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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Dog in a dress?
Went out this mornin' for a nice walk for the first time in a few days. Lo and behold, i saw a poodle in a green dress. At least it didn't have low hangers. Two questions.. 1.If you had low hanging peanuts, would you wear a green dress?
2.Why do people all over the world put tiny human style clothes on dogs?
4 years 36 weeks ago in General - Other cities
'cause of the fashion ... dog's fashion ... owner's prestige (in China) ...
You should venture to Dalian in winter time. There all dogs have shoes ... while walking outdoors. I am not sure about wool socks ... 'cause roads are icy ...
Now, cops (females) in Liaoning are the sexiest creatures I have ever seen ... during the winter ... all above 170 cm, skinny, dressed in black leather uniforms ... hand regulating traffic in the middle of crossings. Two of them per crossing ... their moves and hand gestures aren't sloppy, but precise, military style moves.
They must have a tonne of accidents 'cause all drivers are staring into cops ... while driving.
I didn't see many male cops in crossings for some reason. All females, fashion model looking .. in black leather top-to-bottom.
in China, i saw not only dogs in clothes, but dogs that had their fur dyed.
I remember the embarassed expression of a young soldier i passed having to walk a white poodle that had its' ears dyed pastel pink and orange.
probably belonged to the missus of the CO.
At least Fido in a skirt isn't going into the hotpot for now.
I see things like that so often now I barely notice anymore. What disturbs me more is seeing seeing people in the village next to my home out and about in His & Hers onsies throughout the day. Now, if I could get a nice dragon or dinosaur onsie, I'd be all over that sh1t but pastel numbers with unicorns or sponge bob.... gimme a break.
In China a dog is not a friend or companion as much as it is a status symbol or fashion accessory