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We are planning a trip to Guangzhou.
1) Is there any Guangzhou metro day pass or city pass for traveler ?
2) Where should we buy the day pass in Guangzhou ?
3) How much ?
12 years 18 weeks ago in Transport & Travel - Guangzhou
I do not believe such a thing exists in Guangzhou. You can buy a pre-paid metro card if you wish, but each member in your party will need one. Best to just pay as you go.
The main reason this does not exist is because a lot of courier services use the metro and cheat the system by having someone that does nothing but ride the train all day and deliver packages to people waiting on the other side of the metro exits. If they had a cheap day pass, then the courier companies would find a way to use them to their advantage, or probably clone them and sell them for a profit.
There have no metro day pass or city pass for traveler in Guangzhou,just have "yangchengtong' in guangzhou,you can use it when take bus or metro,is convient and will enjoy 40% off.
7-11 and they are everywhere sell the bus and metro passes.... 50 yuan minimum I think they are and good for ever it seems