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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Do you want to give up chinese learning?
Because this is the most difficult language in the word?
12 years 17 weeks ago in Teaching & Learning - Beijing
I don't think CHinese is difficult at all. You should try learning French PROPERLY.
Sure, the tones in Chinese are hard at first, but after that it's pretty well like caveman language.
I do need to get serious about learning mandarin but I'm not in Beijing at this time. But I will keep it in mind.
"Sure, the tones in Chinese are hard at first,". Yes, well that difficulty is overwhelming for many would-be students. It is where they first 'give up'.
"You should try learning French PROPERLY. "
Meh, much of that is contrived self-importance (the teacher not the student) and I can say "sure its hard to pronounce (or not pronounce) vowels.. but after that its just another vulgar latin language basterdized by phlegm-spitting old Gauls.
It is not that hard. It's just difficult to learn it because nobody speaks standard mandarin. Even Chinese people have told me that their Chinese isn't good.
Mei, if it pleases you to think Mandarin is the most difficult language to learn, good for you. But must warn you, outside China's borders, everyone else agrees that distinction goes to Basque, not Mandarin.
In learning Mandarin, the main difficulty is in mastering the tones. Once you get over that, practice and patience will take care of the rest.
YEs, Basque and Arabic have the reputation for being harder than Mandarin.
I studied the latter, wasn't that hard. French was the hardest. I have heard Japanese is tricky cause you aren't allowed to play around with the grammar structure.
Chinese is the hardest language in the world to learn?
That sounds like something the propaganda machine would put out:
"We are the master race because our language is the toughest to learn and we can speak it from being young children which proves the Chinese intellectual superiority".
However, when it comes to learning the much simpler languages we don't seem to be so good.
chinese is the easiest language to learn. chinese language, has no tense, no gendar, no grammar. u just put some words together, then it is chinese. spoken is easier to pick up than writing. french has gendar. english announces have no gendar, but still have. if a girl says 'i want a soulmate', many people will laugh. but if a boy says 'i want a soulmate' people will think him nice person. so 'i want a soulmate' is boy's language, not girl's language, u see, english still has gendar. chinese has no tense. eg: i eat egg yesterday; i eat egg tommorrow; i eat egg today. 我今天吃了鸡蛋。the three tenses are same. chinese has one fourth population in the world. if u cann't speak chinese, means u lose the ability to communicate with the world one fourth people.
Soulmate is not a gender-specific term. Who told you it was?
Also, a guy who says that is more likely to get laughed at cause it sounds so faggy.
Also, we will not lose that ability cause the Chinese will learn our language. Cause they have to. Also, Chinese isn't the easiest to learn either. Why don't you stop being a twat and trying to claim Chinese is the most *desperately insert adjective here* to learn in a sad attempt to make it stand out.No, Chinese isn't easy. Why? Because 因为这是世界上最难的语言 looks like nonsense to me. Also, the homonyms and tones are difficult. It's spoken by 1/6 of the people in the world at best, not 1/4, and 99% of those people are in China. It's not really a world language, more of a big country language.
Characters aren't hard to learn. Maybe yoiu should just try.
I think Chinese is a relatively easy language to learn in order to successfully manouvre through basic daily tasks and needs (I know and have met countless ex-pats who have sufficient Chinese skills at survival level) but incredibly hard to learn to such an extent that it becomes useful within industry, trade and commerce.
Mei is here to sell a product. I am sure that she is perfectly skilled to teach survival Chinese but perhaps this is the wrong forum to be doing it. I bet most people that contribute to or read this forum can get by amongst the huge Chinese population.
Mei is here to sell a product. I am sure that she is perfectly skilled to teach survival Chinese but perhaps this is the wrong forum to be doing it. I bet most people that contribute to or read this forum can get by amongst the huge Chinese population. ???
I cant give up learning it! because I' am determined as all hell!!!