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Q: Has China made you more or less financially responsable?

For me its kinda both. I save more than i ever did back home. Perhaps its the threat of deportation or visa refusal or loss of job or getting hit by a bus driver on peyote. But on the other hand i spend money on some ridiculous crap. Can you imagine anyone back home spending 700 or more for an iphone? No chance, the most expensive is like 199 with a contract.

I remember spending 100 or so in a bar like a was a pimp back home, but any special occasion here well drop two or three thousand without flinching, and im certainly not the only one.

How about you guys? If you went home today would your spending habits screw or help you?

10 years 38 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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I wouldn't picture myself buying an Iphone ever. If anything, China made me understand the importance of using hardware that is controlable and functions within a sane level of transparence, which as an ideal seats at the exact opposite of any Apple product.


As for bars, I don't go to bars anymore. At home, it was because anyone's backyard was way friendlier than overpriced club, and here, it's because I don't want to succomb to unknown poison I got sold as rum/whisky/whatever.


calm down... relax... step away slowly. Ive never bought an apple product in my life. I have a samsung, but still payed more then i ever have back home. Just an example as it seems everyone around me has an iphone

10 years 38 weeks ago
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10 years 38 weeks ago
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I'm more frugal.  But I'm not sure it is because of China.  Probably more to do with having a mate, a daughter and getting older.



10 years 38 weeks ago
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I was going to make a witty, telegram-style comment, like "Less: Wife, child and mortgage." But your answer is better.

10 years 38 weeks ago
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I dig yours too.  Telegraph shorthand had a cooler eloquence than today's sms.


10 years 38 weeks ago
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10 years 38 weeks ago
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living here i have realised how little i really need in terms of accommodation etc., so i save a lot every month


exactly, china has made me learn to live without a lot of "necessities."

10 years 38 weeks ago
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10 years 38 weeks ago
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No, but I give money to my wife, she can be better at savings. anyway, I teach her shopping like mad but she is still refusing to do so angel

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10 years 38 weeks ago
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Not really sure. The only lesson I learned about personal finance from my folks was: never ever go into debt. My parents never had a credit card, always paid the bills on time, and owned their own home. So, I thought there must be something to this debt-free scheme...

And it made me frugal. All my life. To the degree that I am now (and always have been) debt-free, have a modicum of savings, and own nothing. Never had a savings or retirement plan. Looking back, I would have started a retirement plan, but not sure it would be worth much these days with all the Wall Street- and insurance company-predators out there sinking their talons into other people's hard-earned money.

That said, I am as financially responsible (or irresponsible) in China as I've been anywhere else. I do manage to save a bit more here thanks to a lower cost of living, but I've always been a saver. Rarely do I blow a wad on a whim, always weighing the consequences of milking the skinny cow that is my bank account.

I buy Li Nin shoes. Not Nike or Adidas. Levi jeans in the States. Not in China. Stay out of Western bars and restos for the most part, preferring to eat and drink at home although every now and then I dine with my mates in an Italian or Thai restaurant. Splurge a bit one night a month and the rest of the month, it's home cookin'.

Right now, I'm enjoying a glass or two of a nice Spanish Tempranillo that set me back 130 kuai at the Carrefour down the road. In Spain, the same wine runs me about 3 euros. Not pleased about the price differential, but I'm home and it's still a helluva lot cheaper than drinking the same wine in some bar. Plus my gf is here for the holidays and she doesn't drink so... more for me! Ha ha!

Fuck. What a commentary. In answer to your question, Mike, if I were to go home tomorrow (too late today), my spending habits would help me coz I know where to sniff out the bargains. On the other hand, I'm hankering for a new guitar that might set me back a coupla Gs or more. Fuck it, right? You only live once. An Irish Lowden or a Collings made in Austin. Both handmade and each worth a thousand bottles of Campo Viejo.

I'll have to quit drinkin'.

Time for bed. My gf tells me so.

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10 years 38 weeks ago
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I think I save here more than back hone cause everything is cheaper

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10 years 38 weeks ago
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Well, to be honest. I grew up pretty poor. So I was always happy with the basics and a little treat now and then. 


So now that I have built up my business and it has been successful, I just save but now currently buying an apartment (the result of saving). Since I have come to China, I always have a fear about being deported as well and keep money on hand as a back-up plan. 


I have become wiser with my money and better at saving it over all. I will give the Chinese this, they are amazing at saving money and I think that has rubbed off on me.

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10 years 38 weeks ago
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