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Q: Hi guys, is there any environmental/conservation groups I can join in China?

I am in China and have degrees in Environmenal Science and Environmental Studies. I have looked everywhere for a group to join but cant seem to find any. I get the impression that they maybe considered "social acceptable" (if you get my meaning) in China.    

10 years 34 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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 this site is the only place for self preservation of sanity in China , welcome to the Nut Houseangry

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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if you find any better ways, let us know

10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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here, just stay tunned

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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Fi fai fo fumao,

I smell a wumao...


I am starting to wonder if the ccp is getting lazy and uses this site to set up targets indecision I can just see their office  board      WANTED  any Black American English teachers that have links to conservation groups and actively want certain foods while looking for Chinese girls These foreign Devils will be deported as a warning to all Foreigners in China  no

10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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I didn't get your meaning at all.  You must not be a native English speaker.

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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Anyone taking the bait is stupid. In China, it is seriously illegal for anyone to join any political group outside of the 1 and only party. 

The government actively sets up and fishes for foreigners looking to break this law. There is a certain "union" that sets up bogus school blacklist sites to get your info and then feeds it back to the appropriate agency to in turn have you blacklisted (when my situation gets cleared up, I will post the details). 

Anyone approaches you about a union or any political group, do not trust them, it is a trap. 


Thanks for enlightening me about this. There aren't enough jobs in China, so nonsense like this starts up, for bureaucrats to be 'useful'. In fact, I recently updated my CV on the site to apply for some jobs. I have a Master's in Evolutionary Biology. Perhaps it's paranoid and arrogant, but I wonder if this bait was put out to target me specifically. I have been quite negative about China, and don't hide my name while saying it. One firm seems to have downloaded my CV, and they already viewed it before i sent out any applications. It may be entirely innocent, but be on your guard for any shady dealings. From *any* company, for that matter. The warped thing about this is: I can safely say that I'd be happy to fly a crop duster full of botulism pondwater over those Central-American sharkfin-drying facilities myself, causing the deaths of thousands of traditionalists who want to eat like the emperor. It's not what the wumao is looking for: He/She is looking for someone/organization that is breaking the laws in China! Rigid thinking FTW!

10 years 33 weeks ago
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I am also stupid (post using my real name) . When I get clear of my current situation I will post a follow up to my problems with my school. There are a lot of groups and websites we should be careful of. 

10 years 33 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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Attention all posters, do not be tricked into posting real answers to questions like this. 

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman