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Q: Ever meet any cool older foreigners in China?

I was just talking with my American friend about the benefits of living here long term and I suddenly realized I've never met any foreigners over the age of 50 here who's made me go, "wow, what a cool guy". They all seem either sleazy or lazy or bitter or maybe an okay person but just not who I want to be in 20 years. Is that what I'm going to turn into if I stay in China?

11 years 48 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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ive met a few, they seemed like really nice guys and still in contact with them, but yeah its true a lot of sleezy guys, you would think at that age most people will be settled down, but you will also find a lot of old perverted men, countries in the far east sure do seem to attract people with low morals and character 

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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A met a Gulf War veteran, He would tell me his stories (war or un war related). He would sometimes get emotional in front of me (when he had a bit too drink) such as death and violence. He would also make me drink with him in the  afternoon or in the evening. He would go out on his motorbike on a road trip from Guangzhou to Shunda (whilst drunk) and i stupidly went with him riding along the back. I don't know how we got away with it.  It was pretty crazy seeing him because he had so much to tell, not just about him but his family too.  He is an intimidating bloke i would go round his apartment and ask if i could have something to drink and he would tell me "cut out the asking shit and just help myself"  and one point he threatened to keep me out if I said it again. That was crazy days. 

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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I meet a super cool French guy who was cycling from Paris to Shanghai. I met him just after he'd done the Stans and he was really positive and enthusiastic about everything.  He must have been in his late 50s or 60s and was living to to the absolute fullest. I hope to still have half his energy in a couple of decades.


There was nothing sleazy or bitter about him, but then again, he wasn't a long term expat, so I don't know if it's relevent to your question.

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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The first guy I met in China (Harbin) was a 67 year old Aussie. He was one of  the most laid back and genuinely funny characters I've met worldwide.

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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  I've met some VERY cool older foreigners here in China. One was a deaf guy who was riding his motorcycle around the world. Guy had been everywhere. Then there's an Irish fella who used to crack me up and once saved me from a major arse kicking, a yank friend who I used to play pool with a lot but unfortunately died early this year, a German drinking buddy, a north American Indian, the list goes on and on and on. Met my share of creepy sleaze-balls too, but I just walk the other way.

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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Haven't seen/met many. atleast not ones that have been here or plan on being here for a an extended period of time.


I would imagine as you get older if you start to have various health problems that come with old age a lot of people decide to head back home. Just a guess though.


And yes I've certainly seen some older people who were really sleezy and obviously just here to hook up with girls and nothing else.

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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Most of the expat bars in this area are run by guys I would consider to be cool old foreigners.

They've got Chinese wives, traveled around the world and have lots of stories to tell.

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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The ones I know who are older and cooler are married, which is why they stayed. Older, single, in China and not doing any particularly challenging job usually is a good sign the person is a sleazebag.


Don't beat yourself up

11 years 48 weeks ago
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You do antagonise the crazies, nevermind - as a married, fully employed person living back in the west,  you're clearly the perfect example of what you described! 


11 years 48 weeks ago
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I think MissA it was yet another example of stereotyping people. But being a bit naive, narrow minded, and shallow you might not understand the concepts of inclusion, empathy, and respect.

11 years 48 weeks ago
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Snowball/loke/martian effect is a specifist. You're not allowed to say any comments on society unless you have met everyone in it and had in-depth conversations with them. DON'T YOU KNOW THIS, MISS A!

11 years 48 weeks ago
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From your answer I'm assuming that where you're from old, low skilled, sleazebag men are well established in your society and hence are deemed by your fellow citizens as accepted targets for sweeping generalisations in other areas/countries?


11 years 48 weeks ago
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11 years 48 weeks ago
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The cool oldies come in all shapes and form. You can't say the cool ones are all married, some are bores, they come single, get married - mission complete.


The coolest oldies are the ones I've found who have worked in the corporate world for years doing the same thing every day. They come to China it's a totally new breath of life for them.


Other cool people are the short-term expat here on contract. If you meet them it's usually outside work and that's the time they just want to let go and enjoy themselves in a foreign country.


And I agree with Mark Ferrer about the expat bar owners.


And any pensioner who chooses China to retire has obviously got some spunk. It ain't exactly the south of France here.

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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The coolest oldies are the ones I've found who have worked in the corporate world for years doing the same thing every day. They come to China it's a totally new breath of life for them.




shenzhen apartments




ummm.... what?

11 years 48 weeks ago
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So I am not the only one who noticed the wording in this and the above post were eerily simular.

11 years 47 weeks ago
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11 years 48 weeks ago
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Thanks guys!

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11 years 48 weeks ago
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