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Q: Grandparents babysitting - Prison or privilege?

Would you see it as a privilege, when you retire (let's not argue about when that should be) to become a full time babysitter for your children offspring aka your grandchildren?

I know one problem I would have if we have a Child, no matter where we live is that there will always be at least one grandmother feeling she is getting too little grandmother time, however doing it full time for years is that really desirable. As I see it, the 55 year old Chinese people doing this, could be out playing golf, traveling etc  (at least those who have money could) or even continue to work. 

11 years 21 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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It's part of the family culture. My wife's mother hates it...finds every excuse in the book to avoid her grandchildren...despite calling herself "traditional".


Yes she is doing it or what ? Living close by so she can be there all the time ? 

11 years 21 weeks ago
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11 years 21 weeks ago
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My Mother-in-law chooses to live with us full-time, obviously she pays nothing for this, has her own bedroom and we give her cash to buy the food. She does the cooking and a lot of the looking after our daughter, however the way our daughter is looked after and what is deemed acceptable or not vis-a-vis our daughter's behaviour is OUR decision. She accepts this and appears to be very happy with it, and at the end of the day she is, of course, always free to go back to her own apartment at any time. BTW, she is rarely left alone with our daughter, perhaps 3 or 4 times a month so while she is incredibly useful and totally appreciated, it is not as if we could not manage without her.

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11 years 21 weeks ago
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watching the grand parents take care of these young full of energy children is torture, for me. 

1 the grand parents can't keep up which is dangerous for the child. they could instantly dart out into the street or into some other trouble. especially in the bike lanes or one sidewalks. scooters and bikes are more reckless than cars. 

2 from my own observations they seem incompetent. they do not pay attention to young children. either they seem to resent the job or they are just not used to the modern world.


personally, i think the elderly should not be tasked with looking after young children (toddlers )


Part of my reason for asking this question is also I question the quality of care the children are getting. The grandparents have yet to discover they don't live in a farm village anymore, they use the roads rather than the sidewalks when they are our with the children, the way they carry little babies looks like whiplash accidents waiting to happen, they smoke around the children.

11 years 21 weeks ago
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11 years 21 weeks ago
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