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Q: High or Low?

I met a guy who was researcher for China Tobacco.  He told me that the country has 300 million smokers.  I was astonished.  Why?  I thought that his figure was insanely low.  If there are 700 million men in this country, then only 43% of them smoke.  This doesn't take into account women.  What say you?  What percentage of men smoke?  My guess, 60%.

10 years 40 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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I would put i higher. New England Medical Journal has some 2010 numbers




Thanks for the link. Interesting, they peg the number at 301 million.  But they say 28.1% are smokers.  By population figures that would be closer to 400 million smokers.  That's a significant difference.  The population estimate last year was ~1.35 billion I think.  Granted the data was from 2010, but that's a pretty significant miss.  Remind me not to hire this dude to do any research for me.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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I have a theory that the gubbermint might not know how many people are actually living in the country. China Tobacco might have an idea of how many customers they have, but then I am sure there is a huge market for smuggling and counterfeit cigarettes so any numbers from China Tobacco would be the low number. 

10 years 39 weeks ago
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10 years 40 weeks ago
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Acc. to what I see every day, should be higher. But I wouldn't know.

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10 years 40 weeks ago
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Almost 90% of the males that I know smoke, and disgustingly so.


Perhaps 45% of the women smoke, maybe less.


I once went to the local "prestigious" hospitals for emergency treatment and right there, in the ER, with a patient taking oxygen, was a doctor and one technician smoking.


Needless to say, I left.  I went to another hospital, dirtier for sure, but at least they were not smoking in front of me.


And in the time that I have been here, I have PERSONALLY known a goodly number of persons who have died from lung cancer.

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10 years 40 weeks ago
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I would say 85 percent of men smoke, but only about 5 percent of women.

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10 years 40 weeks ago
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i still remember walking up mt. tai in 2 and half hours, thinking im in good shape passing the college students exhausted and crawling, and here comes an old chinese guy walking pass me like im sitting still smoking a cigarette.

i really love the old couples when the wife is nagging the husband to keep up on the walk and he is walking with the cigarette in his mouth and she has probably bitch at him to stop smoking for 40 years,

one american i have to tolerate at my school jogs 4 kilometers everyday at the age of 61 and smokes 2 packs of cigarettes everyday and swears he is healthy.

regardless of health, i always considered smoking a big waste of money and time and the pain in the ass of getting the smell out of your clothes. its like eating crabs,  the meat is not worth the effort and trouble of getting it out of the crab.

smoking is not worth the hassle, never mind the health
i think smoking would be about 75 percent for men and maybe 5 percent for women but i think this number is higher for women in urban areas rather then countryside areas.
i always try to understand how japanese men live 4 to 6 years longer than americans and smoke 3 times as much, but never got a logical explanation, just a guess about fish diets and omega 3s, who knows.


All the guys on my soccer/football team smoke at halftime.  Always makes me shake my head a bit.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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10 years 40 weeks ago
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In China they always play with the numbers. I seriously doubt they actually went out and did the research. 


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10 years 39 weeks ago
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