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Q: Hobbies in China

I'm stuck in a concrete jungle with no woods, mountains, nothing, so there's no great outdoors for me to do anything in. There's no traditional archery, the nearest sailing club is inaccessible to me. I learned kung fu for three years back home and the schools here are shockingly bad.  

What hobbies do you guys have or can you recommend to someone like me?  I would have loved to do some camping and bushcraft, but after a long and careful look at a map and a trawl through search engines, I found there are no natural forests anywhere near my city where I could just go and get lost in. They're all man planted and I'm sure I can't camp overnight in them, let alone cut down a bit of wood and make a fire.  

Any of you guys have any interesting hobbies? 

10 years 29 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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I assume you are in Shanghai or Beijing. These cities are indeed concrete jungles where the life cycles do not change - work to eat to sleep. Sounds absolutely boring, no? I come from a city state 9 times smaller than Hainan island with 5.4 million people whose hobbies are beating each other in getting into the subway daily, beating each other to available seats during mealtimes, lifts, taxis and such. I understand what you are talking about. Perhaps you could take up cycling at night, roller blade, badminton or such sports activities. Other than that, outdoor camping activities, hikes through forests etc can only be done on extended holidays. For us foreigners it's pretty hard to get away during school or work days. It would be nice to be able to go mountain climbing or simply having a BBQ in a park (not man made) on weekends. Of course, for those living in rural or suburban areas, finding such places is not difficult. So, for your case, perhaps you might want to choose a less crowded city next time. I am sure you will be able to find lots to do there. In major cities, apart from coaxing students to speak up, to be attentive and coherent when they finally do utter a few words, we might as well watch rocks grow. 


Yep. Don't know why it never really bothered me until now. But I'm really missing the countryside.  Cycling at night sounds like a good one actually, thanks for that. If the opportunity presents itself I will certainly be leaving the big cities. 

10 years 29 weeks ago
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10 years 29 weeks ago
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I feel you... I never seen tracks with some indications for days-long walks in China. It's a pity, they have the wild areas for it. There are some mountains with concrete & stone stairs, but it's a whole different taste. Trekking is very wild ie. no maps, no indications and the locals rarely know better (I speak of experience...), so it requires lots of time, serious preparation and being fit.


What's left ? I'm lucky enough to live in a city (Suzhou) with several large lakes with nice walks around. So we walk and bike around when the weather allows it, which is pretty much anytime in the spring/summer/autumn period. I run about one hour, 3 times of week. I always have a book to read, so sometime we sit in a nice coffee and read. I enjoy coding just for fun. I kinda feel I should try to learn ukelele. Sports club in China, didn't really try.


Tell me about it. "Mountain climbing" in China means walking up concrete steps along with crowds of people.  Not really what comes to mind when I think of trekking or mountain climbing, haha. 

10 years 29 weeks ago
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10 years 29 weeks ago
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I generally use sport as an escape from the city life. I play football or badminton etc. Although those are still indoors and not the 'nature' you might be looking for. It would help to know which city you are in so we could help you find something to do nearby. I know Beijing has a hiking club that goes on hikes most weekends with guides and it's all organised for you. 

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10 years 29 weeks ago
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I pretty much love the same stuff you do... which is why I am looking to get a villa 

in the Philippines... cause China just sucks in the "Great Outdoors" department...  and concrete jungles make me go stir-crazy.


Maybe only places like Yunan and far NW (which seems a little dangerous right now) are suitable. 

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10 years 29 weeks ago
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If you live in Beijing there are certainly opportunities to get out and do stuff. I usually head up to the great wall or go hiking every other weekend from April to September. There are also organized hikes and mountain climbing trips here. Winter is the worst but that's the best time to take Chinese classes and or spend time learning new cooking recipes (at least that's what I do).

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10 years 29 weeks ago
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Get out of whatever city you're in. Go to a T3/T4 city with a nearby countryside... get a motorcycle and just go exploring. Stop on top of a mountain, sit back, relax, have a carcinogenic coke and a smile, and think happy thoughts.

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10 years 29 weeks ago
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What about fishing?  I fish in GZ. 


You can combine it with cycling. Cycle from your home to your fishing spot.

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10 years 29 weeks ago
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If you like music, why not start learning an instrument? Im an electric guitarist and its brings me a great amount of happiness because i have something that is constantly challenging me. Yes its difficult, particularly at the very early stages when you totally suck, but if you stick it through you might discover a hobby for life. Sonething to escape to on your bad china days, and something to challenge you to improve and push through the roadblocks.


Not a bad idea. I used to play drums. Might take it back up.

10 years 29 weeks ago
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10 years 29 weeks ago
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Anything related to outdoor activities, for one reason or another, sucks big time in China. This makes me feel like being in a gigantic cage.



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10 years 29 weeks ago
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I went hiking once with this organisation or something. I went with several groups, we camped outside, and we did lots of fun activities and competitions.. It was a nice experience. I think you just need to get in contact with the right people. DO some research, make some phone calls. Or you could take q quick trip to another province

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10 years 29 weeks ago
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I've been having the same problem here in Zhuhai, especially with trying to practice my bushcrafting skills. I've been left to flintknapping on my doorstep with everyone watching me, so annoying!, and I did get my hands on a compound bow that I practice with when I can, again on my doorstep. My bags are packed and ready to go but unfortunately I've got nowhere to go. I introduced my wife into camping, bushcraft, archery, etc and we've decided that moving to Qinghai will help us both as they have lots of mountains and open land to play in. The weather isn't as humid and it's not as hot either. 


I've been thinking of taking up whittling/carving just for something to do. It sucks that there's such a lack of nature where I am.

10 years 2 weeks ago
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I totally agree with you. Honestly, when I decided to come to China I thought it was really going to be about villages and living in the mountains and community and stuff....It's just like the rest of the world and their cities. A city is a city no matter where you go. I've been doing flint knapping and I've had to make my own tools. I can't find anything here let alone good quality tools that won't break on me. I found a hammer stone, cut a branch down and made a knapper, got a dear horn and sanded it down too. Best of luck finding the tools you need.

10 years 2 weeks ago
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10 years 2 weeks ago
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