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Q: Drinking when negociating

Where does that habits come from?

I wouldn't complain, as I quickly realized in average Chinese men can't stand their alcohol so I never get really drunk compared to them (i'm 'Merican with Scottish descent) but Lawd would I be embarrassed if I would get that drunk on the job. My bosses back in 'Merica wouldn't be happy about it!

Can anyone explain why they insist that much on drinking?

13 years 10 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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Posts: 226


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They don't get drunk on the job - just during their business dinners. As for why it's part of the culture, you may as well ask why drinking is part of the culture ANYWHERE in the world.

It's considered good manners, I guess. I just remember toasting the first time and raising my glass as high as I could. People looked at me all funny.

Btw, who says 'Merica anyways?

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13 years 10 weeks ago
Posts: 362


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@Zootown : I went when negociating a contract with a business partner, you go drink in bar. They call it fun, I can't halp but consider it work work. We're not talking about a single glass of wine, you get to get piss drunk to teh point you want to vomit in&out just to switch the pain from the tummy to the throat.

I mean, back in 'Merica, I wouldn't go and get drunk with accountants, it would be preposterous! When drunk, you have moar chance for your tongue to slip. You would be cow chow to them.

And it seems you never visited Montana in 'Merica, the big sky country! Back there, you don't prononce the initial "a".

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13 years 10 weeks ago

Getting halp from moar and moar people is like spin-o-rama high-fiving new friends on with a tip of the hat finishing move.

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