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Q: Do you think Chinese girls are getting to be more like western girls?

A few days ago, an American friend told me that he figured lots of  Chinese girls nowadays are trying to be looked like western country girls both in behavior and thought. And he said, the reason maybe is because they want to get close to him.But unfortunately , he doesn't like that.  It looks like western guys are very popular among Chinese girls:)


Have you ever had this experience ?  Do you like the Chinese girls are getting more and more like western girls ?

By the way, I feel bad for these girls . Cos I myself am a Chinese girl.

10 years 43 weeks ago in  Culture - Shenzhen

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i certainly would not say that Chinese girls behave like  'western' girls (an unhelpful general label for anyone who is not Chinese). There are people from all over the world living in china, each behave in different ways.


what i do see is girls try to copy the behaviour of people shown on TV, mistaking this for normal and acceptable.


Yes, Copying from the TV and some other stars 

10 years 43 weeks ago
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Seven@ Why do they need to emulate westerners or any other nationality for that matter. Just be yourself. People who like you or want to be friends with you would want to do so because you are you, not some made up person. I find it amusing that girls want to think and act like someone else, covering up their real self. Isn't that hypocritical?  日久见人心,不是吗?


True, totally agree. Being yourself is such a good thing !

10 years 43 weeks ago
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Behaving like someone else's expectations isn't solely a world dominated by females.

I mean, why would a bloke deliberately adopt a hairstyle that makes him look like an incredible moron unless he was a slave to his perception of public popularity?


10 years 43 weeks ago
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10 years 43 weeks ago
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i certainly would not say that Chinese girls behave like  'western' girls (an unhelpful general label for anyone who is not Chinese). There are people from all over the world living in china, each behave in different ways.


what i do see is girls try to copy the behaviour of people shown on TV, mistaking this for normal and acceptable.


Yes, Copying from the TV and some other stars 

10 years 43 weeks ago
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10 years 43 weeks ago
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The more Chinese women paint their face's white, the more they look like Chinese women.  Or perhaps Japanese women.  

But 'Western' women??, not at all.

And has anyone ever seen a 'Western' woman wearing a pair of Mickey Mouse fluffy slippers/boots/whatever out in the street??  I don't think so.




You clearly havent been on a college campus in the United States for several years...

10 years 43 weeks ago
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"Being more like" would involve more than simply mimicking whatever can be seen or heard on the popular US teen series of the moment. A good pre-warning is the over the top use of phrases like "You know... you know... you know... yeah... yeah... yeah... Ooooh coooome oooooon..." like it sounds anything fluent.


Local girls with genuine "western spirit" are - really - rare (and BTW nothing to do with language skills). "Acting their age" is already very uncommon.

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10 years 43 weeks ago
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What does it even mean? Being more like Western girls? Copying behaviour, emulating them, wearing their fashion? It may surprise you, but to westerners, that is still considered very Chinese behaviour.
We don't copy, and would feel ashamed for openly emulating and idolizing others. Hating fellow Chinese girls simply because they chose western girls as the target of their copying behaviour means less than nothing to anybody but Chinese people.
I don't see any sign of Chinese girls developing self-confidence and dignity, true independence, or rationality. They don't appear to have any interest in that either.


In what universe do Westerners not copy anyone? Certainly there is not an issue like in China, and those in America tend not to copy or idolize things from other cultures/nations, but if you've EVER been to a concert you know that people in the US love to emulate the styles of musicians and celebrities. Movements like punk rock, hipsters, hip hop, rock n roll are full of people who dress and act alike; poseurs left and right. And these are just a few examples. Plus, if you get outside the US there are cultures all over the West that try to emulate the styles of the US. A friend of mine of Facebook just posted hilarious pictures from a Polish house party that was American themed. She's Polish and she said it happens everywhere there.


Idolization is rampant in America, just look at any major pop star, from Madonna to Beyonce to Brittany Spears and Justin make-me-vomit Beeber. Justin Timberlake for that matter. The list of idols could go on for days. Christ, this whole concept of idolization in the West is what the show American Idol is based off of. And I don't see any of the tools that get off on that crap feeling "ashamed" of their idolization, as you put it.

So, though I agree that China has an issue with copying (specifically technologically and artistically, the latter less so), I completely disagree with your assertion that copying and idolization don't happen in the West. You're way out of touch if you think it doesn't happen, because it happens on a mass scale.

10 years 42 weeks ago
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...and that's why we have derogatory terms for such people, like airheads or wannabes. I wonder if there are chinese translations... Mei houtao (airhead) and Chongbai zhe (wannabe). But they don't make any sense to Chinese.

10 years 42 weeks ago
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Yes Western influence is wrong. I want to see China go back to be being old China.  I want to see Chinese men wearing hair queue and pulling ricshaws, they can't drive. I want to see women wearing traditional Cheongsam dresses, don't care if the men wear changshan Mandarin gowns. I'm curious what women wore before western padded bras?

  Most of the world dresses and acts "Western''. it's called  modern civilization.indecision


Yes, let's go back to the olden days. Where unwanted baby daughters were killed off in favour of sons. Where the government starved people to death for being poor and weak. Where every intellectual that isn't under direct government supervision is exiled or executed. Where government uses an inaccessible script to keep political, economic and intellectual improvement centralized in the capital. Where the roads are dangerous to travel, and locals shouldn't stray too far from their hometowns. Where nothing can be legally done without bribing an official. Where people will do anything to gain favour from powerful people, for fear of ending up dead. Ah, but those days are gone now. Much has changed in 5000 years...

10 years 43 weeks ago
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no before that

10 years 43 weeks ago
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10 years 43 weeks ago
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"Have you ever had this experience?"  No I haven't.  "Do you like the Chinese girls are getting more and more like western girls?" No I don't, but in what respect?  Many younger Chinese girls are starting to think more like western girls when it comes to decision making.  They want a better life for them than what would be dictated to them by family and husband.  This is my personal observation.  I do disagree that western guys are generally popular with Chinese girls.  I feel most Chinese girls want a Chinese boyfriend and remain true to Chinese tradition.


Correction: Most girls want to have a guy (Chinese, western or whatever) who is able to provide her with a NICE house in the city where they work, a house in the village where she lives near her parents, a Nice car (a BMW would do just nice), the latest iPhone, iPad, branded handbag (LV, Prada, Gucci - one each) and to top it all, a monthly living allowance that allows her to send money back home, have tea breaks with her circle of like minded friends so that she can brag about how good life is, to go KTVs to show off etc. AND the guy is supposed to keep funding her so that she could keep up with her friends. That is what I've seen and experienced here. While I may agree that there are exceptions, the above appears to be the typical woman here.

10 years 43 weeks ago
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I have noticed the truth in your comment. Girls can be like this all over the world. But I feel most are realistic. Just how many guys (Chinese included) have these resources?

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10 years 43 weeks ago
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If there's one thing young girls imitates here, it's Korean TV shows ^^ It could be clothing, attitude or even food (fried chicken & beer, I heard it got popular here because of one show).

Even bar/restaurants who try to fit the "western" brand (whatever it means, each Western country have wide differences in lifefstyle, architecture, food...) are much more an imitation of Korean bar/restaurants branded as "Western". I think this apply to many things branded as "western", which are inspired from Korea or to less extent, Taiwan.

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10 years 43 weeks ago
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Although I agree with the above sentiments, that the girls aren't actually copying, but doing a bad job of pretending to be western, the reason is simple.


China is a "developing country". The west is 'developed'. 'Developed' = 'sophisticated', and better. So, if a person wants to be sophisticated and developed, then you adopt those things that you see as part of that scene... Mickey Mouse is better than Monkey King, Michael Jackson better than JayZ... BMW better than JAC (well, true!), and LV better than..???


What it all basically comes down to is that those Chinese girls have an inferiority complex when it comes to being Chinese, living and growing up here, and are trying hard to pretend they aren't! (Chinese guys are the same). What they forget is that just having those superficial material things doesn't actually change who they are inside!!!



(the above happens/ed all around the world, as cultural imperialism (and real imperialism) occurs. That's why so much of the west is based on Roman ways!)


This is not a developing/developed relationship problem - only -. Part of the issue here is that the government is doing every fucking thing it can to stop people from accessing anything remotely deep culturally speaking, or even direct contact.


Only the dumbest shows and movies are promoted, with little exception. Same goes with literature, same goes with music. If all those industries were not backed with aggressive protectionism for local garbage and heavy censorship for the rest (or IP infringement, at best), the Chinese cultural industry would have been out of business for a long time already. And the Internet industry with it. And the software industry with it. This is all linked.

This or they would be prosperous because surviving in a competitive market, who knows, but whatever, that's not the question. Now they're living well as king of ants, while being entirely unable to grow global, because they just have nothing to sale anyone would buy.


Point is, people have to stick to whatever little they can grab, plus whatever lies or approximations they have access to, and make up their minds from that. Of course, the end result can only look but grotesque.

Among two empires, only one is attractive enough so it doesn't need to hide stuff and lie to gather people around.

10 years 43 weeks ago
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No.  Fashion wise it seems Chinese girls want to emulate Korean and Japanese girls.  Only in HK does the fashion seem to resemble Western girls.

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10 years 43 weeks ago
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I would say in 'thought' there has been a signifcant shift, esp in sexual mores.


I think there was a time in China, not that long ago, that it was seen as a 'puritanical society', you met your husband in High School/Uni. only bf & that was it. Not uncommon..a traditional way.


Today,singles (esp the girls) having more than just the one partner, unmarried couples openly living together , divorce rate going up, talked to a 50yr old doctor who said she has never performed so many abortions as she has done in recent years ( Qingdao) amongst girls 15~18yrs.


I'm good friends with an ex-student (female, 26yr) who regulary carries condoms with her (cos..'you dont know what will happen one nite & afraid of std's')& openly admits she would like to sleep with a muscular foreigner, even for a one nite stand (actually, the person in question is her teacher, who has a gf!)


All I'm saying here is that alot of this stuff was either really hidden or taboo, but it seems alot more in the open these days.


you seem to be implying that foreign women have no moral standards and that chinese girls are now copying this.

I would suggest that maybe chinese girls are just copying what they see on TV and believe this is reality.

I can remember still the look of disappointment and confusion on their faces when i have to say (in disgust) that most foreign women don't behave like those portrayed on "Sex and the City". They have gone from one extreme to the other in a short space of time without the capacity to process the information  they are getting from TV.

10 years 43 weeks ago
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I think you are right Sorrel, they tend to find separating reality from the movies/tv somewhat difficult. I feel we have only just left one end of the pendulum swing in sexual behaviour and we still have a long way to go before getting to the balance point. Of course it will not stop there and it will be many years until things reach that balancing point, and in the meantime of course it will all have Chinese characteristics. Most Chinese who have never lived abroad really have a twisted view on western life. That's not really their fault, it's just the way it is.

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In a country where multiculturalism exists, shift in culture is bound to happen. For both better or worse. But most people especially the younger generations would follow the "in/rad/sick/happening" thing.

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10 years 43 weeks ago
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A:  If you received an online degree in most cases it should have be
A: If you received an online degree in most cases it should have been from a reputable college. If it came from a degree mill that definitely would be a problem. You should not worry about how they will contact this place. If the degree is considered authentic the people will know where to go to inquire. In my case I needed a copy of my diploma and one company in China recommended a Clearinghouse that was able to verify my degrees. They did not provide copies of the diploma, though. If the place where you received this degree is acceptable in your country then, it should be acceptable in China.Another point to consider you stated it was an MS degree. I have not aware of any programs that allow students to hop from a high school education to a Masters degree level education. With that said maybe you received a Bachelors degree. If that is the case submit that information.  I would not encourage you to lie. In that you definitely will not have any paper trail to back up your story. Some companies do not accept TEFL online especially if it came from International Open Academy. That place is a one room office. I would consider that a TEFL mill. It was such a waste of time.Do you have the ability to do searches online? -- slspringer22