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Q: Give blood, cop mockery and abuse. TIC, where ignorance and superstition reign supreme.

A good many Chinese people have the most backward thoughts and ideas.  60%?  90%?


Here's a good one.  

My wife donated blood this morning and has since fielded opposition from everyone she has ever met.

Opposition that has entailed mockery/derision (over the phone) for being stupid enough to do so, to abuse from an old friend who believes that by donating her blood she will shorten her life and sanity and therefore rob the friend of their friendship in the long term.


Complications certain to be suffered by Chinese blood donors (apparently) include loss of memory, intelligence, motor skills and strength.  Early onset arthritis and rapid descent into obesity are also certain.


My wife told me that people are only allowed to donate blood annually because Chinese bodies are different.

If someone donates, it means they, and their family, are allowed to receive a blood transfusion, if required, in the future free of charge.


Anyone on here had any experiences with blood donation in China?


8 years 28 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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By the logic of the arguments of some people that giving blood 'include loss of memory, intelligence, motor skills and strength.  Early onset arthritis and rapid descent into obesity are also certain....'  this implies that all women exhibit these symptoms because every month a woman will lose 30-40 millilitres of blood as part of a completely natural process. Yet most don't suffer any ill effects .


Therefore women are being told that a completely natural process weakens them and therefore they should be treated like some kind of fragile flower.




the following is taken from the NHS Blood transfusion board website (abridged)


"After donation, your body has an amazing capacity to replace all the cells and fluids that have been lost. 


Take red cells. Millions of them are being made and dying every second. When you give blood you lose red cells and the body needs to make more to replace them. Special cells in the kidneys, called peritubular cells, sense that the level of oxygen in the blood has decreased (due to the loss of red cells) and start secreting a protein called erythropoietin. This passes through the bloodstream until it reaches the bone marrow (the soft fatty tissue inside the bone cavities).

The bone marrow produces stem cells, the building blocks that the body uses to make the different blood cells – red cells, white cells and platelets. The erythropoietin sends a message to the stem cells telling more of them to develop into red blood cells, rather than white cells or platelets.

Your body makes about 2 million new red cells every second, so it doesn't take long to build up stores of them again. "


i have donated over 30 units of blood - legal at home from the age of 18, with no more than 4 donations allowed a year.


I spoke to the nurse one time and was told that the body has the capacity to replace the blood well within a week - hence most women don't become anaemic unless they are totally retarded about their iron intake, as this is part of the sex education information given out in schools.


So a healthy adult is well able to donate blood without ill effects 4 times a year - they can do it more often, but just not allowed expect in the rare circumstances you have a unique/rare blood group and there is an emergency.


After spending time in China i am no longer allowed donate blood at home - it is part of the very strict criteria that the clinics stipulate on who can donate.


If i had 1 mao for every retarded piece of health related advice i have heard in China, i could retire.


I would NEVER donate blood in China for the reasons Stiggs outlines, apart from everyone there recording it as some kind of entertainment.


China just pisses me off regarding its total stupidity when it comes to basic health and attitude to natural human biology.




    I find it ironic that you're not allowed to donate after being in China - but China thinks it's silly to give blood... (depending on where you are - because obviously some people do!)


    BTw - you know that using logic and facts don't really mean much here.... don't you?

    8 years 28 weeks ago
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    Yes -  i know logic in China is an oxymoron. 


    At home the criteria for donating blood is extremely strict:

    As far as I recall, if you have lived in Asia, Africa and South America because of the possibility of exposure to a myriad of viruses and diseases that includes Hep A, Hep B West Nile virus, Dengue Fever, malaria (and a few others) you are advised that is best not to donate blood.


    Even if you have tatts you used not be allowed donate, but due to the improvement in screening problems in blood and the regulation of the tattoo industry, i believe this has been changed to a 2 month waiting period between a tattoo application and being eligible to donate blood - if you wished.


    Giving blood is a serious business because it is a matter of life and death.

    One time i was given supplementary interviews prior to a donation as i was selected to donate to babies on that occasion. 


    My experience of giving a blood sample for the health check was enough cause for concern, due to the incompetence of the nurse jabbing what seemed like randomly into me to get a blood vessel. That and she didn't wear gloves between people.

    8 years 28 weeks ago
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    I'm curious - what supplementary questions for the baby blood??I


    I know about the tattoos thing - Hepatitis was very common (relatively) back in the 80's because of tattoos (well, poor sanitation).

    8 years 28 weeks ago
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    I went once (not in China) to blood donation LTA, but I was refused....

    'too low blood pressure' was MD's explanation for refusal....angel


    'Stay away from Hospitals and MDs' is my mantra.


    That is a valid reason!

    8 years 28 weeks ago
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    Blood doesn't come out, if one is too cool....


    What's next from that MD's statement? angel


    'sharpshooter' or 'hand watch repairman'

    8 years 28 weeks ago
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    Yangism at its finest.
    Donating is an act of generosity, so hospitals need to offer an incentive.
    In the meantime, people diametrically opposed to giving, have concocted a mythology against donating blood, to make you look bad. It's your fault for making others look bad for donating. You started it!
    China's anti-health TCM industry has tied into it, claiming your blood is literally your life's blood. I'm surprised Chinese sages haven't linked blood donation to the prevalence of vampires and zombies in the West, yet.


    What's worse - real TCM wouldn't have a problem with blood donations. It recognises that we lose blood (i mean - injury anyone??), and yet we build it back up by having a healthy lifestyle. Same when women have their periods (I be they didn't think of that one!) They lose a bit of blood, they build it back up again.


    It's not a friggen limited supply, unrenewarble resource, FFS!

    8 years 28 weeks ago
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    For that we have a joke ...

    'How can you trust a being that every month bleeds for one week and still does not die' ...

    Sorry for a bit nasty joke ...

    8 years 28 weeks ago
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    I offered to give blood here three years ago, when I was 59 after having donated in England twice a year for the last twenty years. I was told I was too old and the blood would not be good anymore.

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    The fact that blood donation places, of all places, are so ignorant about their business is one of the 2 reasons I'd never donate blood here.


    1. I don't want to get HIV or hepatitis because some idiot manager decided it's good business to reuse needles or something.


    2. Like everything else you try to do, there would probably be a lot of red tape and other bullshit involved. I'll pass on that.



    Besides which - you donate, they sell (probably)

    8 years 28 weeks ago
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    8 years 28 weeks ago
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    By the logic of the arguments of some people that giving blood 'include loss of memory, intelligence, motor skills and strength.  Early onset arthritis and rapid descent into obesity are also certain....'  this implies that all women exhibit these symptoms because every month a woman will lose 30-40 millilitres of blood as part of a completely natural process. Yet most don't suffer any ill effects .


    Therefore women are being told that a completely natural process weakens them and therefore they should be treated like some kind of fragile flower.




    the following is taken from the NHS Blood transfusion board website (abridged)


    "After donation, your body has an amazing capacity to replace all the cells and fluids that have been lost. 


    Take red cells. Millions of them are being made and dying every second. When you give blood you lose red cells and the body needs to make more to replace them. Special cells in the kidneys, called peritubular cells, sense that the level of oxygen in the blood has decreased (due to the loss of red cells) and start secreting a protein called erythropoietin. This passes through the bloodstream until it reaches the bone marrow (the soft fatty tissue inside the bone cavities).

    The bone marrow produces stem cells, the building blocks that the body uses to make the different blood cells – red cells, white cells and platelets. The erythropoietin sends a message to the stem cells telling more of them to develop into red blood cells, rather than white cells or platelets.

    Your body makes about 2 million new red cells every second, so it doesn't take long to build up stores of them again. "


    i have donated over 30 units of blood - legal at home from the age of 18, with no more than 4 donations allowed a year.


    I spoke to the nurse one time and was told that the body has the capacity to replace the blood well within a week - hence most women don't become anaemic unless they are totally retarded about their iron intake, as this is part of the sex education information given out in schools.


    So a healthy adult is well able to donate blood without ill effects 4 times a year - they can do it more often, but just not allowed expect in the rare circumstances you have a unique/rare blood group and there is an emergency.


    After spending time in China i am no longer allowed donate blood at home - it is part of the very strict criteria that the clinics stipulate on who can donate.


    If i had 1 mao for every retarded piece of health related advice i have heard in China, i could retire.


    I would NEVER donate blood in China for the reasons Stiggs outlines, apart from everyone there recording it as some kind of entertainment.


    China just pisses me off regarding its total stupidity when it comes to basic health and attitude to natural human biology.




      I find it ironic that you're not allowed to donate after being in China - but China thinks it's silly to give blood... (depending on where you are - because obviously some people do!)


      BTw - you know that using logic and facts don't really mean much here.... don't you?

      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      Yes -  i know logic in China is an oxymoron. 


      At home the criteria for donating blood is extremely strict:

      As far as I recall, if you have lived in Asia, Africa and South America because of the possibility of exposure to a myriad of viruses and diseases that includes Hep A, Hep B West Nile virus, Dengue Fever, malaria (and a few others) you are advised that is best not to donate blood.


      Even if you have tatts you used not be allowed donate, but due to the improvement in screening problems in blood and the regulation of the tattoo industry, i believe this has been changed to a 2 month waiting period between a tattoo application and being eligible to donate blood - if you wished.


      Giving blood is a serious business because it is a matter of life and death.

      One time i was given supplementary interviews prior to a donation as i was selected to donate to babies on that occasion. 


      My experience of giving a blood sample for the health check was enough cause for concern, due to the incompetence of the nurse jabbing what seemed like randomly into me to get a blood vessel. That and she didn't wear gloves between people.

      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      I'm curious - what supplementary questions for the baby blood??I


      I know about the tattoos thing - Hepatitis was very common (relatively) back in the 80's because of tattoos (well, poor sanitation).

      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      I saw the blood donating busses and I would really think thrice to donate or not to donate my blood.

      And probable conclusion would be not donate.

      I find the risk connected with infections of all kinds in these places far too big to behave too altruistically ...

      But everybody's choice.


      I think your wife can be happy to have such friends - irrespective of if she and/or you agree with them or not they apparently care about her = not bad afterall.

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      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      That seems really weird. My wife has never heard any of these weird beliefs. Is it a regional thing? I'm in Liaoning, where did your wife give blood?


       In Xinjiang.  But there were two people from Beijing with us at dinner last night who both agreed she had made a grave error by donating her blood.  They wanted to carry her to the car.

      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      Yes, most Chinese (>90%) live and think according to myths and superstitions, not rationality and science.


      Also I think that your wife needs to find friends with actual working brains.


      Just out of curiosity.

      What do you call the rationality and science?


      I find that majority of Chinese are living quite well and having no troubles.


      Many things get lost in translation ...

      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      @Janosik.  That might depend on where you live and who you talk to. Some of the medical 'facts' I have heard have made my brain hurt.

      That being said, I know there are some very competent, professional doctors out there.I also know theer are some useless, unqualified quacks who bought their jobs despite having failed in medical school. /p>



      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      Yes, I agree that one of the problems for China is that they developed too fast.

      What I mean that technology develops faster than human thinking.

      It sometimes result in the situation that some people have still the 19th century mindset and approaches to the life but the 21st century technology.

      I for instance never really got how can a reasonable woman accept to comply with the procedure after giving the birth.

      But saying this I still find your statement a bit too generalizing.

      I was never considering to donate blood in China ...

      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      All the usual claims such as "chinese bodies are different" or "only chinese can 'insert skill' (eat with chopsticks, paint calligraphy, etc...)" or the other way around "only foreigners can 'insert skill' (drink cold water, paint like Van Gogh, etc...), all of which are really up to each individual not a race of people as a whole.

      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      I really like your last comment to your answer.

      I find it so much correct - it's not about nationality, religion, sex orientation.

      It's about each person abilities and hardwork.

      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      There was a disaster in Yunnan province years ago. Donated blood plasma was mixed together en masse, and when an HIV infected person donated, his infected plasma contaminated the whole reserve. It's estimated that perhaps a million people (transfusion recipients) were contaminated. I saw it on China Uncensored, but it's hard to find details even on google.

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      And it continues.  Last night at dinner the Chinese people warned my wife that she was being influenced by the laowai husband and she should be careful.  And the best friend was on the phone again this morning warning her not to get off the bed all day.

      An hour ago my wife hung her head and confided to me that it saddens her to realize her countrymen are as I always say...far king stew pid.  I congratulated her on her turn of phrase, we both laughed, and now we're on our way out for brunch.


      What a load of bullshit,most  Chinese are definitely not ready to enter the 21st century yet, or is the 20th? The age of science and knowledge that we experience in civilized countries is far beyond their grasp, stuck in the dark ages of myths and superstitions.


      Do you know that during the Middle Ages it was also commonly believed thorough Europe that blood was not renewable? Seems that's where China is now.

      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      I don't understand those idiot friends. Don't they realise that blood cells die after around 120 days anyway and are constantly being replaced in their bodies? If they had a finate amount they wouldn't live very long.


      Chinese bodies are different!

      8 years 28 weeks ago
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      No, they don't understand. Chinese study to pass tests and then forget everything immediately after that.

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      If you donate blood, and the recipient still dies, are you liable to pay compensation?

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