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Q: Have you finished your x-mas shopping?

Who is on your shopping list?

Do you ever send gifts back home?

What did you get your wife?/GF?

My shopping list is pretty short. My wife and close friends and niece.

I stopped sending things home for xmas when they never arrived or got there in April.

Got the wife an the new Ipad mini 3, PJ,s , and a stocking full of her lotions and crap.

9 years 38 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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I have no one in China to shop for and I'm not sending gifts home. So I can just buy my own lotions and crap anytime I want.

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9 years 38 weeks ago
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I have no one in China to shop for and I'm not sending gifts home. So I can just buy my own lotions and crap anytime I want.

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9 years 38 weeks ago
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It's only Dec. 23rd, still plenty of time. indecision

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9 years 38 weeks ago
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Nah, I don't send stuff home and I don't ask for gifts because they never make it on time or sometimes, at all. 


I wanted to get something for my wife but she just prefers we spend it on stuff for the apartment when it is finished. I will still probably get her something anyway but just not tell her. 




Yeah its hard. Here in China when your wife sais she doesnt want anything for xmas she actually means it! They dont really have any feeling for it really. My wife never sais a word about what she wants this time of year. Wants it to be about me. But she said in passing last month to my friends wife that she wants an Ipad and fortunatly for me i was paying attention to the Chinese noise at that particular second.

9 years 38 weeks ago
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Ha ha. My wife threatens to kill me if I spend money on her.


That's why my my job on here is so important. Every little woumao counts wink.


Ha ha, if only .

9 years 38 weeks ago
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9 years 38 weeks ago
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Bloody Nora .My wife went out on Saturday evening with friends for dinner, came home smiling just to inform me that she had invited 6 friends and 3 children to a traditional Christmas dinner.angry. So yesterday and today it was out to buy all the provisions and gifts for the children. Now the issue was how  to cook all the food. So we had to buy a medium size rotisserie oven. So is the shopping complete? yes. But the fun is just about t start. We even managed the Christmas tree, lots of light, train set and small village, oh and the stocking, 1st time in 8 years, but just for the children of course.                                         Happy Christmas To All. 



Well that actually sounds nice. Youll be charged with bringing the festive cheer for others. A good responsibility indeed. Have a merry xmas!!! Btw, what does bloody nora mean?? New one to me.

9 years 38 weeks ago
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9 years 38 weeks ago
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The wife and I don't do presents for each other, or for other adults, but we enjoy deciding what to get the wee one.  It's great to see her open her presents in the morning.


But I must admit I managed to persuade the wife to order me some photography stuff for me off Taobao. I justified it by saying I need it to take better photos at a family wedding at new year. But really, it's a little bundle of presents for myself wink.  It was a battle though. For every Taobao link I sent her she managed to find something cheaper.   I should have used RobK's website instead. I would have had the stuff by now.

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9 years 38 weeks ago
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