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Q: Ever faced the prospect of surgery in China? What did you do? If not, well, what would you do?

I'm facing it right now.  The surgeon said he's sure he can do it but if I'd prefer to have a greater surgeon flown in, he would understand.  That's what he said.


Got any yarns re this topic?


In my case, I'm tossing over the options with the aid of a thousand beers.


9 years 27 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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Go to a real hospital, with real doctors.


I'm pretty sure my nearest one is in Hong Kong and I live about 5000k away from there.

9 years 27 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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Go to a real hospital, with real doctors.


I'm pretty sure my nearest one is in Hong Kong and I live about 5000k away from there.

9 years 27 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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If it's serious, fly home, and seek treatment in Ozz. You'll probably spend loads of dough, but......

I didn't do any surgeries in China as of yet. I often repair my 'chew' in China for 1/10th of the EU price, and I have few working dentists in my family.

When I'm home, we (they) always inspect Chinese dental work, and comments are 'not bad'.

When I tell them cost of the repair, they all go 'woow'.


I am soooo tempted to tell my dentist horror story that happened in Zhejiang 2006.  anybody remember 'Marathon Man' ?  surprise

    'Is it safe?'     lmao

9 years 27 weeks ago
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Just imagine now, you're pop is dentist.


Once I read an article about MDs. Psychiatrists and dentist are all 'wackos', because psychiatrists must go 'deep' into the 'sick mind', and dentists, because they must look into somebody else's mouth for the whole career.

9 years 27 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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I had surgery in choice of mine.......i had been a ski racer, downhill 70 mph plus, rode motorcycles in China for three years, etc....never broke anything doing this, then playing on the beach in deep sand, they added more in front of the hotel I believe, got twisted up running around playing catch and broke my femur!   ouch...what to do,, fortunately, I had 7 friends put me on a strecher, the guys who came were going to rough me up in the process, they carried me to the ambulance, no special gurny on the inside, five friends held me from being tossed around in this bare naked ambulance floor, on off we went....Yes I wish I could go to Hong Kong, but too much pain, had to lay on my side, ended up at a Peoples Hospital....really preffered to go to an Army Hospital, thinking better trained and they see this kind of thing more often but it was 25 kilometers away and I couldn't think clearly enough to request it......And I was hoping for a dislocated leg not a broken one..................


anyway, I felt confident in my surgeon and I was told he had training in Germany..but he spoke no English.... Called my girlfriend after admitted to the hospital and she flew in that evening.  My Chinese is somewhat adequate..but not enough and she's Chinese.


Ok, so its broken in two places..........they wanted to delay surgery for four days and i was ready to crawl out of the hospital at that point and go to the army hospital. WTF.  anyway they a conference about my condition and decided to do it the next morning.  So I was prepared for surgery, checked my heart etc...


Anastesiologist offered waist down numbing or put me under..    I said I dont want to hear the sawing of my bones thank you...of course it costs more but who give as shit.  Speaking of costs,,,it was about 7000 USD for everything, and I had extra medicine drips to assure bone growth and antibiotics....  Keep in mind, hospital cost per day is a whopping, he he 3USD and to change my hospital pjs only 50 cents...............nurses to check by ass for laying on the bed all day was about one no


so i guess the cost was all in Two Titaninum rods and one screw, surgery costs, Surgeon fee, gas doctor fee, and liquid medicine.


I dont have insurance anywhere in the world. and i dont know how much it would have cost in the USA but,,, to stay in the hospital per day is probably pushing 500 usd


so I stayed extra days in the hospital so cheap and my apartment isnt wheel chair friendly.

the one thing i must mentioned... my GF stayed 24/10days with me, as she had to go out and get food for every meal, one dollar for her to sleep in a bed near me, she helped me go the bathroom on the bed, etc..  No handicapped bars around the toilet or anywhere in the room, no TV, I was in a shared room, fortunately the person I shared the room left after 5 days.


the doctors checked on me everyday...i actually had two, both seem sharp...

one other thing... they werent too keen on giving me pain medication, and the injections for pain did little to lessen the pain...


You must be huge! angel

I mean 'big', 'cause '7 friends put me on the stretcher...'. I'd need only 2, buTT....I'm real cat!

9 years 27 weeks ago
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It was on the beach in the sand and far from the ambulance, and they wanted to make sure I wasn't moved around much to save me from the pain.

everyone was very helpful and concerned.

9 years 27 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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my response isn't a heck of a lot different than killercat.


Pretty darn active all my life, then got well & truly fkd by nature or god or devil or someone....  fkn seizures.  (pretty damn good reason to pull the plug) I been to hospital in china twice for this. and everywhere else, Thailand and US.

anyhow last year I fell and smashed my patella, comminuted fracture.  this was in Luohu, SZ.  Chinese mate brings me over to Peoples Hospital 1.  I guess I got good treatment cuz American white guy with good insurance.  just like Cat said , they are not into giving pain meds and I was doing what I would call a 9/10 pain.  then they made me wait 6 days for swelling to subside.  well, now I know what fkn pain is anyway.  hard to describe, just wouldn't wish it on anybody.

anyway my hospital/surgery experience was excellent.  I was really surprised. they really took good care of me and were very empathetic which helped more than u know.  I felt like killing myself to be honest, just too much of a pussy to do it.  the surgeon was excellent in my opinion.  but for those of u have never been in surgery, it is a fkn horrific experience.  I guess it gets a person ready to face death.  that's why old people always admonish young people to be careful.  hurting your body sux more than u can realise.  If you can run and jump u should cherish it!  Be soooooo careful in china.

of course, I would still say u are taking a chance in china regarding anything medical.


*I have a funny horror story about the surgery if anyone wants to hear it....



your sucks and i will think twice of risk taking, especially because this was a freak accident I experienced that led to 12 weeks no walking,, im in week 7 going nuts as im an active sob.....


recovery time is toooooooo long

9 years 27 weeks ago
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Yeah, go on....give us your funny horror story.  Look forward to it.


9 years 27 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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sorry, I've been offline awhile.


well,  I'm worried a lot of the impact of this will be lost in the telling.  But those of you have lived through it will know what I mean.

I was on the operating table and the techs came up and said they were going to administer General Anaesthetic under the MD's supervision.  I was so good so far. Then I realised they were going to go for the spinal block type anaethesia!  Sooooo, they rolled me over onto my side and about a minute later I was screaming like Dr. Mengele had gotten hold of me! The closest I can come to describing it is like they insert a bread-knife into your Spinal Column!!   I was literally screaming bloody-murder!  Just stop and try to imagine someone stabbing you in the spinal column with a bread-knife!  Hehe, the funny part is, they did it Three times!   devil  well, it will discourage one from making unnecessary surgical appointments !!!

9 years 26 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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If it was serious I would go home. If it was minor then perhaps an international hospital. I wouldn't go to your average hospital for surgery here. You might wake up with a kidney missing or worse (remember penis transplants are possible now)!

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9 years 27 weeks ago
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I had an operation here in China last year.. Sensitive area; cyst removed that was attached to one of my testicles. All went well but I did have to laugh at the initial consultation as they offered to circumcise me too, I kindly declined.. On waking after the operation I did check to see all was as it should be, thankfully, it was!


There are sooo many ways that could have ended badly.

9 years 27 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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go to thailand the hospitols are like 5 star hotels snd the dovtors got there degreed in the us

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9 years 26 weeks ago
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I am a USA citizen--Stanford-Trained MD living and working in  Shanghai since 2014. I have been told there is no real hands-on residency training in China. If you are not comfort with your local MD, you can consult with a Western Doc. Expat hospitals should be fine for minor surgeries--first choice is always home country. If too ill--Hong Kong has British Standards and is closest--Singapore next and Bangkok should be considered. Australia is not close but, of course Western Standard. Always seek a second opinion about any surgery. Ask your Physician to lay out for you the risk, benefits and alternatives. I work at Parkway Health (Singapore company) and the care is excellent. My email for

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9 years 26 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77