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Q: Does anybody have experience with Gymboree kindergarten?

11 years 48 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - Guangzhou

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I've heard it's a good school. particularly in zhengzhou.

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11 years 47 weeks ago
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no idea about it ,sorry for that, even I am a Chinese...

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11 years 46 weeks ago
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Never  try before so dont know so much





Apartments in China   Shenzhen Apartments 

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11 years 45 weeks ago
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This question was asked a while ago but i have some experience for anyone else looking here. If you like kids then go for it. 


Each Centre is opened under the company name but by independent bosses. For example if you apply to use the teaching methods and company name then anyone can open a Gymboree branch. So depending where you are the experience will be different.


I personally HATE Gymboree, i got roped into going when i had no other work, i hate babies, i hate kids, i hate parents who think their ugly kid is a gift from god and i hated the entire year i was working there! What's even worse is even after i started university and i thought i would never have to step foot in a Gymboree again, the guy that gave me scholarship has a friend who runs a Gymboree. So to return the favour i have to work there for another 3 years.


If you can avoid working there, THEN AVOID IT!

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10 years 44 weeks ago
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As with the above post, they are all different as they are franchises, not centrally administrated.

A good friend of mine worked there for a couple of years and she hated it too. It was purely to get a bit of time on the C.V and get a better job.

Unless you personally know the manager and staff there, I would avoid working for them.

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10 years 44 weeks ago
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Anyone else have any insight? I've got an offer for a new Gymboree VIP branch in Beijing.


with a new branch it is not possible to say if it will be good or not as each depends on the staff and manager.

You could be lucky and have a positive experience.

whatever you decide to do, make sure your contract outlines EVERY possible thing clearly such as pay and conditions - there are other threads on this issue.

good luck

10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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hi everyone, i was working for Gymboree, i am gonna tell u never ever choose Helen Doron and Gymboree these are baby sitter not a school. i was working there part-time to make some more buk... you have to follow their curriculum but they wont handover you the lesson plan. you have to go there and prepare 30 minutes before the class starts... when u ask for material no way they r miser they never wanna give enough material to their students.. they want give them one sheet of paper and students need to share it.... one more thing when u r teaching kids parents will b there... and they will look at u strange and examining u.. i bet when u teach u ll feel like i m a animal in a zoo and entertaining them...

  My personal experience says ,if u can the Avoid these two schools. Gymboree and Helen Doron. One more thing about Helen Doron if you are not white so please dont try, dont waste you time... cz one of my friend tried, when i was working there. when i ask school why you not hire him they said he is not white....



I hope you weren't teaching English!

10 years 19 weeks ago
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10 years 19 weeks ago
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They have an early morning starting job, I was going to KFC for a coffee and I saw all these babies going some where and they were going to this school or GYM whatever. It was 7:00AM Saturday.

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10 years 19 weeks ago
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