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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Does anyone know where to buy wall paint in Wuchang, or elsewhere in Wuhan?
I'm looking to paint my apartment! Does anyone know where to pick up wall paint and painting supplies? I'm living in Wuchang.
I know the place very well because i was in Wuhan for 3 years..but dont know how to write the name..why do not try Walmart..I have seen there..
B&Q(百安居) 武昌中北路青鱼嘴122-2号 , 青鱼嘴station this web site would be help you how to find bus route
I too want to paint my apartment. I bought a large container of what they called "white paint" but found it is actually just "white wash". Not thick enough for true coverage. Just good for sprucing up old, white, walls.
I would like to buy some good semi-gloss latex paint in attractive earth-tone colors. LOL, we really need a Home Depot or a Builders Square here in Wuhan!!