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Q: How are warts treated in China?

I have a very persistent wart on one of my fingers, which I had treated back in the States, but, most likely due to all the dirty stuff I'm touching every time I take public transportation, has grown back.

How do they treat warts in China? Do they freeze them?

12 years 47 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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Obviously your body is too humid. You should wear more clothes.

A liberal dose of Liang cha taken each morning and evening and in addition, sip hot water constantly throughout the day and you'll be as good as gold.

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4 years 19 weeks ago
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I had one on my neck, and a mole on the center of my back. I went to the local hospital, asked to see a dermatologist and she burned both out with a laser machine, no pain what so ever. Quick and cheap, total cost was less than 60 yuan including a tube of antibiotic cream to prevent infection.

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12 years 47 weeks ago
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If you're getting warts then it's a genetic issue. Don't blame it on anything you touched in China. I'd imagine the most common, and cheapest way would be to freeze it off.


Warts are caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV), so nothing to do with genetics.

12 years 47 weeks ago
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false. Some people have genetic predispositions for warts. Mostly the common wart which is just a raised dry lump.

12 years 47 weeks ago
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12 years 47 weeks ago
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Warts are caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). If you remove them, they can reappear some year later.

The longer you wait to treat, the most difficult it is to eradicate it, as they can be deeply rooted in the feet.

Actually, in China, they often don't know what a wart is, and tend to confuse it with a callus or a corn. Once, I have two on my foot, and went to the drugstore and they wanted to prescribe me cream for callus. Also, in drugstore, they don't have products to treat foot or hand warts. The only product they have is a liquid to treat genital warts. The problem with this medicine is that, since it is to treat on genitals, the solution is very light and inefficient to treat foot or hand warts.

The only way to remove them, at least here in China, is either with laser treatment, freezing or burning, but anyway you need to go to a hospital to do it through a dermatologist or a family doctor can also do it.

My family doctor used the azote to freeze it and clean it with a razor in two times.

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12 years 47 weeks ago
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You can just drop in a fairly big hospital with skin department (not sure skin department is the correct English but forgive me) and ask a doctor.
You'll probably incur some registration fee (5rmb?). Unlike some hospitals in the West which has pretty scary fees just for speaking to a doctor.


Seriously dude? OK, you get your wumao for the anti-waiguo propaganda shot, but at least tell the truth about China please.

Fact: registration at the hospital is free.

After wait for hours for a perfunctory 1-2 minute consultation you will be directed to the dispensary to buy medication. Some useful, some pointless.

Expect to pay 300-500 for the experience, more if the ubiquitous blood test is ordered.

@wumao2020 most developed countries offer full or partial treatment free of charge and rebates are available for out of pocket expenses if you don't have private medical insurance or don't wish to use it.

4 years 19 weeks ago
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@ Sandnose, 

where i am you don't even have to go to a hospital for warts.

Any phramacist can recommend a treatemet, and if it persists, you can go to your GP.


or you can find a dermatologist yourself, ot be refferd to a dematologist (by your GP)


Going to hospital for a warts consultation (unloess referred and with an apoointment) would be considered a waste of time, as well as colgging the system.

having warts would not be considered an 'accident or emergency'

4 years 19 weeks ago
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Yes, same for me. China doesn't have GPs in every community, consultations are monopolised by hospitals. But not so all the cash can go in the pockets of bureaucrats, of course.

Fun fact; I used to train doctors and nurses at the people's hospital. They are all on KPIs to proscribe medication. Meet your 'sales' target a d get commission, [cough] I mean bonus for ensuring the health and well being of the peasantry.

4 years 19 weeks ago
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here, (some) pharmacists also give flu vaccines before flu season as well as give (minor) medical advice for anything that does not even merit a GP visit.

They can not prescribe any medication - that requires a GP or a doctor.

no drugs are dispensed in hospitals - other than for treatment for patients in hospital.


this discourages profiteering by doctors, which would be unethical and could result in being disciplined or even struck-off.
one GP i know avoids, where possible, unnecessary medication, which reduces the over-use and mis-use of anti-biotics.

4 years 19 weeks ago
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Anitibiotics are given for everything like lollies. No ID necessary. Nothing could go wrong.

4 years 19 weeks ago
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4 years 19 weeks ago
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Obviously your body is too humid. You should wear more clothes.

A liberal dose of Liang cha taken each morning and evening and in addition, sip hot water constantly throughout the day and you'll be as good as gold.

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4 years 19 weeks ago
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Fried with garlic and ginger and served with fava beans and a nice chianti....  you can probably buy them in a Wuhan market.

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Stay on topic, Sand ... from 8-years ago ...

ICONIC MOVIE SCENES The Silence of the Lambs... | The Film ...


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Nobody cares, if you fart ... in China  surprise



 Where did I put my spectac-los ... ? angel

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