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Q: Do you worry about finances less in China? What do you worry about more in China?

Just curious, chances are you probably worry a lot less about finances due to the lower cost of living. 


Perhaps, some of you worry about it the same (which is not too much at all, or a lot). Honestly, I worry a lot less about money since coming to China. I was able to figure out a bunch of things in my spare time(while doing ESL), I may not have been able to do back home (grinding it out in the rat race). But in China, I worry a lot more about starting a family, my health and should I leave or should I stay... 


So what is it? Do you worry more or less about finances since coming to China? 


If you worry less, what sorts of other things make your anxious that didn't previously? 



10 years 34 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Pollution is my concern.


Actually finances should be too. If I was back home, I would have a nice social welfare system that would pay for my home, food, kids education, health care etc. should I be unemployed. Here there is nothing. I've never worried much about money, at some point after I started working I no longer had to worry about if a bottle of milk was 5 or 6 (pick your currency) 

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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health is my number 1 concern: while i enjoy my time in China, i don't take unnecessary health risks.

money/savings take care of themselves.

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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I have never worried about anything my whole life (I am 57) ....just ask my bosses from the past......I don't worry, just get it done. my lackadaisical attitude often got me in trouble but I do always "get it done".   ..... things like pollution or global warming or whatever, I have no control, so I don't worry........ I do my best to be as "green" as I can....I hate plastic bags ...I hate money ...have learned to be comfortable with the little I have.


P.S. I used to administer and tend to 10+ million dollar projects .... no  worries

my always goals



on time

on budget

and #1 ...I have to be happy or I quit

10 years 34 weeks ago
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Ne da laobanwink



10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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i m just worried that china will steal all my savings :/


otherwise i will prepare to buy several houses in the next years (not in china)


Me too, I'm transferring most of my RMB out of China. No need for more than @ 20000 RMB here. 

10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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My job is based a lot on experience and portfolio, so it's like good whisky : the older it gets, the better it gets ^^ My wife and I are frugal kind of people. So I feel okay about income, she'll be right... However, I'm quite worried about moving the money I earned outside of China :/ I wish to have my kids and get older in a place with better environment & education, so moving the money out will have to be done. And I don't know how to do so -_-'

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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I worry more about my finances in the terms I'm trying (and doing actually) to maximize my utility in the time I spend in this country. This place will never be my final destination. It's just a place to work, save and invest as much as I can. And, the bigger the pile gets in the shortest time possible, the sooner I can leave for good.

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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I never use to worry about finances when I came to Shanghai because I had lots of money if I should say but now I do. Considering the fact that we are on vacation and my monthly stipend is not coming and I'm working as well, I always worry but Shanghai is quite an amazing place to live with little money.

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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I worry about losing my job and the Z that goes with it.


I don't have the qualifications nor the ability to teach. I reckon I could get another job in my trade here, but it would be a long hard slog I would rather not have to do.


I want my daughter to grow up here. And I want to be here to see her grow up.  So my worry is that what I want won't happen

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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