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Q: Have you ever tried giving a local anything like a personality test*?

Really any type of test where you are free to choose any answer. I've tried this 3 times in class and it was intended to be a fun discussion starter. But most (70%-80%) lacked the ability to answer the questions honestly. When they saw that each answer was weighted they changed their answer to the one that had the most points. 

6 years 23 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Ha ha. I guess it's human nature to wanna do better though in this case, more doesn't mean better.


I used to play all kinds of Psychological tests with the others, they agree when the result can boast their ego, otherwise they deny it even if it can be quite true about them.

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6 years 22 weeks ago
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Have you ever heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment? You shoukd try something like this in your class.


Read about that a long time ago.  Color me- not surprisied. I'm sure quite a few of us grew up with older siblings.  For a lot of us siblings were like these guards on de-caf.

6 years 23 weeks ago
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My brothers were like nazi psychopaths tweeking on their more benevolent moments.

6 years 23 weeks ago
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6 years 23 weeks ago
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There is a famous test I use on students


1. Mom is calling on the phone

2. The shower is running

3. Your best friend is at the door ringing the bell

4. The baby is crying


Put in the order of priority.

Most students in China because of saving water and leaving the tap on at grandma's house always pick #2, turn off the shower, then 1,4,3


Most westerners 4,3,2, and mom 1,can just call back.


I have to find more like this

6 years 23 weeks ago
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6 years 23 weeks ago
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Just for my curiosity, no schools in Shandong have high school counselors or anything like Myers-Briggs aptitude tests for possible future career placement based on your various skills or ability.


Does China have counselors in any schools or aptitude tests for student vocation choices.

I have never seen or heard of this in China.

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6 years 23 weeks ago
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For the past three years I have given the BMI personality test to my students. We review the results and they have to write an essay. It is a great exercise in the class. It takes me a few days to get the results for all of my students. During those days, they are always eager to find out how they did.

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6 years 22 weeks ago
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Ha ha. I guess it's human nature to wanna do better though in this case, more doesn't mean better.


I used to play all kinds of Psychological tests with the others, they agree when the result can boast their ego, otherwise they deny it even if it can be quite true about them.

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6 years 22 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman