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Q: Does your family worry about you living in China?

my parents keep sending me articles about bus crashes, fires, pollution levels, food scandals etc... does anyone else's parents do this? 

10 years 3 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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The main worries my parents have are the pollution and food scandals. I run and I use bike a lot, so air pollution is quite an issue. They are worried as hell about the food issues, since it's about two scandal a week. They came in China two times and they got a direct view on that.

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I thought only my mum..... does such things.

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Hmmm....well, I have no one else back home so I suppose nobody misses me. I hardly get any messages from home. That's why I am seriously considering staying put here or any other country where I can find stable employment. 

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Nah. My parents know I am a big boy. My old man does send me articles about violations on human rights, sad children left behind by migrant workers and such, you know the stuff that big media cannot print, but small Scandinavian news papers can write as they fall under the radar and thus avoid Bloomberg style visa issues. 

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I think it is part of the mother's manual that they worry about their children whatever their age. 

I know my family are concerned about most aspects of my time in China, but they know that i am responsible for my decisions and life choices. They haven't said anything directly to me, but i can detect their thoughts when we chat.

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Yes, my parents (and especially my mom) do the same, I have yet to become a father so I can't really understand but I think that parents will always worry about their children, even when those are grown up adults with good situation and good finances.


I don't blame them, I try to reassure them by telling that you have less chances to get attacked or robbed in China than in Germany (or anywhere in the West) for e.g., no idea if it's true but it make them feel better.

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10 years 3 weeks ago
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My parents do, but they have no idea WHAT they should be worried about. It's less 'will our daughter eat fake eggs and die?', and 'will our daughter's apartment collapse on her because the asshole in charge of building things to code snarfed all the funds?' It's more 'China is a COMMUNIST country!'


Ms RachelDid, that sounds so familiar.


My family also think that I have to wear a grey uniform with a red star hat, police search my apartment each week and retrieve the video surveillance and that I live in a gulag.

10 years 3 weeks ago
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nah. the way they see it, if i can survive through multiple combat tours then china is a piece of cake.

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Yes, they worry about my well being in China.

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It's ironic.  I actually visit my parents more since I started working in China, than I did before while working in the US.  Yet, my Mom still complains about it.  Keeps asking when I'm coming home for good.  Anytime there's an earthquake, typhoon, or flooding, I get asked if am I ok.  Doesn't matter that I'm in Ningbo, and flooding is in Guangdong or earthquake is in Yunnan or whatever.  It's in China, I must be at risk!  


I'm guessing they'd really freak out if I told them I had a car in China, and the conditions I drive in.  Or if I told them how often I get sick (various maladies, only happens to me while in China).  So, I deal with the little nags here and there, and just tell them the happiest version of the truth I can muster. smiley

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10 years 3 weeks ago
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