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Q: Had Zvisa, didn't have work permit, can I still work in China?

Hello, My situation's a little complicated, but I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I know that I made a foolish decision as part of it, so please don't remind me of that. Short version: I had a Z visa in 10/2012 but never entered China on it. Later, I tried to get another job in China, but was denied the Work Permit because my old Z visa was still active. I want to know, is it still possible for me to work in China? Do I have to have a release letter? Long version: In October 2012 I went through an unscrupulous recruiter for college jobs. The recruiter gave me tons of references for foreign teachers that worked in a college with great reviews, and I accepted the contract and received an invitation letter which I obtained a Z Visa with. The Z Visa specified the recruiter, not the college, as my sponsor. Right before I left, I sensed evasion on the part of the recruiter. After demanding answers, they admitted that they had given away the college job to another teacher who could get there a week earlier, and were placing me instead at an elementary school in a tiny town. I did not accept the position, and did not go to China on the Z visa. However, in January 2013 I attempted to get another job in China, and was denied a working permit because they said my old Z visa was still active, so I needed to get a release letter from the company that sponsored it. Needless to say, that company demanded 10,000 rmb for it and I refused. Can I never work in China again, do I need a release letter, or will it become invalidated after 1 year/ a new passport? Thank you in advance for any help. 

10 years 35 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Did you contact SAFEA (Foreign Expert Bureau), Gov. org. in the city of your recruiter?


I would phone them, and 'tell and ask' them 'how to.....'


If the city of your recruiter is by any chance Hangzhou, Zhejiang, type 'Helen' in the search bar above. You'll find SAFEA's contact details in one of the treads. 10000 Rmb is fee, recruiter would collect from the School for placement of FT. Edit: Since you didn't work there, recruiter is asking you to pay 10000 Rmb, which is illegal. Good luck!

10 years 35 weeks ago
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10 years 35 weeks ago
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Did you contact SAFEA (Foreign Expert Bureau), Gov. org. in the city of your recruiter?


I would phone them, and 'tell and ask' them 'how to.....'


If the city of your recruiter is by any chance Hangzhou, Zhejiang, type 'Helen' in the search bar above. You'll find SAFEA's contact details in one of the treads. 10000 Rmb is fee, recruiter would collect from the School for placement of FT. Edit: Since you didn't work there, recruiter is asking you to pay 10000 Rmb, which is illegal. Good luck!

10 years 35 weeks ago
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10 years 35 weeks ago
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Yes A release letter is required. But if you change your passport and IF your passport number changes then you can reapply for a Z visa. But Some countries don't change your passport number.


Next option,  If that employer is asking you for money you can go to SAFEA for help.


Some people on this site say that they could change jobs with new Z visa'a anytime, but as I understand the policy, your Z visa is on a PRC computer system that allof China can see. My Gov friend told me this.


So the release letter is best or keep trying.. Maybe a visa agent with Guanxi's can help you, best in Shanghai from what I heard..


Any idea which countries change your passport number? I know Canada is one. How about the UK?

10 years 35 weeks ago
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@Rin: EU countries change passport numbers.

10 years 35 weeks ago
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RE the 6 year working rule for foreigners ( we could be made to leave the country for up to two years after a six year stint before returning ) could you theoretically 'lose' your passport then reset the clock?

10 years 35 weeks ago
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@Rin, I sent you a private message regarding the idea of resetting Passport clock.. Didn't want to go off topic for the guy who posted his question.

10 years 35 weeks ago
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Thanks for the reply! Yeah, I checked and USA passport numbers change. My passport was going to expire in 2 years anyway.

10 years 35 weeks ago
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Yeah U.S passport numbers do change.. you can get a new passport at any U.S embassy..

10 years 35 weeks ago
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10 years 35 weeks ago
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The new passport, waiting for the visa to expire COULD work. It really depends what city and the new employer. I know I left a job and i didnt get all the release letter stuff and still got another visa, but it was a while ago and things change all the time.  You will find a way, your just gonna have to go through some bullshit first. Itll be a hassle. I know it sucks dude, but you did the right thing not coming to that crappy situation and getting the Z visa before you came.

Good luck!


And it will take a lot of leg work..

10 years 35 weeks ago
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Thank you for the reply! If I can't work in China again, it's not the end of the world. I'd just rather work a low-hours college job and be culturally immersed while learning Chinese than go to a Chinese school and be a full-time student.

10 years 35 weeks ago
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10 years 35 weeks ago
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you made the right choice not coming under the recruiter.  he/she would have used and abused you.  obviously i have no first hand experience with your issue. but i don't see why waiting for the visa to expire and then acquiring a new visa wouldn't work.  you will probably be asked and go through some BS but be persistent and honest.  the rules and regulations for visas here change day by day and person by person depending on who you deal with.  nothing is written in stone.  maybe try applying at a school where the owner/principle has some leeway/guanxi.  bigger the school, the more likely this is. 


Also maybe go into the PSB and ask them to cancel it, it might help.

10 years 35 weeks ago
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Thank you for the reply!

10 years 35 weeks ago
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10 years 35 weeks ago
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OP confirmed, he's dealing with Helen Group.

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10 years 35 weeks ago
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you can stay in China with the resident permit, but can not work untill you get the working permit, Chinese policy is quite strict now


See the date on the thread and compare it with recent Chinese Labor law changes ...

6 years 21 weeks ago
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Great advice Simone.....except you can't get a resident permit without an FEC (worl permit). I don't think that has ever changed but I'd be happily educated if I'm wrong.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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It says 4 years ago, why are people scrolling through and answer someones questions 4 years ago? gotta be a bot

6 years 21 weeks ago
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6 years 21 weeks ago
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