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Q: Is everyone happy in the city they live in?

I have lived in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou (Briefly). I really enjoyed each one but for different reasons. I feel like Whatever city you end up in, in China if you do it right you will have a good time, meet a lot of people, and enjoy the city. So having said that, are you all happy where you are? 

10 years 36 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Not yet. do you have some offer ?


No, I'm just curious whether everyone enjoys the city they are in. I love living in Beijing and right now I wouldn't want to move to another city.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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okay. I do not know. I think I will be not happy in any chinese place, if still it is the way it is now. So I just surviving my time here, with head in the whisky bottle ...

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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i am.  daqing may not be glamorous, but it fits me.  i moved here from LA and hated big busy cities.  daqing has a very low population density, since the size of the terriority considered daqing is massive.  its a slower city, but big enough to offer me whatever i need or want.  


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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I am in a lower Tier city but I have lived in pretty much every Tier from Beijing -> Tianjin -> Suzhou -> Changzhou -> And now Yuncheng. 


I like smaller to mid sized cities because foreigners can get away with more and also because you usually have everything you need without all the hustle and bustle. 


Cost is living is lower and I just feel more relaxed. Am I happy here? In a sense yes, but it is hard to be happy where you are not truly accepted (China). 


I hear you. Yesterday, in two years in China, I had the clearest realisation of this fact and wondered WTF I was doing here where I am so different and stand out so much. Thought that maybe I should go home for a while just to remember what it's like to be accepted. And I live in Beijing where I think foreigners are accepted more than some other places in China because there are so many of us here. 

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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* Hefei was (surprisingly) enjoyable, mainly for its slow pace. Living on a large campus probably helped a lot, spent most of my time there. Was a bit tired of it after 9 months tho.

* I feel lucky to be in Suzhou, neat urban planning and the money to back it. Plenty of green areas, bikes lane, nice walks around the lakes. It does not feels crowded. Pollution levels used to be not too bad by Chinese standard, but sadly this winter is quite bad.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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