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Q: Has China made you able to work well under pressure?

I often find that the habit China has at throwing unexpected things at you in the workplace (and in other situations) has sort of toughened me  up and made me accustomed to working under pressure, as I guess previously back home things were generally alot smoother. Same for you?

11 years 19 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Interesting question.  I work well under heavy pressure anywhere in the world except China.  I have worked under great duress on all continents except Antarctica in the live sports TV biz, doing live broadcast crosses at the finish line, the mixed zone, or outside the changing room.  Now, that is split-second pressure and you gotta be prepared for the eventualities when they occur.  (Glad I missed the Boston Marathon this year...)

So, why is China the exception?  Because it's a different kind of pressure that is exerted mainly by delusionary people who are complete and utter amateurs - I'm a pro, okay? - and expect me to pull white rabbits out of a top hat at any given moment without notice.  I tell them to grow up, learn their trade, and feck off.  Then I walk away.

Does that make me tougher?  Not really.  I'm already tough enough.  But it does make the bossman a bit tougher - if he/she has any sense.  And they won't fire me because I know WAY more than they do.  Man, you touched a nerve.  Cheers!


i always enjoy the bosses that smoke half the day and read the newspaper and say they work hard, i teach 44 lessons a week, 7 days a week and had 4 full days off this year and have always been a workaholic. these folks have no idea why workers in other countries are more productive.

11 years 19 weeks ago
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11 years 19 weeks ago
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It's not possible to get under pressure in China. The constant flux in peoples ideas means the most pressure you can ever be under is sitting and waiting for someone to change one dumb decision to another dumb decision all the while no one is getting anything sensible done. 

Pressure in China is being asked to do something that cannot be done, even by , pressure in the western world is being asked to do something, perhaps difficult, in a time-frame that would usually be less than desired.

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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No, I learned to work well under pressure a long time ago. 

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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It's not pressure it's uncertainty, and I think it has certainly made me more proactive. 

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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No, it's taught me to be patient in the face of stupidity

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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