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Q: do you think there's a risk of war among china, vietnam and philipines?

13 years 9 weeks ago in  General  - China

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Posts: 24


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You do know that without U.S., VN and the Philipines are not even close to fight China? So--no.

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13 years 9 weeks ago
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Your question friend is not allowed to be spoken about. But, if the topic would be really raised to a point of interest, the answer is no. It's not a question of who owns this part of the sea, it's a question of a trade route. It never fails to amaze me of a silly question being raised about war between these three countries. China is a peaceful nation when it comes to Political Power outside of China. If the US is everyones big brother who sometimes bullies people, then China is the mother willing to resolve things peacefully( again, outside of China). The question of America going to war with China is a hugh no. It's not about The US trying to bully China as it is making sure that the talks commence instead of everyone declaring these waters to be theirs. In the end, isn't it just the hype of media and foreigners who want to see America go down that speak so badly about this subject. What country can you go and use the American Dollar to purchase things, ummm every country, even Iran, Iraq, Libya. Who is the fastest growing developing country in the world ummmm, China. Truth is China has trillions invested in America, America as Trillions invested in China. China has become a global leader. They will not go to war being part of the UN and the US cannot touch them being part of the UN. So lets not discuss gossip, woulds and coulds ok.

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13 years 9 weeks ago
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Is Xinhwa monitoring this site?

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13 years 9 weeks ago
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I guess there is a Risk between China and India.

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13 years 9 weeks ago
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for jonathan: that's why there's u.s

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13 years 9 weeks ago
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not seeing US taking on China or vice verse--- for now.

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13 years 9 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman