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Q: Does Chinese conditioner make you lose more hair than normal?

Every time I use Chinese hair conditioner a big tuft of hair comes falling out. I don't think it's that extreme when I use conditioner back home.

11 years 4 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Perhaps what you're using is fake and contains far more alcohol than active ingredients. Try using (hot) olive oil or beer (yes, beer!) instead. Cheaper and better for your hair.

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11 years 4 weeks ago
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I wouldn't use any Chinese brand conditioner in my hair - a shocked hair-dresser at home suggested i either bring salon conditioner with me or stick to top international brands for sale in Walmart or Watsons. Like cosmetics, it is better to be safe and bring your own of possible, or use the more expensive imported brands.

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11 years 4 weeks ago
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I use the "rather use nothing than something Chinese" approach for things like this. I simply don't see why the products would be safe when people can thing of putting melamin in baby formula. For a lot of these products you can replace chemicals with cheaper ones that does the same but may have severe sideeffects. 

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11 years 4 weeks ago
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After my first year in China, my hair got severely damaged. My hair used to be perfect before coming to China. Thick, healthy, waist-length, shiny, no chemical treatments.


I'm not sure if it was the shampoos, the conditioners, Beijing water or Bejing air. I mostly used (Chinese) Revlon ginger shampoo and conditioner.


I'm trying to bring as much products as I can from home now. Not sure how to get protection from all the water and air pollution. Suggestions? 


Sorry no good way around that.  Have you asked locals around where you live where you can get good, clean water?  They talk about this stuff because they have the same worries but then if you need to travel to the middle of nowhere and lug water barrels back to your flat - well it probably won't be easy.

11 years 4 weeks ago
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Bringing water barrels doesn't sound doable, but I will ask the locals anyway. I'm moving to a new city. 

11 years 4 weeks ago
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11 years 4 weeks ago
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Try rubbing pig-cheese into your scalp or an old teabag...


Have you not seen those crappy posters of a 'before and after' bald young guy with a totally fake bald patch, who, after rubbing something on his head or drinking some magical Chinese traditional remedy grows it back.


Just do an Elton John! Tongue

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11 years 4 weeks ago
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Totally ruined my hair. Makes it very brittle. breaks off all the time, It was originally all one length, but now so many different lengths due to the Chinese shampoo and conditioner ruining it.

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11 years 4 weeks ago
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