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Q: Emergency Plz help me about work visa cancel by company

Dear all

emergency ask for helping ,my bf just few days again receive the call from company ,told him they already cancel his visa last day ,what with happen if they cancel this ,I know he can’t work in china,but I want to know ignore he can’t still in china without work,if can’t saty how long time he must leave china ,n in his passport have residency permit for foreigner in the people s rebublic in china until day 6 December ,reason for work ,pls I need someone to help 

6 years 42 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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You should ask the ppl at the PSB Entry/Exit Bureau.


It's quite possible his visa hasn't been cancelled, and the company is just throwing empty words about... that often happens.


Also, AFAIK, if he's on a Z visa, it can't be cancelled. The work permit residency application can be cancelled, but the Z visa to get him into here (after which he has 30 days to get the work permit application in) can't be (except by the really big boys, for doing something really really bad!)

6 years 42 weeks ago
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From what I could understand from the OP Shining, he isn't applying for the RP, he has it already but it will be cancelled.



6 years 42 weeks ago
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Possibly Stiggs...I'm uncertain. Cancelling an RP 2 weeks early is... odd.

6 years 42 weeks ago
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He might be living on campus and they want him gone because the place will be closed up until uni starts again.

6 years 42 weeks ago
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Or just need to free up their allotment of FTs to get the new one in.


Your idea that it's for a new teacher in the dorm... it's last week of November.. strange time to be getting a new teacher in! Especially for a school! (but, obviously, possible)

6 years 42 weeks ago
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What does it mean 'hook, line, & s-T-inker'?

Can it be (easy) paraphrased   ... into the thread's line? 

6 years 41 weeks ago
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6 years 42 weeks ago
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If they cancel his visa he can't stay in China unless he gets a new one. He might be able to transfer it to a travel visa to buy a little time but he'll still need a resident permit if he wants to stay.


My advice is tell him to find a new job that can get him a proper visa  as soon as possible.

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6 years 42 weeks ago
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You should ask the ppl at the PSB Entry/Exit Bureau.


It's quite possible his visa hasn't been cancelled, and the company is just throwing empty words about... that often happens.


Also, AFAIK, if he's on a Z visa, it can't be cancelled. The work permit residency application can be cancelled, but the Z visa to get him into here (after which he has 30 days to get the work permit application in) can't be (except by the really big boys, for doing something really really bad!)

6 years 42 weeks ago
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From what I could understand from the OP Shining, he isn't applying for the RP, he has it already but it will be cancelled.



6 years 42 weeks ago
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Possibly Stiggs...I'm uncertain. Cancelling an RP 2 weeks early is... odd.

6 years 42 weeks ago
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He might be living on campus and they want him gone because the place will be closed up until uni starts again.

6 years 42 weeks ago
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Or just need to free up their allotment of FTs to get the new one in.


Your idea that it's for a new teacher in the dorm... it's last week of November.. strange time to be getting a new teacher in! Especially for a school! (but, obviously, possible)

6 years 42 weeks ago
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What does it mean 'hook, line, & s-T-inker'?

Can it be (easy) paraphrased   ... into the thread's line? 

6 years 41 weeks ago
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6 years 42 weeks ago
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Intern post ?

6 years 42 weeks ago
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Who knows. 'Urgent problem' for a year already!

6 years 42 weeks ago
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6 years 42 weeks ago
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Good catch!!!!!!!!!! icnif


 My tits are getting ....  bigger.


Not like yours, though! 

6 years 42 weeks ago
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6 years 42 weeks ago
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Admin, then who is posting things, why?

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6 years 42 weeks ago
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Further proof that this an admin to generate hits, this post has over 1k views!


LOL, I wanted to reply to you about that few hours ago. Million hits for what?

6 years 41 weeks ago
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Jimmy-Two-Times .....


6 years 41 weeks ago
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'Hook, line, & sinker' .... you swallowed!  ....1570 times in one week. 


What shows 'laowai' are still expecting/experiencing problems with employer and visa/RP despite new law changes.

6 years 41 weeks ago
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Oddly enought they removed it from recently popular

6 years 41 weeks ago
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6 years 41 weeks ago
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