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Q: Foreign Expert Certificate Enquiry

My boss is a skeevy little bitch. He never talks to me directly despite having better English than all of his employees.


I've just started back at work and he's asked through an intermediary if he can please have my foreign expert certificate back. I was always told that I'm the one who's supposed to hold onto that.


Also they paid my salary and rent allowance for January but are trying to say that because I went to Hunan during the spring festival, they possibly don't have to pay the rent for that month (but they will check with the accountant). I think they're using this as a chance to try to get out of paying me my salary for February. Seriously, the Chinese teachers hate me because I get paid when they don't. It's none of their business. The fact that they're such babies best explains why their country operates the way it does for them.


Why do employers (a) want to keep a foreign expert certificate, and (b) never know the rules for how their job is supposed to work?


In the west, manager (usually) get into their position because of their organisational skills. In China, almost all managers seem to be decrepit, incompetent, old strokers who waited out their turn until the douche occupying the chair of their dreams finally carked it.


I anticipated it, I know, but when it comes at you once again it's a pain in the arse. Is it worth calling SAFEA over? How useless will they be?

9 years 16 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Funny how the cocks always have this kind of stuff happen to them.

Perhaps youll take this and realize that no one wants to be around a douche. First look within.


You seem to attract a lot of attention so your claims, as always, are empty and specious.


Canada is wise to have rejected you and sent you to this refuse bin.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Also funny how you talk of me being discarded right as its happening to you. Perhaps its your boss that is wise.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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When using solvents in enclosed spaces always ensure adequate ventilation. I know this is China and health and safety isn't practiced here, but when you're in that greasy factory with the dirges manufacturing crap for thick people you really ought to wear a mask. Exposure to lead paint will erode your sub-par brain even further, assuming such a thing is possible.


Fuck off and buy a shiny thing you cashed up peasant!

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Easy man! Calm down. Dont need a heart attack yet. You are going to be seeing alot of me now that you are gonna be unemployed and all...

9 years 16 weeks ago
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dis·card (dĭ-skärd′) v. dis·card·ed, dis·card·ing, dis·cards 1. To throw away; reject. As in what Canada supposedly did to me and what your comapny is doing to you.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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I'm sorry, I don't speak pageant contestant.


"alot". Even fat, greasy, overindulged, classless and snot-caked fingered little Chinese princelings are brighter than you.


Enough said. But let me grant you this: suppose this place is as shit for me when it's so good for you and this crap school I'm at is the best China has to offer me then it says it all about how good China is objectively, doesn't it?


Here's the thing though. I can go to another school. You can't go anywhere because that would involve filling in an application form by hand exposing your mongoloid handwriting and making an even bigger of an arse of yourself by not having access to a spell checker. Chinese are very superficial, but generally daft and herd minded. If you have to make your case to one educated Chinese man, rather than have some thick kid's father who you once taught drag you in front of his gormless baijiu buddies, you would be somewhat disappointed with the results, I'm sure.


Birds of a feather flock together. Count your blessings and fuck off now Mike. Go and hang around with your crowd, namely some shrieking Chinese "business" wankers waving man bags and zippos around a lazy susan as they palm each other off or just sit in gridlock in your over-rated, over-priced piece of shit car which you use to compensate for your noodle dick, lack of class and obnoxious personality.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Hmm you make a good point. Writing an application form would suck. Its a good thing real jobs dont need them. Also a good thing people dont hate being around me and actually like having me around. Heres a link for you. Im sure you know it as no one can stand to keep you around more than a semester. Good luck on your next adventure! Wanna take bets on which side of the poverty line you end up on???

9 years 16 weeks ago
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don't stop now guys...... go get him Mike!!!

9 years 16 weeks ago
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I knew you needed that the most.


It just proves my points about this place being a refuse bin and how birds of a feather flock together.


Real jobs don't need application forms? Telling a bunch of peasants to sweep up the dross from under a lathe isn't a real job.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Come on Mike, the nimrods have anointed you as their champion. Stick it to that educated man who makes them all feel so inadequate despite accumulating all that stuff which they dismiss as tacky, vulgar shit for simple classless yobbos with small penises and miniscule brains.


Being told you're not good enough must hurt you so much. It hurts them too. They need a bonehead to cheer for. You are that bonehead. Time to rise.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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I guess the only jobs you have had are at Mcdonalds and blockbuster. These are the places you need to fill an application form. Most places a CV and meeting/interview are sufficient. It makes me endlessly happy that someone who cant keep a white monkey gig is going to tell me what a "real job " is. Do you ever get tired of filling out flawless application forms knowing that once your employers spends any amount of time near your stench of self-distain and loneliness your going to get fired and have to do it all over again??

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Here are some facts just so your noodle dick doesn't go all el dente on you from these rather trite observations.


I worked in the construction industry when I was 21 until I was 23. After that I went into the racing industry. I worked some shitty jobs, but the thing that makes me most proud to say is that I never had to work in retail.


Now, my computer programming job within the construction industry required an application form and an array of testing to make sure I wasn't incompetent. It made sure I could key in co-ordinates correctly - namely words and numbers. You can't do words, I'd hate to see what you do with numbers, but again, if people like you are working in finance in China, it explains everything perfectly.


I left that job to work for the Registrar of Electors because I was sick of being around daft blokish sort who made minge jokes all the time and told lies about women they supposedly shagged in the weekend. It didn't pay as well, but it still paid a high figure. I was pulling in more than $60,000 US per year. At this other place I pulled $80,000. No kissing arse, no relationships. I was the man who filled in the paper to do the job. Sons of boardmembers' need not apply for this area of the business, but it got boring so I took papers at university and earned very high grades. I decided to quit and take it on fulltime to finish quicker. While I studied I worked for a media analysis company. Again, strokers need not apply. Too technical. I had to fill out an application form there too.


I considered an adventure and came here. I met a good girl and I've got the misfortune of having to live in a complete dump until she finishes her worthless degree because having their child earn a degree is so important to her family. If she didn't have this burden, we would never stick around in a dirty shithole filled with liars and thick millionaires who can't even build houses properly like China.


When I go home, I'll have an array of choices, but you're right in many ways. In China, I am shit because China's political and economic system combined with their cultural values elevate dickheads. And they aren't smart enough to recognize a person with skills and ability unless he's a lawyer or a writer that they're about to hurl into a prison.


I don't want to waste my time hurling nonsense back and forward. Your lowbrow wit impresses dickheads a lot. I'm not after points from people I've no respect for.


So leave me alone now, and all the best with your life, if that's what you call it.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Mike. You can't spell disdain. If you are going to troll a question at least make it funny rather than try-hard obnoxious. I thought Canadians were nice?

9 years 16 weeks ago
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What is this? Some kind of old man kiwi party? You dont want no part of me nzteach. You give me some ammo and ill have you spittin mad and speaking old timey in no time. After that I will have you feeling the need to justify your whole life to me. Then after endless posts and countless hours youll claim you have better things to do and youll take the extremely ironic high road out of here. No one wants that.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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There is a kiwi name for people like you Mike. We call men like you "cunts"


Actually, you get the extra special moniker of "thick cunt" or even "cashed up thick cunt" which was recently shortened to the more manageable "Serepisos"


I'm not old. I'm 30.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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FYI, cunt is not a kiwi specific word. We have a word for people like you in real English. Liar. Seriously you are a walking ,talking cliche. If i had a dollar for every time i heard an expat here was making 80-100K before they came to China, id have enough for ANOTHER Audi. But yeah, you keep telling yourself you have choices. Oh and way to snatch up and destroy one of your students lives. Creepy. If i was 30, there would be no way in hell id be announcing to everyone im waiting for my student GF to graduate. But on the bright side, you proved me wrong! The way you live and act i thought for sure you were ashamed of your self. Turns out you dont have any!

9 years 16 weeks ago
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You are the quintessential white chinaman.


Small dick, money obsessed, groundless supposition advancing, sanctimonious, poorly mannered, poorly educated, shit for brains, talentless, classless, piece of rubbish. Your wife might as well have married the clown who stunk of stale smoke spitting on the road outside the restaurant before getting into a porsche and driving it like a head trauma victim who I saw yesterday.


Audis are a gay man's car. You do know that right? Lots of Audi drivers end up murdered in their cars at the back of alleyways when they want a bit of midnight cruising action with some of the inner city tar boys who want the money, but get a bit aggro when the old boy breaks the rules and reaches for the package.


Whenever I see a guy driving an Audi, I always know he's a sad old bender trying to cover up his insecurities with cash.


My girlfriend is completing a masters and she's 25. I was never her teacher. I came here three years ago. The fact that a troglodyte like you was ever able to be a teacher is yet another plight on this country's integrity. How can a retard who can't spell the most basic of words have become a teacher? Well, you are an Audi driver, so you obviously blew the right old man. That's the only plausible explanation for how someone like you could be employed in any job at all. Except Blockbuster. They have standards.


I'm sure your wife never even went to school if she was stupid enough to stay in the room with you and your noodle dick after that first god-awful white Chinaman root you gave her, let alone to have chosen to stay with you of all the men in the world until one of you dies. She must be at least as thick as you. I'm sure the root in question was over quickly when you closed your eyes and thought of your gay arse car.


Audis are gay Mike. I know you're very simple minded and dense, so I will continue to repeat it the way I have to do for the rich kids in China. They are a poofters car. When I see one I think, "there's a faggot looking for a bum to penetrate and a cock to reach for while he's doing it".


Learn to read. I didn't say $80,000 to $100,000, but keep telling yourself whatever you need to hear to get yourself off if having the image of a gay car in your wank bank isn't enough to get you spilling the Vinnies and Debbies out of the end of your vermicelli's match-head.


Language you can understand. I don't talk down to people. I am addressing you as an equal.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Fact: Saabs are the quintessential gay car. Audis are awsome. Everyone knows that. You dont need to project your anger over the fact that youll be riding the bus for life onto Audi. They dont deserve that man. Fact2: You have mentioned my penis like 20 times today. More projections???? I mean you do seem to know alot about what goes on in back alleys. In detail. Would you like me to send you a dick pick so you have something visual when your beating off to my death?? Haha the old " my woman has a masters degree" . Even when called out you go back to the same old cliches. Just be real man. Shes a 21 year old Hunan farmer who wasnt good enough to go to any school so she got stuck in your class in Hebei. Id bet anything you had to beg her to shave her armpits. Now youve soiled her and shes stuck. Hopes and dreams dashed. Will never have even a working class life and any mention of such things will get her a stern talking to about not being a gold digger. If you love her man, give me her number. For an iphone shell be free from you. Do the right thing.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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So Mike, it isn't possible to buy your way into the critical/rational camp. You aren't Bo Xilai or Xi Jinping.


One of the migrant workers hasn't turned the screws on the ball bearings, you'd better get on your high horse and tell him to get turning, you real job holder, you.


I know it's still early and you're tired from all that cruising you did last night in your hairdresser's car. The clue is in the emblem. It's four Malay houseboys' sphincters all lined up in a row for a middle aged, degenerate car bogan with bitch tits.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Wow, your getting creative. Your bus ride to work must have hit some traffic. I hope you dont teach such intolerance in your classes. In 2015 calling someone gay isnt just taboo, it pretty ineffective. Do you even teach? Or is this just to pick up girls? Hey if you want , I cant lend you some cash for a cheap second hand car or something. That way you can just drive directly to the country side and choose your next woman from a field.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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As a non 'naive' speaker of English I learnt so much from you guys...

9 years 16 weeks ago
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9 years 16 weeks ago
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Posts: 2488


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You must be a registered user to vote!

Funny how the cocks always have this kind of stuff happen to them.

Perhaps youll take this and realize that no one wants to be around a douche. First look within.


You seem to attract a lot of attention so your claims, as always, are empty and specious.


Canada is wise to have rejected you and sent you to this refuse bin.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Also funny how you talk of me being discarded right as its happening to you. Perhaps its your boss that is wise.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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When using solvents in enclosed spaces always ensure adequate ventilation. I know this is China and health and safety isn't practiced here, but when you're in that greasy factory with the dirges manufacturing crap for thick people you really ought to wear a mask. Exposure to lead paint will erode your sub-par brain even further, assuming such a thing is possible.


Fuck off and buy a shiny thing you cashed up peasant!

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Easy man! Calm down. Dont need a heart attack yet. You are going to be seeing alot of me now that you are gonna be unemployed and all...

9 years 16 weeks ago
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dis·card (dĭ-skärd′) v. dis·card·ed, dis·card·ing, dis·cards 1. To throw away; reject. As in what Canada supposedly did to me and what your comapny is doing to you.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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I'm sorry, I don't speak pageant contestant.


"alot". Even fat, greasy, overindulged, classless and snot-caked fingered little Chinese princelings are brighter than you.


Enough said. But let me grant you this: suppose this place is as shit for me when it's so good for you and this crap school I'm at is the best China has to offer me then it says it all about how good China is objectively, doesn't it?


Here's the thing though. I can go to another school. You can't go anywhere because that would involve filling in an application form by hand exposing your mongoloid handwriting and making an even bigger of an arse of yourself by not having access to a spell checker. Chinese are very superficial, but generally daft and herd minded. If you have to make your case to one educated Chinese man, rather than have some thick kid's father who you once taught drag you in front of his gormless baijiu buddies, you would be somewhat disappointed with the results, I'm sure.


Birds of a feather flock together. Count your blessings and fuck off now Mike. Go and hang around with your crowd, namely some shrieking Chinese "business" wankers waving man bags and zippos around a lazy susan as they palm each other off or just sit in gridlock in your over-rated, over-priced piece of shit car which you use to compensate for your noodle dick, lack of class and obnoxious personality.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Hmm you make a good point. Writing an application form would suck. Its a good thing real jobs dont need them. Also a good thing people dont hate being around me and actually like having me around. Heres a link for you. Im sure you know it as no one can stand to keep you around more than a semester. Good luck on your next adventure! Wanna take bets on which side of the poverty line you end up on???

9 years 16 weeks ago
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don't stop now guys...... go get him Mike!!!

9 years 16 weeks ago
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I knew you needed that the most.


It just proves my points about this place being a refuse bin and how birds of a feather flock together.


Real jobs don't need application forms? Telling a bunch of peasants to sweep up the dross from under a lathe isn't a real job.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Come on Mike, the nimrods have anointed you as their champion. Stick it to that educated man who makes them all feel so inadequate despite accumulating all that stuff which they dismiss as tacky, vulgar shit for simple classless yobbos with small penises and miniscule brains.


Being told you're not good enough must hurt you so much. It hurts them too. They need a bonehead to cheer for. You are that bonehead. Time to rise.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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I guess the only jobs you have had are at Mcdonalds and blockbuster. These are the places you need to fill an application form. Most places a CV and meeting/interview are sufficient. It makes me endlessly happy that someone who cant keep a white monkey gig is going to tell me what a "real job " is. Do you ever get tired of filling out flawless application forms knowing that once your employers spends any amount of time near your stench of self-distain and loneliness your going to get fired and have to do it all over again??

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Here are some facts just so your noodle dick doesn't go all el dente on you from these rather trite observations.


I worked in the construction industry when I was 21 until I was 23. After that I went into the racing industry. I worked some shitty jobs, but the thing that makes me most proud to say is that I never had to work in retail.


Now, my computer programming job within the construction industry required an application form and an array of testing to make sure I wasn't incompetent. It made sure I could key in co-ordinates correctly - namely words and numbers. You can't do words, I'd hate to see what you do with numbers, but again, if people like you are working in finance in China, it explains everything perfectly.


I left that job to work for the Registrar of Electors because I was sick of being around daft blokish sort who made minge jokes all the time and told lies about women they supposedly shagged in the weekend. It didn't pay as well, but it still paid a high figure. I was pulling in more than $60,000 US per year. At this other place I pulled $80,000. No kissing arse, no relationships. I was the man who filled in the paper to do the job. Sons of boardmembers' need not apply for this area of the business, but it got boring so I took papers at university and earned very high grades. I decided to quit and take it on fulltime to finish quicker. While I studied I worked for a media analysis company. Again, strokers need not apply. Too technical. I had to fill out an application form there too.


I considered an adventure and came here. I met a good girl and I've got the misfortune of having to live in a complete dump until she finishes her worthless degree because having their child earn a degree is so important to her family. If she didn't have this burden, we would never stick around in a dirty shithole filled with liars and thick millionaires who can't even build houses properly like China.


When I go home, I'll have an array of choices, but you're right in many ways. In China, I am shit because China's political and economic system combined with their cultural values elevate dickheads. And they aren't smart enough to recognize a person with skills and ability unless he's a lawyer or a writer that they're about to hurl into a prison.


I don't want to waste my time hurling nonsense back and forward. Your lowbrow wit impresses dickheads a lot. I'm not after points from people I've no respect for.


So leave me alone now, and all the best with your life, if that's what you call it.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Mike. You can't spell disdain. If you are going to troll a question at least make it funny rather than try-hard obnoxious. I thought Canadians were nice?

9 years 16 weeks ago
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What is this? Some kind of old man kiwi party? You dont want no part of me nzteach. You give me some ammo and ill have you spittin mad and speaking old timey in no time. After that I will have you feeling the need to justify your whole life to me. Then after endless posts and countless hours youll claim you have better things to do and youll take the extremely ironic high road out of here. No one wants that.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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There is a kiwi name for people like you Mike. We call men like you "cunts"


Actually, you get the extra special moniker of "thick cunt" or even "cashed up thick cunt" which was recently shortened to the more manageable "Serepisos"


I'm not old. I'm 30.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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FYI, cunt is not a kiwi specific word. We have a word for people like you in real English. Liar. Seriously you are a walking ,talking cliche. If i had a dollar for every time i heard an expat here was making 80-100K before they came to China, id have enough for ANOTHER Audi. But yeah, you keep telling yourself you have choices. Oh and way to snatch up and destroy one of your students lives. Creepy. If i was 30, there would be no way in hell id be announcing to everyone im waiting for my student GF to graduate. But on the bright side, you proved me wrong! The way you live and act i thought for sure you were ashamed of your self. Turns out you dont have any!

9 years 16 weeks ago
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You are the quintessential white chinaman.


Small dick, money obsessed, groundless supposition advancing, sanctimonious, poorly mannered, poorly educated, shit for brains, talentless, classless, piece of rubbish. Your wife might as well have married the clown who stunk of stale smoke spitting on the road outside the restaurant before getting into a porsche and driving it like a head trauma victim who I saw yesterday.


Audis are a gay man's car. You do know that right? Lots of Audi drivers end up murdered in their cars at the back of alleyways when they want a bit of midnight cruising action with some of the inner city tar boys who want the money, but get a bit aggro when the old boy breaks the rules and reaches for the package.


Whenever I see a guy driving an Audi, I always know he's a sad old bender trying to cover up his insecurities with cash.


My girlfriend is completing a masters and she's 25. I was never her teacher. I came here three years ago. The fact that a troglodyte like you was ever able to be a teacher is yet another plight on this country's integrity. How can a retard who can't spell the most basic of words have become a teacher? Well, you are an Audi driver, so you obviously blew the right old man. That's the only plausible explanation for how someone like you could be employed in any job at all. Except Blockbuster. They have standards.


I'm sure your wife never even went to school if she was stupid enough to stay in the room with you and your noodle dick after that first god-awful white Chinaman root you gave her, let alone to have chosen to stay with you of all the men in the world until one of you dies. She must be at least as thick as you. I'm sure the root in question was over quickly when you closed your eyes and thought of your gay arse car.


Audis are gay Mike. I know you're very simple minded and dense, so I will continue to repeat it the way I have to do for the rich kids in China. They are a poofters car. When I see one I think, "there's a faggot looking for a bum to penetrate and a cock to reach for while he's doing it".


Learn to read. I didn't say $80,000 to $100,000, but keep telling yourself whatever you need to hear to get yourself off if having the image of a gay car in your wank bank isn't enough to get you spilling the Vinnies and Debbies out of the end of your vermicelli's match-head.


Language you can understand. I don't talk down to people. I am addressing you as an equal.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Fact: Saabs are the quintessential gay car. Audis are awsome. Everyone knows that. You dont need to project your anger over the fact that youll be riding the bus for life onto Audi. They dont deserve that man. Fact2: You have mentioned my penis like 20 times today. More projections???? I mean you do seem to know alot about what goes on in back alleys. In detail. Would you like me to send you a dick pick so you have something visual when your beating off to my death?? Haha the old " my woman has a masters degree" . Even when called out you go back to the same old cliches. Just be real man. Shes a 21 year old Hunan farmer who wasnt good enough to go to any school so she got stuck in your class in Hebei. Id bet anything you had to beg her to shave her armpits. Now youve soiled her and shes stuck. Hopes and dreams dashed. Will never have even a working class life and any mention of such things will get her a stern talking to about not being a gold digger. If you love her man, give me her number. For an iphone shell be free from you. Do the right thing.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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So Mike, it isn't possible to buy your way into the critical/rational camp. You aren't Bo Xilai or Xi Jinping.


One of the migrant workers hasn't turned the screws on the ball bearings, you'd better get on your high horse and tell him to get turning, you real job holder, you.


I know it's still early and you're tired from all that cruising you did last night in your hairdresser's car. The clue is in the emblem. It's four Malay houseboys' sphincters all lined up in a row for a middle aged, degenerate car bogan with bitch tits.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Wow, your getting creative. Your bus ride to work must have hit some traffic. I hope you dont teach such intolerance in your classes. In 2015 calling someone gay isnt just taboo, it pretty ineffective. Do you even teach? Or is this just to pick up girls? Hey if you want , I cant lend you some cash for a cheap second hand car or something. That way you can just drive directly to the country side and choose your next woman from a field.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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As a non 'naive' speaker of English I learnt so much from you guys...

9 years 16 weeks ago
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9 years 16 weeks ago
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Ask you boss: 'Can you give me the address of SAFEA, pls?'. If she'll inquire, why do you need SAFEA, tell her that you want your FEC. It belongs to you, and it's required for ID together with your passport. You also need FEC with any more serious business at the banks in China.


Enter 'SAFEA' in search above for address and contact no. in your city/Province, and dial them up.

In my experience, SAFEA was never sloppy, and I've always got help and advice.

I was just talking to Fujian SAFEA about FT, who was dismissed at the same school I was. He is back in USA, waiting for Release Letter and FEC Cancel Cert.

I received reply from SAFEA two days after the end of Festival/beginning of work in China.

I contact SAFEA as soon as I can't reason with School about the problem. SAFEA's office is there for FTs, and I found them very efficient and helpful, buTT....I would like to hear some actual cases of 'no help from SAFEA'.

If you'll dial them, be polite and don't demand anything. Asking for an 'advice and help' is the best way to talk to SAFEA.

If you'll dial SAFEA, please update thread with your experience with them.


Ok, mate. Will do. Thanks heaps!


I'll keep you posted.


I am angry because I was told they would cover my rent for two months and now they're trying to get out of it. Contrary to the ramblings of the hun above, I know they aren't trying to discard me, they're just trying to cheat me out of a month's salary and they could potentially make a populist point among the gormless staff by doing so.


A contract is a contract is a contract, but perhaps I just don't understand Chinese culture, or lack thereof...

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Chinese will negotiate at any occasion. They don't understand 'cheating' same as we do. That is sorted into 'negotiating' in China. If your contract state, school will  give you monthly rent reimbursement, they must pay it doesn't matter if you weren't in the apartment/city. However, '....I was told.....' doesn't count. It must be written in the contract.

They will have argument with SAFEA, if you didn't leave for holidays on 'good terms'.

They must cancel FEC at the end of the Contract. If FT holds FEC, and leave school, school will have problems at issuing new FEC for another FT, so they rather hold it in their drawer.

My rule: 'if doc. require my pic., it belongs to me/my pocket!'

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Yeah, I know that's what they're trying to do. This city I live in is so shit and the visa rule changes are so stringent that they haven't a hope in hell of getting another foreign teacher if they piss me off and I leave. I was offered a job with higher pay and less hours but I kept this one because the centre is filled with foreigners who go on about hiring hookers and drink in the pub almost every night until 2am because their classes don't start the next day until 3pm and preparation is easy.


Not my scene, dude.


All three of the schools I worked for kept my expert certificate for this very reason and when I left the first one, the headmaster refused to write the letter, but it didn't matter. He lost face bigtime in front of his staff. It's funny to picture that swaggering gorilla turn red.


See, the rational thing for an employer working in such a commercial environment would be to treat the foreign teacher well and not break promises. I don't ask them for anything and I do all of the classes they ask me to do. Naturally, they keep the lion's share of all the revenue my teaching attracts to the school, but the Chinese teachers don't think like this. I think they see an institution as a cornucopia which you must worship in order to draw paper from monthly. It's bizarre because this is an international school and teachers need a minimum of a masters to teach there. Economics 101 gelled with Mao Zedong Thought probably yields these kinds of judgments quite frequently though.


All of the other expats I've met in this city with the exception of two are drunken dickheads with no erudition, just a certificate. Poms mostly, and normally I get along well with English people, but these ones are chavs. Actual chavs.


My school deserves these chavs because the behaviour of the management here is the virtual equivalent of chav manners. But the chavs will not work there because they'll have to get up well before 2pm in the afternoon, roll out of bed and spray on some Lynx.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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'It's not wise to think about yourself as indispensable.'

My former school in Fujian is bad, but as soon as they dismissed 2nd FT, they hired 4 more. They offer 1000 Rmb higher salary than usual. Contract has provision: 'either party can quit Contract for any reason with 30-days Resignation/Dismissal notice'.

On the first thought from FT side, that's good provision, buTT....if FT will argue at any extra school's demand, FT will receive Dismissal.

Last US FT was dismissed, because of 7-days sick leave. I was dismissed, because I refused to pay 50 Rmb for my Internet transfer to the new apartment, because of constant noise in the old apartment. I didn't even step in the classroom.

Its dirty city in W. Fujian with colored rivers and garbage piles by the road. Apartment is 'usual apartment for single Chinese' as rep. replied to me, when I asked him if he knows what 'FEC' stands for. I had 3 plastic stacking (train) chairs in the kitchen, so I asked him about Chinese Gov. doc. he handed me.

But, they don't have any problems to get new FTs., 4 at the time, all Native English Teachers.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Dunny, chavs, Lynx. Stop passing cultural colloquialisms. You're confusing the Americans.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Where are you living/working? When this contract finishes find a job in a city that attracts other types of foreigners, not just English teachers. I'm biased but I love Guangzhou. There's something for every type of person here. 

9 years 16 weeks ago
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I'm in Hebei. They have massive problems getting foreigners here. Places can advertise for 18 months plus and have no response.


Before I came to the school there was an American guy hired from an agency who I could just tell they treated like shit.


Me, I stand up for myself. I've put them in their place many times without having to use Safea, and I've been able to obtain my documents by using the best practice Chinese machiavellianism in my interpersonal relations with them. When I was about to go to Beijing, I asked if I could have the expert certificate, but I asked them four weeks in advance because I knew they were such fuck ups that they wouldn't be able to get it to me very promptly. I got it three days before the train departed. Now they asked for it back clearly for the very reasons you've just suggested.


I am 100% sure that me being replaced is no danger because I can work half as much for more money, but I prefer making less and not being around the chavs and the yankee hooker hirer.


I'm working at the best place in Hebei for me. The day my girlfriend graduates I'm going to out-chav the chavs down at the gungy pub and then go to Japan for a month and spend half of that time completely inebriated.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Shijiazhuang. It's a hole. I've been to Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Guilin, Kunming and Changsha but I haven't been to Guangzhou. I hear good things and I was actually randomly offered a job through an employer on this site.


I've got an English degree and a tefol which I studied at an actual course in Auckland, New Zealand.


I would like to like in Guangdong. I know I can pull in a good salary. Actually I was offered a job up here at a factory and I'm seriously considering it. I'm like the Chinese government: stability before all else. This place manufactures trailers and exports them to Australia and Europe. Now that Alibaba's launched that online promotion thing, they want a guy to "liase" - a stroker job, haha. I'd love to take it, but I'm worried I'll end up stuck in this province for ever and never leave China.


My life isn't so bad, I'm just worked up over the principles I outlined above. I like teaching and don't care about money, status etc. I'm a saver and a self starter. I just want a fair amount of money and a good lifestyle.


Guangzhou sounds good. Thanks for the info wink

9 years 16 weeks ago
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You've got the stinkiest air in the whole world in Shi., and you're behind the mountains there too. Had offer from Middle School there in 2011, but I changed my mind after I've seen report on AQI. They have 'live' coal industry in Shi. I'd demand double pay to live there.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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I wear a mask to bed, haha.


I have lots of plants in my house and my new apartment is right next to the school. Shitjiazhuang is just as you say it is. Every holiday period I'm outa there.


Now you can understand why I talked up Hunan.


I'll go to NZ this year. October looks like the time. Can't wait!

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Guangdong scores quite well on air quality & lifestyle. Only issue with GZ is the size. Zhongshan is a pretty nice (small) city down here & Zhuhai ain't too bad. Good luck with dealing with this shit b

9 years 16 weeks ago
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You should enter in 'O2 decompression chamber' in NZ. If not, you might get 'poisoned' by clean air. Your body must adjust first.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Stop passing cultural colloquialisms. You're confusing the Americans.


This is anon Board, so I could write anything I want. Who can check my statements? However, I don't find 'lying or exaggerating' as challenge on anon.

I'm not familiar with Chinese law, and my posts are (mostly) based on my experience.

I worked in Fujian with 2 US FT, woman &man. We weren't really friends, but we didn't argue either. Male FT is member of this Board (after I told him about). We exchanged email addresses, and communicate off this site, also.

Before CNY, he sent me an email, that he's back in USA, and School withhold RL and FEC Cancel cert., what makes him unable to get new gig in China. He told me SAFEA doesn't reply to him.

So, I dialed Fujian SAFEA, and inquire about it. Few days ago, I received SAFEA's reply with new email address, and confirmation 'email/reply was sent to US FT, who has problems with FEC Cancel cert., and SAFEA is working on it'.

US (CA) native teacher couldn't call SAFEA from USA, so I dial them instead. 

In return, he gave me his CA mailing address, so I'll be able to buy few things on US Performance Bike, and ship it to him. He'll resend PB package to my address in China.

PB doesn't ship to China, so with his help I'll be able to buy professional cycling parts for my 'road dog'.


'one hand wash other hand', not passing or confusing anybody/thing.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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I'd leave any workplace that treated its employees like that.


I want to, but I've gots no place else to go. This city is really shite, but I can't leave it because my girlfriend is here.


I'm not homesick, but I would actually prefer to go home or to Australia. I've got no interest in this place. It's a lavatory.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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9 years 16 weeks ago
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