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Q: Have you made a difference here in China?

As a teacher here, I have many success stories. Thankfully, more successes than failures. The connections I make with my kids are strong. We become more like family, than teacher/students. One success is turning a below average student into one of the top ranked students in his class. I love teaching these kids. They keep me feeling young and energetic. All 3000+ students I have taught here are my success stories. And, I look forward to seeing what kind of success they become as they continue to grow and mature.

9 years 20 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - China

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Nah.  I tried, I failed.  

My wife disagrees, but, she would.  As hard as I tried these students just don't give a rat's arse.

Only one thing is important to this screwed up system.....the passing of exams.  

Teachers are merely facilitators, not teachers.  I've tried to teach, but the system isn't interested.  

In my view the people who can actually speak/use English in any meaningful way have taught themselves, and the system that is can take no credit for it.

I don't think English as a compulsory subject does anyone any good and if the gov't weren't so interested in spanking the monkey they'd drop it.


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9 years 20 weeks ago
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I do not have teaching success stories like you.

I do have a family success story, that I am quite proud of.

My Chinese family has progressed quite a bit over the past few years....  amazing 

i accept some credit, but for the most part, it is them, a little more push and a little more, why does things have to be the same,,,, let's change it .... routine shit is changing in my world .. little things  

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9 years 20 weeks ago
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In the teaching department, I have helped a few kids. Some that were super-smart but had behavioral problems. Some that just needed a new perspective on things and to let them know that there are other ways to lead their life than just following the pack. 


In terms of of my Chinese family, I think they were initially very worried about a foreigner joining the family. They were worried about the ridicule, trusting a foreigner and how to adapt. Fast forward to today and I have brought them a huge amount of face. 


I drank bai jiu for my father-in-law (because he can't drink much) during some special events to help him out (his son can't drink much either). I have lent them a considerable sum of money to help them pay for my brother-in-law's wedding and haven't asked them for a thing since I got here. I take care of their daughter and I don't act like I bought and own her. 


From my inclusion in to the family, I have helped my Chinese family improve and hopefully raised the reputation of foreigners in their area. I was the first foreigner in their village, and the first international wedding. So I like to think I made some sort of a difference.


On a weird side note, my father-in-law was kind of looked down on by his sister-in-law and her husband. Because they had more money, lived in the town and not the village... and traveled more... owned more cars... all that jazz. 


I helped turn that around too. I turned the tables on them and I don't think they like it too much lol. 

9 years 20 weeks ago
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Thats wierd, my FIL is in the exact same situation. My MILs brother always looks down on him for not having alot of money and flashing it in everyones face like he does. The funny thing is though, my FIL is LOADED. Just no one knows it. Not even his family. Maybe he just wants it for his immediate family??? But he hides it from everyone. " oh , the company is soooo bad, losing sooo much money" the same day, hes like " pssh Mike, i want a new car , lets go to the 4S". he doesnt care about money at all when its just us. The dealership guy was asking questions, he like " mike you figure it out, ill just pay". Yet when hes being disrespected buy his farmer brother in law, not a peep. He doesnt even seem to care.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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Haha, he is a smart guy. If you go ahead telling everyone you are loaded then you start to attract all kinds of whiny family members, people trying to get compensation and all that jazz. 


Even my wife was asked by a bunch of cousins, aunts and stuff to loan them money. I said, HELL NO... tell him to stop gambling, get a job and stop being a damn parasite.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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9 years 20 weeks ago
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When I was teaching at the university, some students told me I enlightened them, and that although they got some severely low grades with me, they did not hold a grudge. They were actually *thankful* that for once they have an idea of their level. I was teaching software engineering, and for some, they told me I showed them that programming could be a lot of fun. Later, they wrote me email to ask me ideas of projects to keep programming ... just for fun. And some kept programming for fun, coming to me for advices.

Let's be realistic, it was the 25% of student who got some sparks between their hears, and willing to learn *something*. The remaining 75% were just sitting and waiting for the end of the class. It was such a struggle to push them to do *something*, anything, on their own without barfing the book and copy-pasting from Internet, I was too tired to let my ego inflate.


You can not reach all of the students all the time. I have classes of 70 students in each class. If I spark and interest in just 10-20 of them, I feel I am successful. In these small towns and cities in rural China, many families do not see the real value of learning English. It is treated more like an extra-curricular activity, than a real solid subject matter to be taught and learned. I do the best I can with the substance I have been given. That is all anyone can be asked to give. It is up to the students to respond in kind to your efforts.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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You're an half-full glass guy ^^ Those 75% are now engineers dragging their employer with abysmally crafted softwares, that can be sold because of ignorance and equally abysmal standards of quality. This is a few contributions to a general trend : cheap low quality products become more expansive, killing the only value China could offer easily so far, when the country enter a papy boom of epic proportions. I don't even comment on the consequences of widespread shitty softwares.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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9 years 20 weeks ago
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I would like to think that I have changed some things for the better.


As a self employed person, I have helped Chinese companies obtain large supply contracts that have, in turn, resulted in hundreds of people gaining employment.


I have provided consultancy that has helped several companies improve methodology and efficiency.


I have helped companies introduce systems that have enhanced environmental protection. I have also carried out ethical trading audits and forced companies to change workers' rights and conditions.


I have worked on many, many food safety and security projects. The companies that I have supported have not yet been involved in a major issue or rejection. Some of the companies that I deal directly with and supported through consultancy have attained very high grades in compliance audits carried out by overseas auditors and against international standards.


I have audited and improved many other non food related companies helping to improve product safety of a number of products.


I run my own company and employ my own staff thus creating employment.


And after all of this, I still get zero acknowledgement from the Chinese authorities. That is the nature of this society. I just lump it and enjoy the benefits.


I gueupss all I can do..thumbs up .. keep it 

9 years 20 weeks ago
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you still need to save a kitten !!!

9 years 20 weeks ago
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smart ass Scan

9 years 20 weeks ago
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Yeah, it sounds like a boasty post (and by the nature of the question, it is going to attract boasty answers). The main crux of the matter though is no matter what good you believe that you bring to this society, you will never achieve recognition or gratefulness.


I just make a sly dig at the latest moronic dispatches put out by the Brylcreem Boys in Beijing regarding talent acquisition. It's your ideas and knowledge that is wanted here, not the talent behind the ideas.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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You deserve enough thumbs up to pay for a torch dude :-)

9 years 20 weeks ago
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9 years 20 weeks ago
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Which is  it? All 3000 plus are successes or 10-20 out of a class of 70? 

I just don't like the smell of BS. 

Yes we make a difference to some whether it be by teaching or befriending people and showing them the true meaning of friendship. Showing them that giving your seat to someone else won't kill you. 

I don't mean to be negative but different suspicious accounts ask the same questions every few months. 


If you do not like the smell of BS, then get your head out of your ass. You are nothing but a negative expat on this board. Every comment I read from you is negative. You like ot ne offensive. You like the shock value. And, you like the attention you receive. You always assume answers are from some group I have never heard of. Apparently the drugs you are on are messing with your head. Just go home.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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Poor baby. But like it or not those are your BS statements that contradict each other.  

9 years 20 weeks ago
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9 years 20 weeks ago
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A good teacher can make a massive difference.  Teaching is without a doubt one of the most important professions on the planet.


I am not a teacher, but I had a good teacher 30 years ago that put me on the track of my own profession.  It's all down to that one guy that I now call myself an Engineer.


Have I made a difference?  Maybe a little bit for a few people, but keep doing what you are doing folks. You are lucky to be able to teach, and if you are a good teacher your students are very lucky wink

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9 years 20 weeks ago
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Haha I dont think I have made any difference at all. Im OK with it. As a teacher, i was very popular, but it was mostly adults who had their company pay, or rich kids too dumb for real school or er nai's who were bored. So yeah.... I think i gave them some good memories, and the school still calls me 5 years later hoping ive failed so i can come back and when i do see students they say and act like it was the best time of their lives. But did i enrich their lives in some meaningful way??? Not really. I dont think so. Unless you think empowering people to say " oh my lady gaga" behind your back just in earshot is enrichment. Then yes I have.

My wife was great before I met her and would be great if I never showed up. Im the lucky one, to be included in their family. I think they love me. And they feel happy im around. But im pretty sure my friends and family here would get on just fine if I never came around. Which is kind of the point. It took me years and years to find and cultivate relationships with people i love and respect.

My job now doesnt enrich anyones lives or do any good here. Our factory workers would be just as fine or not in any And while negotiating and signing contracts and fulfilling them with the largest retailers in the world gives me a sense of pride, its miniscule at best. Its not the job so much that gives me pride but being able to do it well. Id be proud of being a toilet cleaner too, and im sure id be the best one. But again i dont think my job has had any lasting effects on anyone or anything. Just cash my cheques and peace!

It might sound like a negative post but its not. For one, i think some might try to pump up their achievments in order to feel good about themselves but im a little more realistic i guess. Plus I have had a hugely positive effect on my own life so im pretty happy about that. Good enough for me!!


Mike: I bet there are plenty of people you have influenced in their lives. Perhaps you just do not see the results. I understand the premise of your comment. I never really expected to see a Mother Theresa story as a comment. And, more time than not, it is the small things we do in people's lives that make the biggest difference. For people who do missionary or volunteer work, they get to see the results almost on a daily basis. For people like you and me, we may never know the influences we have on others around us. But, I am confident that we are making a difference in people's lives.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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I agree with nashboroguy, that it's the little things that can make a difference. Stuff you don't even realise. Something like 'not behaving like a cowardly suck-up' can demonstrate a real alternative way of living to a local, but you wouldn't even know you did it. As for your appraisal of your own impact on society: Your unput doesn't have to be unique and irreplaceable to count. You don't have to invent the wheel. Just doing what you do well is a good contribution. The trouble starts when people start claiming rights and privileges *as if* their contribution was unique and irreplaceable. From that point of view, I can see how aristocrats loathed labour unions when they were first created.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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9 years 20 weeks ago
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I came here wanting to. Seeing the problems in society, I was even more motivated to make a difference. But every facet of this society demotivates and discourages you from even trying. I grew tired of the constant resistance, arguments and reactions. I'm not making much of a difference anymore, even my teaching has degenerated to the dumbed-down, mickey moused variety that people here seem to want.

Now, I'm praised for my patience, and gaining approval for becoming 'like a Chinese'. This is perhaps an exaggerated protrayal of reality, but I just want to emphasize the ethical discomfort involved in going with the flow, here.

Actually, kids learn well during my lessons. I combine the clownesque performances with actual content, so they go home remembering something and looking forward to the next lesson. Yesterday I received a box of butter shortbreads from a kids' mother who wanted to sit in the classroom. Since she was an English teacher herself, the staff forbid it, because my teaching style is a 'secret recipe'. It's not the first time people wanted to copy from me; in fact most of the other teachers use my expressions, intonations, mannerisms, games and methods. They should call it Coin College.

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9 years 20 weeks ago
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Nah.  I tried, I failed.  

My wife disagrees, but, she would.  As hard as I tried these students just don't give a rat's arse.

Only one thing is important to this screwed up system.....the passing of exams.  

Teachers are merely facilitators, not teachers.  I've tried to teach, but the system isn't interested.  

In my view the people who can actually speak/use English in any meaningful way have taught themselves, and the system that is can take no credit for it.

I don't think English as a compulsory subject does anyone any good and if the gov't weren't so interested in spanking the monkey they'd drop it.


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9 years 20 weeks ago
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Oh cmon guys it is your responsibility to make a difference in China. Don't complain, make a difference. The 1.3 billion Chinese have no responsibility for making a difference .It's only their country and we are  unwelcomed   pests. 



Good grief....I find myself agreeing with you again!


9 years 20 weeks ago
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Good grief....I find myself agreeing with you again!


9 years 20 weeks ago
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Good grief....I find myself agreeing with you again!


9 years 20 weeks ago
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For someone who complains about trolls you sure have become one. Climb back under your bridge. Is there any question that you have not invaded with your negativity and arrogance? Just go away and die. No one will miss you.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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One other thing, if you look in your contract , it clearly states that you should not interfere with China's affairs. So .....

9 years 20 weeks ago
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9 years 20 weeks ago
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I'm sure I've made a difference to my wife and her family. 


As for teaching, assuredly I've made a difference.  I've instructed many students who've since gone abroad.  Whether that difference is positive or negative remains to be seen, considering the students who go abroad are already dining with a silver spoon.


Congrats wagon. Do you stay in contact with them through social media? My first group fo students will be going to college later this year. I am excited to see how well they do. I have one student in America in high school there. To see his transformation and hear of his experiences in the USA has been wonderful.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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No, I don't do social media.  They come back to school over the Christmas break and summer break where we catch up.  The results are usually mixed.  The ones who were really spoiled here hate the US.  "It's too boring."  "The food isn't good."  The ones who weren't so coddled tend to have better experiences and actually see the bigger picture; the rule of law, clean air, an orderly society(for the most part) etc.  Some don't want to come back, and some can't wait to get home.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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9 years 20 weeks ago
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there are 1.400 billion chinese people no one makes a difference

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9 years 19 weeks ago
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My first year of teaching, I would explain to my students that Confucius was wrong about some things, and that the Chinese government is afraid of them learning about the outside world. I'll never forget the curious and fascinated expressions on some of the brighter students' faces, like I had just switched on the lightbulb in their heads. It gives me hope that the Chinese youth are not completely lost.

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9 years 19 weeks ago
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I am confident that I have made a difference....  with my Chinese family...  they are very welcome to listen and learn to much of the things that I do different than them.

But, yes, another BUT, my wife hates what I do in the kitchen, not the Chinese way. So, mostly I stay out of her hair in the kitchen ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  just when she is gone, I sneak in and make something really good, and don't always wash the vegies or the meat properly. It is my way of damming the traditions and accepted way.

I feel so good when I get away with it........  just throw the stuff on the pan, or in the pot. Oh what a REBEL, I am.

Lots of other little things she catches on to... LIVE AND LEARN!!!

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9 years 19 weeks ago
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A: There are a few ways that a NNES can legally teach in China. 1. Thei
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