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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Does Shanghai have any good independent theaters?
12 years 50 weeks ago in Arts & Entertainment - Shanghai
Around 20 non-profit and independent theater companies have been founded in Shanghai, including Hou Theater, Dong Theater, and Xiahe Micang.
More info about the state of independent theatre in China can be found here:
I checked that source link 1 and couldn't find anything relevant to this question. So as far as Shanghai having independent theatres I do agree with Lolitta I just don't agree with the source link 1 she gave to you. In china independent theaters are very important because it creates jobs for the overgrowing population especially in SHanghai.
I'm pretty sure Lolitta knows more about independent theatre than you. If the link is so bad, why don't you provide a better one?
Great Topic!
I´m stage manager and theatre producer.
Glad to know about your interess mattaya i try to found some theatre independent comunity in SHa too.