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Q: Has anyone flown to China, from the UK recently

I’m hoping to obtain a PU Letter then visa this month. I need a flight from the UK for the end of the month. I was just wondering if anyone has managed to get a reasonably priced flight that hasn’t been cancelled or changed?

3 years 9 weeks ago in  Transport & Travel - China

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I read the news ... 


This was posted on Dec. 25th, 2020 ... and it's also the last thing on the matter on web ... I read last week, that flights from UK to HK are closed for the same reason, i.e. new strain. Can't find the weblink ...


I'd ask for the reliable info at ticket sales counter or at Chinese embassy in London. You'll get an updated info also about quarantine, vax. certificate and more needed at landing in Pe-king-kong.


... and if your students can't wait for your arrival, you could travel to China by train, he he. Make sure, Z visa sponsor buys a ticket ...

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3 years 9 weeks ago
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I read the news ... 


This was posted on Dec. 25th, 2020 ... and it's also the last thing on the matter on web ... I read last week, that flights from UK to HK are closed for the same reason, i.e. new strain. Can't find the weblink ...


I'd ask for the reliable info at ticket sales counter or at Chinese embassy in London. You'll get an updated info also about quarantine, vax. certificate and more needed at landing in Pe-king-kong.


... and if your students can't wait for your arrival, you could travel to China by train, he he. Make sure, Z visa sponsor buys a ticket ...

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3 years 9 weeks ago
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Thank you for replying. I got my Pu letter today. Visa should be easy. Flights are still stressing me out.


If you received an Invitation letter that means you'll be able to enter China after you sort-out Z visa at the Embassy.


What you need to worry now is about requirements at the entry to China, i.e. quarantine, vaccination and other Cofid related things. 


You should rush with the Z visa application, IMO ... to be able to find out requirements for China entry from UK. 

Z visa is valid for the entry to China only 30-days, so find out first about requirements at China entry.

I mean, in case you should be vaccinated, you'll need more than a month to get both shots, so Z visa can expire in the meantime.


Do not purchase flight ticket, yet!


Good luck!

3 years 6 weeks ago
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3 years 6 weeks ago
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Thanks for replying. I’ve got both covid jabs so that’s not a problem. My newest issue is trying to get an appointment at my nearest consulate. They’re only open one day a week so there’s no free appointment slots.

If I’m lucky enough to somehow get a visa I then need to find the money for the extortionate flights.


How much are flights from UK to China?

The prices I am pulling up can't be right - they show multiple thousands, for one-way ticket. Has it gotten this bad?

3 years 5 weeks ago
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Woow, Embassy is open only one day a week? That's 'cause of the Cofid. Nobody flies to China ...


Once, you'll have a Z stamp in the passport, you must enter China in 30-days ... 


I think, it's better to have 1-y return flight, but if short of money, one-way will be good, too ... in case, you want to stay longer for another contract, you might be able to convince employer to pick-up new Z visa at Chinese Embassy in Hong Kong. 

It's shorter and less expensive than return to UK for new Z.

3 years 5 weeks ago
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LON ---> Hong Kong one-way for US$ 513 ...

3 years 5 weeks ago
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3 years 5 weeks ago
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Where did you find that cheap flight, iciniff. I have seen prices of the range of thousands of dollars. Any link?


Edited.  OK, I see, it is on expedia . Not bad. Then you can go on foot from Hong Kong to Beijing thought Shenzhen. Now I see the plan.

3 years 5 weeks ago
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Wasn't really looking for the cheapest. That was the first one displayed and Expedia doesn't have the cheapest flights.

As I look quicky, it's cheaper to fly to HK and then by train or bus further to mainland.


Pe-king-kong flights are more expensive than HK flights ...

3 years 5 weeks ago
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I believe Hong Kong is closed to foreigners. The cheapest flights I can find are 43,000 rmb with a 27 hour layover in Amsterdam, meaning I’d need another PCR and IGM test, which I can’t have at the airport as it’s outside the transit zone and I’m not allowed outside the airport. 


That won't do it ... ".. I believe ..." 


You can ask at the Heatrow flight ticket counter or at the Chinese embassy with Q:

"Can I fly to HK and then by train to the destination city .. or ..?"


They will tell you about and that is a sure thing.


When I was doing that (Z visa, medical and what not ...) some 5-years ago, I thought the procedure is similar as I would apply to Cape Canaveral for trip to the Moon ... and at my time, documents didn't need to be authorized ...

You better deduct some zeros from yer Rmb ticket price ... I believe, exchange rate is everything in GBP multiplied by 10 or 11 ... to Rmb.

3 years 5 weeks ago
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Yes, HK is closed for travellers from some countries and UK, of course ..


One way LON - Peking for 606 GBP for 35h 40' travel time, i.e. 2 stops, I think.


That's what it says on Kayak:


"Most visitors from the United Kingdom will not be allowed to enter China."


You might not be classed as 'visitor' once you arrive with Z visa stamp ...


The cheapest months to travel to China are Oct., Nov. & Dec. with one-way for 450 GBP ...


Scroll to the bottom of the page ...


If you are short of monies, you could ask your employer to purchase the flight to China.

You most likely have written on your contract " .. refund of the return flight at the contract's completion ..."

Just tell them ticket is very expensive and you don't have enough money. If they agree to buy incoming flight, you can either offer them ticket repay from your first salary or less refund from the school at the end of the contract.

3 years 5 weeks ago
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You could take a ... free ride with UK Carrier Strike Group ... next month and join to Freedom of Navigation thingy ...


UK Carrier Strike Group to head to Asia in biggest show of force in a generation


The UK’s largest “signal of maritime and air power” in a generation will set sail next month as the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth departs for its first operational deployment.

The £3 billion warship, with eight RAF F35B stealth fighter jets on board, will depart for Asia accompanied by six Royal Navy ships, a submarine, 14 naval helicopters and a company of Royal Marines.

The Carrier Strike Group (CSG), which will carry out visits to India, Japan, South Korea and Singapore, will include the US destroyer USS The Sullivans and the Dutch frigate HNLMS Evertsen.

A squadron of 10 US Marine Corps F35B Lightning II jets will also be embarked on the carrier in what the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is describing as the “largest concentration of maritime and air power to leave the UK in a generation”.


The HMS Queen Elizabeth is part of the UK Carrier Strike Group sailing through the South China Sea



You should expect a warning from ... Chinese authorities ... 


I have a pic ... Wait ...

Contrary to a 2016 international court ruling, China claims much of that sea as its own and has been busy building artificial reefs and runways, some of them close to the territorial waters of neighbouring states.

Both US and Royal Navy warships have recently challenged China's claims to sovereignty in the South China Sea by purposely sailing through it.


Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth

3 years 5 weeks ago
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Do they need any Germanic teachers in China? 


They could have a free ride from Germany, too ... 


Aug 2, 2021 18:35  Germany sends warship to South China Sea for first time in two decades amid rising tensions

‘Flying the flag’: Germany sends warship to South China Sea for first time in two decades amid rising tensions

A German frigate has set sail for the South China Sea for the first time in some two decades as part of a six-month mission, as Berlin pledges its commitment to its allies and to ‘freedom of navigation’.                     


WTO should rename the SCS to South International Sea ... 

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3 years 5 weeks ago
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China Flight Departures Collapse Amid Delta Virus Spread

WEDNESDAY, AUG 11, 2021 - 08:26 AM

Flight departures for APAC countries decreased by 2,250 on average each day WoW, one of the most significant declines in months. The collapse was evident in China, where 2,380 departures were scrapped each day this week as the government discouraged travel. Some airports in the country were closed to mitigate the spread of the virus.

After COVID was quickly suppressed in China through mass-scale lockdowns, or at least that's what was displayed on national media, Chinese authorities are battling new outbreaks in 17 provinces. Beijing is canceling large events and suspended planes and trains from entering the city to prevent infections. 


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3 years 3 weeks ago
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Anybody cares for the latest news from WHO?  


"... huu, huu, let/eat the dawgs out ..., hu, hu ..."


ZeroHedge did it ...


Head Of WHO Origin Probe Team Admits Communist China Ordered Them What To Write In Reportteaser image

“Somebody could also wish to hide something.”

FRI AUG 13, AT 3:30 PM



Whoa that's spicy. You're looking to get harmonized.

3 years 3 weeks ago
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You can't predict ... it just happened randomly, butT ... very often to me.


I'd say, big Admin is not always around. I can say, last time was some 2-days ago ...

3 years 3 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman