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Q: Is Harbin unbearable to travel to in winter?

12 years 43 weeks ago in  Transport & Travel - Harbin

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like most places where you can freeze your brass monkey off you have your good days and realy bad days
hope you like -40deg

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12 years 43 weeks ago
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Well, there's 10 million people who bear it every year.

Depends on how much of a wimp you are.  I'm originally from Chicago, live in Harbin now.  Winter isn't too bad, only slightly colder.  Right now (11/2) the weather is quite nice, I go out in a hoodie and am pretty comfortable.  Be sure to dress appropriately when real winter comes (a good coat, hat, gloves and sweatpants under regular pants should do it, scarves and double socks on bad days).  The ice sculptures really are quite beautiful.

Indoors is not a problem, I opened my window quite a bit cuz it was too warm in winter.

If there wasn't snow regularly where you grew up, I'd say don't bother.

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12 years 43 weeks ago
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Harbin winter temperature could reach -14'C at evening and 1'C in the daylight. if you want to travel, don't worry about accommodation, every hotel have heating system or air condition. you only need bring some warm clothes.

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12 years 43 weeks ago
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I grew up near Sydney and have only ever experienced snow once before spending last winter in Nth China  (Shenyang). Providing you wear cloths as others have advised it is fine. You just get used to the peeling off and putting on layers as you go out or come in respectively. Just dont get caught out being outside without gloves or something on your head because,believe me,the pain of the cold is excruciating.
By the way don't believe the previous post. It gets much colder than that...

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12 years 43 weeks ago
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I just recently moved to Hailaer, about 10-12 hours by train North-West of Harbin. Its around -1 to -7 now, but quite ok! I grew up in Northern Europe, been living in Guangzhou for 5 years, and do prefer dry winters (and the central heating up here) anytime!
"There is no bad weather, only bad clothes" cheeky

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12 years 42 weeks ago
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I lived there for 5 years. Take it from me, a Canadian who is originally from Newfoundland, Harbin is as cold or colder than anything you can imagine! It has next to no snow and no mountain ranges to protect it. Bundle up when going outside. Your camera will freeze too. Putting beer outside the restaurant to get cold takes all of 5 minutes. No complaint there! Protect your face if walking too.

Having said that, playing hockey outside on the Songhua River on a sunny Tuesday afternoon in  February is like heaven for this Canadian. cool


Sometimes I wish they had some ice down in Shenzhen. Maybe I'm a hoser eh? Habs are having a tough start, but my 'Nucks aren't doing much better right now.

12 years 42 weeks ago
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12 years 42 weeks ago
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It's times again for the 2013 Ice Festival time in Harbin.  Each year has a different theme -- one year they tried a Disneyworld theme but it was considered a flop and too commercial.  I think that this year they might revert to one of their traditional themes.

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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I'm heading there tomorrow to ring in the new year and yes, it's cold but that won't dampen my spirits once the cold beer starts to flow.

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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Not exactly warm today in Harbin : high temperature - 3 C., low temperature, - 34 and it gets worse over the course of the week. 

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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