in their statements about China either. China does probably have more bullshit (sorry mod) per capita than any place I've been.... and there's a lot of people!



           Thank you for your honest comments.



12 years 5 days ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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if i say it is wrong for the govt to forcibly abort a fetus (murder under chinese law) does that mean i hate china? does that mean i am racist against chinese people? if i say it i wrong to  have cancer/ aids camps (and deny them access to medical treatment) in order to hide the fact that they exist. does that make me a racist? does that mean i hate china? If i say it is wrong to show complete disregard for the life of someone else (your own countrymen) by aiming your car into a crowd of people , stepping on the gas while blowing the horn. does that mean i hate chinese people? if i say it is wrong to live with no food health or safety standards, because people could die unnecessarily. un top of that have doctors lie and tell people they have frost bite in 20C degree weather, in order to cover for the fact they have some type of poisoning from bad oil. does that mean i'm a racist and that i hate china?  If i say people should be educated and not indoctrinated does that make me a bad person? I can live with the filthy cultural habits (spitting , crapping anywhere everywhere) i can work around the lieing scamming cheating. but i can not stand by and watch other human beings suffering in 2012.


WUMAO (nice to see you decided to put some mileage on your other account)  FAIL!


iN THE usa (my home country , actually) it is not perfect. i would want immigrants to adopt the good aspects of america but i would not want them to adopt the bad aspects (guns, drugs, gangs etc.) 

that is the difference between being a real person and playing a real person on the internet

12 years 6 days ago
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The big public forcible abortion case happened just the day after I booked my tickets to freedom; if I hadn't already planned to leave, I think that would have tipped me over the line. Forced abortion makes me want to puke, I can't imagine what the mothers must suffer.

12 years 6 days ago
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People hate what is true...Crimochina speaks truth and will be shot down by fellow travelers and Stalin-defenders.

12 years 6 days ago
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i come to this site because i think i have a crush on crimochina..


12 years 6 days ago
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this post is made of WIN

11 years 49 weeks ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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Yep, I hate China and am totally racist (not prejudiced, as you are using the word, but racist, in the classical sense of the definition) against Chinese people.

Edit: Thanks so much for the "thumbs down!" Obviously, English is not your native language, as evidenced by the fact that you cannot recognize satire. You are blinded by your own prejudice (what you would call racism), I suppose.

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12 years 6 days ago
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It's definitely just venting. People complain all the time, but you're living in China surrounded by Chinese it is not so easy too. Chinese are so sensitive about China and their culture, if you say something critical they get very sensitive.

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12 years 6 days ago
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I do hate China. I actually do. I will say so. I enjoy my life here, but most things Chinese are terrible. Let me give a few examples

-High suicide rates

-No concept of honor, only face

-Crass materialism (LV buys the front page of a newspaper?)

-No civic sense of virtue (Wang Yue Yue)




-Amorality allowed for men, punished for women

-one of the Highest rates of automobile deaths per capita

Getting drunk now....


Trust me, the 'getting drunk' bit persists after you leave China...

12 years 6 days ago
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Well, yes and no. China doesn't make me drink. But the sheer inability to do anything about THEM encourages me to drink. It is, a sort of , meta-physical impotence, in which you lose your will to change the situation.


12 years 6 days ago
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I do hate the USA. I actually do. I will say so. I enjoy my life here, but most things American are terrible. Let me give a few examples

-High suicide rates/Homicide rate

-No concept of honor, check out the Bankers

-Crass materialism  - what does money NOT buy in the USA

-No civic sense of virtue (Wang Yue Yue)   what is this?

-Corruption - Bankers again

-Censorship  Fox news

-Doublespeak Fox news

-Amorality allowed for men, exploited for women The largest porn industry in the world

 the Highest rates of gun deaths per capita

Getting drunk now....taking drugs now


12 years 6 days ago
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search for amnesty international, human rights watch, or any other humanitarian organization and please read their report on China. Thank you.

12 years 6 days ago
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I'm a member of Amnesty and that's why I try to balance comments here.  I can still have my own personal opinions. ; 'He who is without sin, cast the first stone'

12 years 6 days ago
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l WUMAO FAIL!!! CHINESE RHETORIC!! ONLY IDOTS WATCH FOXNEWS AND BELIEVE WHAT THEY SAY. people have choices and can get their information from any source in the world there is no censorship!!!! i can surf to any website and get news and notes whether it contradicts with the govts stance or not!!! 

12 years 6 days ago
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Sweet Mother of God, you claim to be a member of an organization that CRASHES BAIDU?


12 years 6 days ago
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women choose to enter the porn industry . womens rights, you want to praise china as a shining example of womens rights are you pucking serious!?!?!?!?!! forced abortion!!!! divorced women are treated like trash! am i insane or does anyone else see these 3 accounts as 1 wumao!?!? because everything they are spewing is propaganda. 

12 years 6 days ago
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Wow Crimo, are you suggesting that a large number of your fellow countrymen are idiots?

12 years 6 days ago
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I don't understand what you mean 'crashes Baidu'   is this some sort of Americanism?

It's certainly not English as I know it.

12 years 6 days ago
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i'm not a nationalist loke. i speak the truth on all fronts. which is why it is plain to see you are a WUMAO!




12 years 6 days ago
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'women choose to enter the porn industry', so you've never heard of human trafficking, it seems to be a very large industry both in China and the USA, which by the way, the USA consumes and makes most of the pornography.

12 years 6 days ago
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безумная сука talks too much. Go back to Stalin.

12 years 6 days ago
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"but most things American are terrible." Ah, here we are again with another fine example of Euro-trash! And damn, I can't tell you how TIRED I AM of the IDIOTS from the U.K. that exemplify this type of garbage!!!!!!! :( (That I have read about and met..UNFORTUNATELY!) We Americans know the kind..the type that run their mouths with their stupid whining to Americans about FUTBOL..I DON'T WANT TO SAY 'SOCCER' IN CASE SOME BRIT HAS A FIT!!!!!!!!!!! :(....and "WHHHHHYYYYYY isn't futbol more popular in your country?!" blah blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!!!!! STFU!!!!!!!!!! :(

* Now, loke bitch..first of all, as crimo said the problems in the U.S.A. are completely different from fact, if you knew ANYTHING about China and the United States would know that China has 10 times the problems of the U.S.A...YOU NOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( * Americans like crimo and I ARE WELL AWARE of the problems facing our country, and we don't need some LITTLE SHIT like you broadcasting them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Have you ever lived in my country? Probably not! Have you ever even visited my country? Probably not! * THEN, WHY DON'T YOU GO F*** YOURSELF???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( i Es tan grocero!!!!!!!!!!!! :( i Que bruto!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( BICHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Eres un imbecil!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

12 years 6 days ago
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'WELL AWARE of the problems facing our country, and we don't need some LITTLE SHIT like you broadcasting them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *'  

Could the Chinese say the same thing about people 'venting' here?

A little of your own medicine seems to cause typical angry outbursts.

12 years 6 days ago
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OK Crimo...I see it now. Maybe not a triple personality...but I see it.

12 years 6 days ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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It's not that I hated China, and it's not that I didn't have an idea of what I was getting into when I went over there, but I think all the little things get to you rather quickly. I suppose what really turned me off from going back is the fact that you never get a straightforward and informative answer, and people didn't volunteer information that could have been useful. "If/then" didn't seem to be in their vocabulary, only "maybe." For example, say someone asks me if I want to go on a trip. However, if I didn't ask, they wouldn't tell me anything, like how long it would take to get there, how long we would stay, if I needed to bring anything. Well, perhaps that's because they don't really know themselves. Which leads to another point of disorganization, even on the simplest level. I'm not exactly organized, my apartment was usually a mess, but if I plan to go somewhere or do something, I know what I need to know. However, will anybody be willing to give me the answers I need? Don't even get me started on how much of a headache it is to find a decent job online. Sure, there are plenty of jobs, but how many are actually decent and do what they promise? I was also hoping to improve my Mandarin, however there are several obstacles in the way that made it unlikely. For instance, people that spoke to me wanted to practice their English, but even more than that, so many of them didn't have good Mandarin. Since the people I spoke to came from many different cities, there was no one standard accent to draw from, it made it quite difficult to learn Mandarin properly. There were some positives, like learning to live in apartment with cockroaches and gaining confidence, but I think the negatives totally outnumber them. I think what disappointed me most is that to truly have a positive experience, you have to dig your roots in and make a real commitment to live in China, which was not my goal. 

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12 years 6 days ago
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when you tout usa "amorality" (because porn is legal) you clearly are talking with your head up your ass. in china young girls are allowed to be kidnapped and sold as wives or massage girls. part of the 1 child policy enforcement. and you claim to be a member of amnesty intl. seriously??? and you are supporting a govt that allows gang to dismember human beings so that they can go on the street and beg for money??? you use usa usa as your examples. usa is among the worse out of western countries and it still does not have half the problems china has. 


you are exposed. lokethebloke, gaohao, and hughgrection (that name itself reveals you as chinese no expat would ever use that name, not the reason you think, please no one tell him)


Can I suggest that you read  carefully the comments towards the end of the Graffiti post.   If you are clever enough they will tell exactly where I come from.

12 years 6 days ago
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We don't care where you come from

-Either you are like Shaw and Chomsky, willing to praise a regime which takes part in genocide and murder for as long as it says America is bad,

-Or you are an ignorant man. I have no time for this charade, this mindless drivel. If three international organizations AI, Human Rights Watch, Freedom House, and the NOBEL COMMITTEE have decided, why should we listen to you?

-China's best IR/diplomatic ties  are  with the DPRK, Pakistan, Burma, and Cambodia. Even the Russian after Stalin saw the marriage of convenience as a sham. What's the matter with you man?

12 years 6 days ago
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I'm totally tired of seeing you accusing everyone WuMao. Grow up kid, be an adult. There's hundreds of expats here, there gonna be someone does not praise your thoughts; and that's OK. That's life, Crim; you have to face it. Whereever you are coming from, I assume you are from somewhere has free will, or at least has more freedom than China. So I thought you would be used to others raising different opinion. But well, maybe I was wrong. In terms of accepting different opinions, you act very "Chinese".


oh, by the way. I'm Chinese. accuse me of WuMao, or 6, 7,8,9 Mao, I'll admit it. Oh you know what? In fact I'm 1 Yuan. Yes, I'm 1 Yuan. I need to phone the payroll lady. I deserve a raise.


12 years 6 days ago
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siyingyuan: i don't expect you to be able to read someone's post and know that they are not british. you do not know the slight differences between languages. if i came online and tried to pose as a chinese person and lie to make china seem worse than it is, that would be an insult to all chinese people and the gov of china. learn these 2 words "honor" and "integrity" and i mean fully understand why they are important

12 years 6 days ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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Chomsky is good.  

USA does not?


What on Earth does that mean?  Father of modern linguistics & US does not?  Maybe I just haven't had enough to drink yet where that statement even begins to be more than gibberish.

12 years 6 days ago
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raskinik   commented   - 




We don't care where you come from

-Either you are like Shaw and Chomsky, willing to praise a regime which takes part in genocide and murder for as long as it says America is bad,

-Or you are an ignorant man. I have no time for this charade, this mindless drivel. If three international organizations AI, Human Rights Watch, Freedom House, and the NOBEL COMMITTEE have decided, why should we listen to you?

-China's best IR/diplomatic ties  are  with the DPRK, Pakistan, Burma, and Cambodia. Even the Russian after Stalin saw the marriage of convenience as a sham. What's the matter with you man?



I was referring to Chomsky and to the reference to genocide and murder

12 years 6 days ago
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face it dude the jig is up


12 years 6 days ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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Why is it that people assume that if a person complains about something, that they must hate it?


If I hate something, I truly wouldn't even give it a thought because I would see it as a complete waste of my time.  I complain about things because I see the potential of what it could be.  I complain because I feel pain for how they treat each other, let alone foreigners.


When I am in the US, I complain about things I see there as well.  If you live someplace and you don't see anything to complain about, then you just don't care.


Complaining is a way to effect change.  If enough people hear your complaints, they realize that they are not alone in their dislike of something.  So they complain and eventually the voices get loud enough where change can be effected, even if it is on a micro level.


Do I hate China?  No.  There are aspects of China life that I don't like.  And those things I will complain about because it is in a persons nature.


Do I hate the US?  No.  There are aspects of US life that I don't like.  And those things I will complain about because it is in a persons nature.


The same can be said about any country, even the UK.  I lived there for several years and it is no paradise either.


Every place has its good points and its bad points.  If you don't complain about/see the bad points, then you are either blind or you really hate that place.


And trust me, I have enough Chinese friends to know that a LOT of the same things we complain about here, they also complain about.  They just rarely complain about them in public because they are afraid of losing face/repercussions from others.


  Yeh, I agree with you too John, you're also one of the voices of calm and good sense i've noticed on this site. It's just the sweeping statements and broad generalizations I can't abide. All Chinese are this, bla, bla, bla.....All Chinese are that, ra, ra, ra.......It's insulting to anyone with half a brain, and i'm certain.......almost 90% certain.........that I have at least half a brain.

  It's like what they say, 'It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it'.

  Your kids are half Chinese, right? And your wife is Chinese, right? Well if you were standing in the street with your wife and kids and some fella at the bus stop said "All Chinese are arrogant bastards" wouldn't you want to knock him out? But if that same person said "So and so is an arrogant bastard" you'd pay little attention.

  I'm not preaching that people should kiss China's arse, there's plenty to speak out on. Plenty. And I agree, if people don't speak out and complain, then how does change come about. ALLLLLL i'm saying, (not that your post was in answer to my own, or to assume that you even looked at mine) is that one has a responsibility when throwing faecal matter around. When throwing it 'willy nilly' if you like (haha, can't say that and keep a straight face), as is done with those oh so popular 'they' statements, one is in danger of hitting some innocent mother or child in the face.  

  This is, after all, a completely open forum. It's not a sailor's bar.

12 years 6 days ago
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Yes, my wife is Chinese and my kids are mutts.  And I agree with you, people shouldn't make sweeping generalizations.  But when you are pissed off about something, it is really difficult to not do that.  


I know that I make generalizations sometimes and if my wife is around she will be the first to let me know in no uncertain terms how insulting I am being.  She does the same thing when she is really mad, but for some reason it is different for her because she is a woman, and as we all know, women are never wrong.  Or at least that is what I am always being told.


Yes, generalizations are bad.  But it is hard to differentiate between the forest for the trees when your sight is clouded by anger.  And yes, I would (and have) called someone else out for using blanket statements.  The funny part is that most of the people I have seen do that have Chinese significant others and they instantly turn cool shades of red the moment they realize what they said.

12 years 6 days ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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I have NEVER been critical or for that matter, praised China, I just hold up a mirror to those who are constantly whining about and hostile to China.   I will continue to use a mirror to these people no matter how many are broken by their hostile and childish behaviour.    I happen to believe that those of us who are here should have more respect for our host country.


  Yep, I agree with that. But then I would, wouldn't I? You and me are the same person apparently. And the three of us (ie. you, me and Hugh, who asked the question) are 'one' wumao! Which means we're getting under two mao each for all our propagandizing, which presumably means any sentence that doesn't include the words 'fucking China' in it. I hope so anyway, otherwise I don't know wherrrrre we're gonna get the price of a cup of tea.

12 years 6 days ago
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Milk and two sugars for me please

12 years 6 days ago
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This country is dirty and polluted beyond repair the people are rude and immoral and the government is a horribly corrupt autocracy disguised as a communist state.

If you want to read fluff about how wonderful China is I suggest you stick to the People's Daily and not hang out at an expat site.

The only thing that keeps bringing me back to China are the girls (like my gf) and the fact that I have no choice because of my job.

For all you China lovers out there...tell me why China is the greatest and why I should worship it blindly and without objection like the masses of the IQ challenged CCTV watching population.

I complain because I can..unlike the oppressed masses in China.


Spot on Dude, I enjoy reading your posts. Your opinions are usually in accord with mine. Chinese people generally don't get the idea of complaining as a positive force for change, but that is down to the political indoctrination they are put through at school. You know the stuff, Love China, love the party etc.


12 years 6 days ago
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You seem a lot more bitter since the last time I was here. 

11 years 49 weeks ago
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Only a little.  It depends on the poster my mood and the question.

11 years 49 weeks ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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I don't hate China but guys......whatever you do....don't criticize their English. It seems they are not fans of that and have trouble accepting it. Oh, and don't ever hurt their feelings. That's not good either. 


But you hurt their feeling whenever you criticise the great nation of China....

12 years 6 days ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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  You know, I came to this site because I thought it would be a bit of fun, but hearing as much China bashing as this is just boring. Don't any of you realise that what you say has a knock on effect, and it's other foreigners who are going to take the knocks?

  I read that hate-filled battle between some of you and Lokethebloke (no relation, believe it or not) and it occurred to me that what made it such an ugly scene rather than a healthy debate was that he took a crack at America. It seemed that some of you became so insensed by that verbal attack on your country, that had he been at arms length he would have been in very real physical danger. Now what makes you think that the things you say about China do not have the very same negative consequences?

  I've recognized a great deal of intelligence in most everyone i've observed - even Crimo, for all his clear derangement, is clearly not devoid of intelligence, he's just angry. The problem is it's that knowledge of your own self-worth which makes you feel validated in stripping others so casually of theirs, to I believe, potentially dangerous effect.

  Anyway, my half-Chinese son is crying, so I must leave.

  This site also is clearly not for me, so I must leave. I do not expect to be missed.



I'm not angry...just "bite me."

12 years 6 days ago
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Gaohao, as you know, we are largely in agreement. But as I said the other night, on forums especially you get an above average amount of keyboard warriors, you know the type, 80lb weakling idiots who like to pretend to be big hard black fighters, and give themselves cool names like CoC). The reality is these people are just trolls, they get a perverse satisfaction every time someone replies to them and they get a small hard on every time someone gets angry at them (or when their limited mental abilities let them think the other poster has gotten angry with them), there is an unwritten rule on forums, namely,




You have also noticed there are some genuinely nice and decent posters on here, who do 'just vent', (hell we all do) Expat for one. My suggestion keep your responses to the decent posters and don't feed the trolls.


This is exacerbated on this forum where you get points for every answer you give, so Trolls will just be more active, don't feed them points they will give up and go away in the end.

12 years 6 days ago
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Hey, HR, you can bite me, too.

12 years 6 days ago
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who the puck refers to their child as "my half chinese son" ??? take all your other personalities with you. and take a year off before trying to pose as another foreigner. 



12 years 5 days ago
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if i may take 1 more last shot (for now) you claim to be a brit but you keep bringing up american historical figures. (MLK, us president, writers) didn't they teach you anything about Brit history in the UK?  oh wait they are not well known in china. 

12 years 5 days ago
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-Chinese people are being hurt every day for daring to criticize China. If we ignore this, are we not spitting on their suffering? Remember the poem "First they came" if we do not respect the sufferings of the Xizang, Xinjiang, and Mongols, if we ignore the Catholics,  the Crazy-Kung-Fu who can not be named, and the Writers in Exile, If we ignore the blind lawyers, and the fat artist, so we can get drunk, be happy, and sleep with a few more Chinese girls, or have a much younger wife, or work 16 hours a day, we are of all men most evil.

12 years 5 days ago
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11 years 41 weeks ago
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12 years 6 days ago
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Ahhh. I've missed this. The drama! The arguments! I love it! 


In regards to the question, there are many things I hate about China. I hate how no one seems to understand basic manners. I hate how I can't flush toilet paper. I hate how idiots let their kids poop and pee everywhere. But I also love many things like beer, scenery, pirated movies etc etc.


The fact is that China is exactly the same as any other country. There are good things and bad things. If these "angry" people were living in their home country then you can rest assured that they'd probably be angry there too. 


If you don't like them knocking on China then don't read their posts. Simple fix.


Welcome back by the way!  The players may have changed, but the 'tudes remain the same.  :)

11 years 49 weeks ago
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  'Beer, scenery, pirate movies, etc.....'

  You are a man of refined tastes sir. Don't recognize your tude, but I do like it.

11 years 49 weeks ago
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11 years 49 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman