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Posts: 1

Minor Official

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Q: How can I add an introduction video to my profile?

I want to add my introduction video to my profile. Please guide me. Thank you in advance.

1 year 42 weeks ago in  General  - China

Highest Voted
Posts: 1072


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You must be a registered user to vote!

why would you want to do this?

(no-one is interested by the way, in any intro video)

Recruiters don't look at this section and this is not a dating site. Also you would be setting yourself up for ridicule.


did you even think of asking the site admin this question?




Yeah, and if you (OP!) want to show yer English speech and accent, you will be able to do that at first interview over Skype.

I don't think, e-Tities website even has video option ...


Here's big Admin 'Contact Us':

1 year 42 weeks ago
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@ icniff, 

i think this OP is like the many who have posted on this site - won't be seen again.
This is not what a genuine poster would do.

a genuine poster would be more likely to reply to comments, not disappear.


it is very noticable that this site is now to all intents and purpose dead.
there are more tumbleweeds than genuine engagements.


there are days beween posts/replies - should i read the last rites ?no

1 year 42 weeks ago
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I know, asking stipud Qs and then disappear.


Such Qs most likely come out of the single poster working at e-Tities ...

1 year 42 weeks ago
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Report Abuse
1 year 42 weeks ago
Answers (1)
Comments (3)
Posts: 1072


You must be a registered user to vote!
You must be a registered user to vote!

why would you want to do this?

(no-one is interested by the way, in any intro video)

Recruiters don't look at this section and this is not a dating site. Also you would be setting yourself up for ridicule.


did you even think of asking the site admin this question?




Yeah, and if you (OP!) want to show yer English speech and accent, you will be able to do that at first interview over Skype.

I don't think, e-Tities website even has video option ...


Here's big Admin 'Contact Us':

1 year 42 weeks ago
Report Abuse


@ icniff, 

i think this OP is like the many who have posted on this site - won't be seen again.
This is not what a genuine poster would do.

a genuine poster would be more likely to reply to comments, not disappear.


it is very noticable that this site is now to all intents and purpose dead.
there are more tumbleweeds than genuine engagements.


there are days beween posts/replies - should i read the last rites ?no

1 year 42 weeks ago
Report Abuse


I know, asking stipud Qs and then disappear.


Such Qs most likely come out of the single poster working at e-Tities ...

1 year 42 weeks ago
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Report Abuse
1 year 42 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman