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Q: Foreigner ID card in China.

I recently got Foreigner ID card in Yiwu, local police issued one to me when I was applying for Registration of residence. I can use it instead of passport in China, during police checks, in bus and train stations, bike rentals, city parking. Currently available and useful only in Shanghai and Yiwu as police stated, Did any of you guys/girls get one? Any more benefits, usage of foreigner ID card that I don't know of? And if you heard any news of possible upgrades of possibilities, since with this ID card I still cannot pickup train ticket from machine, still must use counter (but I can show just ID card instead of passport). All comments are welcome.

7 years 44 weeks ago in  General  - China

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You got my Upvote !

7 years 44 weeks ago
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Thank you, this was the Chinese I was looking for 外籍商友卡

7 years 44 weeks ago
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7 years 44 weeks ago
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I'm confused. How can you have got this card when on your other wuestion you're asking about temporary registration, etc?



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7 years 44 weeks ago
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@hotwater That is not real ID card, and anybody can get one in Yiwu (with valid visa, all types). It is just electronic passport currently for me, it reads in my name and passport number to computer from scanner. But for now not possible to take train ticket from machine (like Chinese ID card can).
 My question is did you guys see it and do you know about it?


I'd only vaguely heard of these but can't remember which city was doing it. 


The new work permit system system is also going to give out foreigner ID cards which can then be used in place of passports. Supposedly these will eventually allow us to use things like train station ticket machines. 

7 years 44 weeks ago
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7 years 44 weeks ago
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So now I'm confused! You asked about the Q Visa 8 hours and 50 minutes ago, and you asked this question 8 hours and 42 minutes, meaning there's 8 minutes gap of confusion.

Is this ID card you got a so called : Marriage & Family ID Micro Chip visa card?

(or Q visa Card?)


Help us out. I have yet to see the PSB just hand out an ID card for the sake of name & legal status info for getting around during your daily life.  So until I understand more, I can only say: Wow this is new!

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Because this is an Admin account just posting Qs? or someone for some reason asking BS questions as some form of masturbation.


That crossed my mind based on the timing and unrealistic ID card that hasn't been announced nor seen in China yet, unless its a D visa. MR Robot quote: Is any of it real?

7 years 44 weeks ago
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I take back what I said, it could be he just registered at the police precinct and they gave him the .

7 years 44 weeks ago
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It crossed my mind as well though the questions are more detailed than normal and OP has since commented. 

7 years 44 weeks ago
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I know this is after Vlango posted below, but he was a more regular a couple of years ago... the name and avatar are hard to mistake...

7 years 44 weeks ago
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7 years 44 weeks ago
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You guys still have 0 trust for people that don't post every half hour here.

So the things are like this, I am 3 years in China already, lived in Wuxi, Tonglu, and since 2014 July in Yiwu. I recently (about a month ago) posted question about Q1 visa application. Got some useful answers from ironman and Robk, went to my home country "Bosnia and Herzegovina", made Q1 visa, and on Dec 13 landed in Shanghai, on Dec 14 went to police station to get Registry of Residence (since with that registry I cut time from 3 to 1 minutes for local police to register me every time when I come into Yiwu). While I was there they asked me if I want them to make Foreigner ID card for me, I answered yes since they said I can use it for renting bikes, to pay parking in Yiwu and instead of passport during routine police checks. Exact name of document is "FOREIGNER CITIZEN CARD". 


Next step was come back home and post questions on this website about new card I have never seen and how to proceed with next step concerning my Q1 visa/temporary residence permit.


Hope this gives answer to all of you. 


Good feedback!


The reason there so much suspicion of some questions is that the owners of this site create multiple fake accounts that post questions to try to get traffic going. Those who've been here a few years get a bit carried away at times with our suspicions 

7 years 44 weeks ago
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And no one has seen or heard of an ID card that you got, some guys only heard rumors. Until I see it with my own eyes, read a news article or understand why they have such a card when our visa's are already in the passport than I'll wait to see it before I believe it.


Can you help us out? If you have this card than upload it to a blog site, copy the location and post it here. Not for the sake of believing you, for the sake of learning and research for us & others. Just dab out your personal info & ID #, leave the Chinese words so we can translate and learn what kind of card it is in Chinese, front & back please.. Thanks

7 years 44 weeks ago
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@ironman510 I already uploaded photo here about 11 hours before your comment where you are requesting for the photo. I added instructions card I got with this data card where usage is explained. And lets call it personal electronic data card, rather than ID card, so there is less confusion. Also I mixed up the dates because I have changed my flight, I was in police on Nov 13 as you can see on the card 20161113.

7 years 44 weeks ago
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7 years 44 weeks ago
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You got my Upvote !

7 years 44 weeks ago
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Thank you, this was the Chinese I was looking for 外籍商友卡

7 years 44 weeks ago
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7 years 44 weeks ago
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And attached photos of both sides of that mysterious card, just name and passport number hidden. Interesting additional information on this ID card is religion, probably because huge number of Muslims which live in Yiwu.
Photo they probably had from before since I registered for n-th time, it is a scan of my passport photo. In instruction paper from this card there is a note that Shanghai has same card and that Hangzhou does not have and does not support usage of the card, which means I can rent a bike in Yiwu and Shanghai but I cannot do the same in Hangzhou. Other cities not mentioned if they have or support usage of the card (that is the reason I asked this question).


I wonder if we'll start to see a crackdown on those identifying as Muslim within the next couple of years... Or, if at any time a Muslim is caught (allegedly) breaking a law, that will be the first thing that is mentioned....


Officially sanctioned religious discrimination.... :(

7 years 44 weeks ago
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I don't believe Yiwu local government will do anything bad to Muslims if they continue to behave business wise as they did until now, since they invested a lot of money in building a Mosque in Yiwu and every Friday during noon pray time police closes down traffic in street where Mosque is located. 

7 years 44 weeks ago
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Sina News reported: YiWu is the first place to issue these ID cards.


@ VianGoThats why we haven't heard or seen anyone with these ID cards. China being China is not known for giving out ID cards like these and loves us to only use our passports, so this did confuse us, because its not like China. Thank you for helping spread the word, it will help others understand better after this ID card goes nationwide. (If it does).


Sina News Below Translated by Microsoft Bing.


On July 26th 2016 Yiwu city, Zhejiang Province foreign trade service center-do Hall, the citizen card issued to the 15 permanent staff members of the Centre of Yiwu foreign-issued the first batch of foreign friends. This means that they will enjoy equal treatment with the Yiwu public.

It is reported that the next, Yiwu partial full implementation of foreign friends card, this is the first time in the country. It is understood that as the world's largest commodity distribution center in Yiwu city, permanent foreign-there are more than 13,000 people. Yiwu city card issuing centres the foreign-oriented foreign friends cards, eligible cardholder will enjoy basic foreign pension, education of children, such as social security, enhance their sense of identity and sense of belonging of Yiwu, Yiwu, foreign and social integration. (End)

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7 years 44 weeks ago
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