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Q: Have you ever expirenced Bulling in a workplace?

Just started a new job and in the induction they talked alot about bulling.
I have seen it and been a temp victim of this in the past
(I say temp because I dropped the prick like a school bag)
But not everybody has this luxory and are forced to suffer in silents.
Have you seen it and what can you do.?
(Dosent have to be in China)

12 years 23 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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bullying is common in china as you know its asian community so to change the nature of people needs time, bullying in workplace, schools,universities is very common, blackmailing even, they just need some leverage on the opposite person. so i think its common hope that can change soon.....

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12 years 23 weeks ago
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Bullying comes in all shapes and sizes here doesn't it? From physical to the full gambit of emotional scare tactics. It drives me crazy when posters say things like it's "Asian community" so we should accept it and expect it. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Mistreating others is not acceptable no matter where you are from. The addage of "Oh, in China, 5000 years of history makes it right is not true at all. It simply means that it is never confronted. I have dealt with confrontation in the past few days and I am at my wits end with the acceptance of it. I'm not going to force the issue but I won't be steamrolled either.


I don't think he said it's "Asian Community so we should accept..." I think he said it's an Asian community so it is slow to change and I agree. Please get your quotes right if you want to argue against them. Chinese are slow to change, but like the previous poster said, I hope the change can come soon.

12 years 22 weeks ago
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You are splitting hairs here. How long does it take for someone to realize that bullying is wrong?

12 years 22 weeks ago
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12 years 23 weeks ago
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There is direct, face-to-face bullying such as in a workplace and that does exist here and other places.  Here, I have usually seen foreigners bullying each other at work.  Thank God, though, in the end, they were usually (both) fired and eventually left China.  Too much white male testosterone, coupled with a lot of ignorance and redneck behavior.  They wouldn't  have dared behave like that at home.  Here, somehow, somehow, they figured that everything was permissible.

Secondly, there is indirect bullying, say on the Internet for example.  No need to comment on that further -- just look at the Gang of Three around here.


It seems to me that you have first hand knowledge or eyewitness accounts for just about every posted question on this site. How can you expect any of us to believe this to be factual? Your continued reference to "The Gang of Three" smells of provocation as well. Don't you agree?

12 years 22 weeks ago
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Derek, I wouldn't agree with you on anything than you write and your judgment on what I write has the merit of toilet paper to me.  And yes, I have been in China long enough to see lots and lots of drunken, crazed, druggie, hippie-trash foreigners come do a lot of damage here, not to mention the perverts, etc., etc. You have your experiences beating up ordinary Chinese citizens, don't you, and I have mine observing people like you doing just that. Are you aware that visa requirements for Canadians coming to Canada have just been made a little more difficult?

12 years 22 weeks ago
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In the past you have agreed with me. I am not here to provoke you or anyone else and you know that. It seems to me that when I post something that you don't like you prepare a full-on assualt. What gives with that? You have enough trouble with your chosen enemies let alone going after me too. Regarding your comment about me "going around and beating up Chinese citizens" ....I certainly don't do anything like that but it doesn't surprise me that you would post such trash. You clearly show your character if you would have done nothing while your wife was being attacked by a guy. I don't care if he was Chinese or not. He got what his cowardly ass deserved.

12 years 22 weeks ago
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Thank you for your assessment of the situation. You are lucky, however, that persons on site at the time of the fight actually stood up for you. You could have gone to jail, for sure, and if you had been jailed for assault, your visa would have been revoked and you would have been deported -- it could have been that serious. You came very close.

12 years 22 weeks ago
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It was my first thought as I picked my wife up off the pavement. I know I was "lucky". I appreciated the driver and policemen for their understanding. My saving grace was also the fact that I was indeed humble in the presence of the officers, I wasn;t angry or loud, I responded when questioned unlike my Chinese counterparts who were stark raving mad during the entire questioning process.

12 years 22 weeks ago
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Look, Derek, let me be unequivocal. In this case, I am 1,000% on your side. Frankly, I don't know how you managed to restrain yourself -- I am not sure that I would have been able to do that. I have seen one situation where a local guy who was drunk did some damage to a motorcycle, an expensive one, owned by a foreign teacher. The foreign teacher went ballistic and the local guy got all the local drunks together and they did a number on the teacher. The police were called and they all lied, perfectly lied, 1,000% lied. The local guy almost went to jail except that one non-drunk stepped forward to say that they were all telling big lies. The foreigner was already in the van. So my point about being "lucky" was really just that. This time, at least in your case, someone told the truth.

12 years 22 weeks ago
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You misunderstood me....I really meant that I know I was lucky. It could've been much worse for me. Really, I know that. I get your point on this issue.

12 years 22 weeks ago
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12 years 22 weeks ago
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Bullying happens. I have experienced it in the workplace for sure. It's childish, and the first resort for someone who can't think for themself, or can't formulate their own opinion of someone who displays a hint of clash in the majority ideology of the workplace. You see it a lot in Universities. Peope stabbing each other in the back one second after smiling to them, only because it's what everyone else is doing to the samer person. It's pathetic.

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12 years 22 weeks ago
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Not really. I usually flip out at the very attempt to bully me, so it doesn't usually happend twice.

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12 years 22 weeks ago
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Yup, hey, nevermind...ur right....if you read my post about my scrap when my wife got bullied, you would know I totally agree with u. I'm sure you have.

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12 years 22 weeks ago
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Yes.  And it can be reaaally nasty.  Much more common in China than elsewhere because of this view where you always go along with the majority, the manager is always right, and no one can accept any blame.  What this means in practice is the manager can do what they like, the majority (actually everyone!) will side with the manager, and no one will consider for a second that they're behaving unethically.  It disgusts me.


You nailed a typical Chinese's so very dominated by the village mentality. Nobody wants to stick out of the group, everyone is petrified by the idea of ending up on the outside of the flock, and so they all are happy to blindly follow the leader, so long as it isn't them under the lens. No matter what--Chinese office politics are very much a 'don't think, just do' type of culture. Whenever I see it unfolding, I think of a passage from Leslie Chang's 'Factory Girls', where she essentially states that those situations (ie, village psychology run amok) are the best way to explain how the Cultural Revolution happened.

10 years 49 weeks ago
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Oh I like that - village mentality is a goooood description.

10 years 49 weeks ago
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Thank-you--I really can't take credit for it, it pretty much came from Leslie Chang. It does make sense, though, once you notice you can be working for a high-powered, international corporation in Shanghai, and still have to play with rural rules.

10 years 49 weeks ago
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10 years 49 weeks ago
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I experienced quite a lot of bulling in the Navy.

Bulling my shoes, bulling my parade boots etc.

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10 years 49 weeks ago
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Bullying in the workplace is pretty standard in China, particularly if you already stick out. If you work for a Chinese managed organization, the problems will usually come from the Chinese management. The way it usually unfolds is if, for whatever reason, you end up stepping on your boss' feelings, they start to make up trivial reasons to criticize everything you do. I'm all for managers critiquing my work--it's a part of their jobs--but some of the stuff I have seen Chinese managers (mine and others) truly is undisguised, infantile straw-grasping. And, of course, they will easily turn the bulk of your Chinese co-workers against you. Of course, it is a huge relief to realize this. The first time it happened to me, I was actually wondering how I suddenly stopped caring so much about my job, and then my boss had a 'meeting' with me, to discuss 'an incident' that would have been really irresponsible if I had done it, but I honestly didn't remember happening...I suddenly looked into her dead little eyes, and realized 'Holy crap...she's been making this sh*t up for weeks, hasn't she?' As it turned out, she was trying to cow me into taking her side in some company-wide dispute; needless to say, I did not.

If you are a Western manager for a Western-owned company in China, you are just in for a world of hurt, period. You are bound to get it from everyone--the people working under you will not respect you because you aren't Chinese (as if not being a Chinese boss is a reason to not respect someone, lol), your co-workers will do nothing but spread rumors about all your foreign connections, and any Chinese manager is going to view you with paranoid suspicion that your company is going to replace them with you one day (which, of course, means that a good chunk of your interactions with your management will get tied up in puerile nit-picking of every move you make).

I would also be a little remiss if I didn't say, from personal experience, language training centers, particularly those for children, don't exactly hire the most mature people on the planet. Some, though hardly all or even most, of my co-workers during my ill-advised stint in such a place, didn't seem to have emotionally graduated from middle school. I'm not even sure if I could call what they did 'bullying'; it was just too sad and pathetic, coming from people in their twenties & thirties.


Exactly my experience here too.  The only thing I'd disagree with slightly is the western management bit - mostly agree but if you're high enough you don't need to put up with any sh*t.  I've seen senior managers waltz in, never leave their expat bubble, and waltz out months or even a couple of years later, without having to really deal with anything personally.  For them it doesn't matter which country they're in because everything is gold plated before it lands on their desk.  But yeah middle to lower management and employees get taken roughly.

10 years 49 weeks ago
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10 years 49 weeks ago
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Honestly, the closest I have come to workplace bullying in the West was when I worked in restaurants through college--the restaurant biz is like some unholy Wild West of sexual harassment. Stalking, physical intimidation,'s all over the place in restaurants, especially if you are a woman in your late teens/early twenties. I was such a sweet little thing when I started waiting tables, and after 5 months or so, I could scare off a pervert with a glance.

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10 years 49 weeks ago
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I usually stand my ground as long as I can. Either that or if it gets too much walk away from whatever place that may be. Being bullied at school seems harder because if you leave the school it can be hard on the parents with traveling and all. For an adult it's much easier they can leave and find a job elsewhere.


now if you could give more answers like this you would be more popular

have a think about it anyway

10 years 49 weeks ago
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10 years 49 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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No, because I have a temper and don't like being told what to do.

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10 years 49 weeks ago
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When anyone i work with looses their temper it diminishes them in my eyes: lack of self control in the work-place is for me a sign of immaturity and is unprofessional, as is bullying. I stand my ground and don't take s***, however hard someone tries to push my buttons. Usually that just p****** them off even more.

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10 years 49 weeks ago
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smile and watch all their habits and get even 3 months later when no one suspects it was you,


crash their hard drive

demagnetize all their cards in their wallet

change the locks on their desk

my favorite , baby oil in their beer or liquor for a good long term intestinal flush

put porno on their screen saver

put a phone in a female employees name and send sexual texts to the guy when he is having dinner with the wife.


damn i miss working with assholes in an office, so much fun

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10 years 49 weeks ago
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On an somewhat unrelated note, has anyone noticed an upgrade in matty the last few days? Heck, he even got answer of the day, and i don't think any incarnation has ever gotten that before!


Ted seems to believe that the "matty" is really just a username that is used by different people.

Must be that the current user is more, shall we say, worldly?

10 years 49 weeks ago
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Yeah. I think it's definitely a different user.

10 years 49 weeks ago
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Sparkey is back, rehab didn't help her.

10 years 49 weeks ago
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10 years 49 weeks ago
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