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Q: Good day to all. Does anyone know a school in China, where Western Etiquette and Manners are taught?

Etiquette and Manners are set of rules or customs that control accepted behaviour in particular social groups or situations.

1 year 40 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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Posts: 19843


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My search engine knows ... many things. broken heart



Web is also full of it and I'd say there's certainly no special school for that. Maybe some courses on Western etiquette ...



Stick yer Q into any search engine and voila ...


... correct me, if I was wrong ...


After decades of spitting, burping and littering, China seems to be ready for an Etiquette Revolution!

And how are they overthrowing behaviours that might be considered 'bad manners' elsewhere? With a touch of good ole fashioned British courtesies.

All these bad manners are about to change! Beijing will soon witness the opening of a school of etiquette founded by Sara Jane Ho, a business woman from Hong Kong that grew up in London. She will give classes based on British etiquette. These classes do come with a price: paying £2,000 to £20,000, Ho’s clientele can improve their manners in the five-star Park Hyatt Hotel in Beijing.

The high prices do not seem to scare off clients: on the contrary, dozens of society ladies have already signed up to learn how to use a fork and knife correctly, peel an orange and eat soup without slurping. Ho is also hired by large companies to teach employees how to behave themselves in business meetings with European and American clients.


... more ...

1 year 40 weeks ago
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1 year 40 weeks ago
Answers (2)
Comments (1)
Posts: 19843


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You must be a registered user to vote!

My search engine knows ... many things. broken heart



Web is also full of it and I'd say there's certainly no special school for that. Maybe some courses on Western etiquette ...



Stick yer Q into any search engine and voila ...


... correct me, if I was wrong ...


After decades of spitting, burping and littering, China seems to be ready for an Etiquette Revolution!

And how are they overthrowing behaviours that might be considered 'bad manners' elsewhere? With a touch of good ole fashioned British courtesies.

All these bad manners are about to change! Beijing will soon witness the opening of a school of etiquette founded by Sara Jane Ho, a business woman from Hong Kong that grew up in London. She will give classes based on British etiquette. These classes do come with a price: paying £2,000 to £20,000, Ho’s clientele can improve their manners in the five-star Park Hyatt Hotel in Beijing.

The high prices do not seem to scare off clients: on the contrary, dozens of society ladies have already signed up to learn how to use a fork and knife correctly, peel an orange and eat soup without slurping. Ho is also hired by large companies to teach employees how to behave themselves in business meetings with European and American clients.


... more ...

1 year 40 weeks ago
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1 year 40 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman