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Q: Have you ever seen anyone use Chinese fingercuffs in China?

Or seen motorists participating in a Chinese fire drill? Or seen someone or something classifiied with a China syndrome? Or is privy to the mystery that is Chinese mathematics?

10 years 45 weeks ago in  General  - Other cities

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seeing the China syndrome sure would be bad, not the movie but the action thing, the movie is decent, Jack Lemmon is on my top 1000 of favorite actors, I've never witnessed any of the other things either. Chinese Logic however, I see applied to pretty much anything, with near fatal consequences in all cases. 


now that I think about it. Prices of cars are given in 10.000s, where I would normally expect just the full number or a number in 1000s. I've noticed a lot of Chinese screwing up by a factor of ten because of 10000 being a frequently used number. 

and what about the fact that when there is a sale, the discount is written as a single digit number indicating the part of the price you must pay rather than the percentage the price is lowered? would these be examples of Chinese mathematics or its legacy? 

10 years 45 weeks ago
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You're not doing them justice. Fact is, our tiny minds can only encompass numbers up to 1000 whereas the Chinese have been trained to think big. In translating they do mess it up though, adding a zero or leaving one out.

10 years 45 weeks ago
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I love them calculating hard to translate bilions or some hundreds of milions. its funny they say 3-4  different english words for than amount till you help them...

10 years 45 weeks ago
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10 years 45 weeks ago
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What the hell are fingercuffs? (Too lazy to google it.) Do pray tell. Thanks.

Or are you summarizing a movie you saw recently? angry


'Chasing Amy'

'Broken Fingers' why the funny face?

10 years 45 weeks ago
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The funny face is a confused me. Still don't know what fingercuffs are. Now that I'm really curious, I'll google it. Thanks.

10 years 45 weeks ago
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So, I looked it up. Chasing Amy & Urban Dictionary. "Had no idea!" remarked a red-faced Red Fox. 

10 years 45 weeks ago
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10 years 45 weeks ago
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HaHA Chinese fire drill....


My company had a fire drill, they gave prizes to the department that evacuated the building the fastest. It was freakin hilarious and there were only some minor scrapes and bruises from the trampling as people stampeded down six flights of stairs.

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10 years 45 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman