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Sign up with Google Sign up with Facebookskype, or get a local to help you find a "phone shop" you can also set up international on your phone for 600rmb deposit
Crimo, get a life will ya? There doesn't excist such a thing about 600rmb deposit what you are talking about.
Howlong are you in China?
are you using china mobile in nanchang with same phone plan that i have?
You all deserve it being called stupid lowai. case closed. All providers have a very good English speaking service which can be called 24/7, as said before you deserve it. I have China mobile and just pay 0.4rmb/min. no plan, no nothing, just with a top op simcard. But hey ...what can I say, you know better right?
gz didnt need a deposit, nanchang they do. it's a deposit stupid do you know what a fuckin deposit is???
No I don't, please...please.. tell me. What's a deposit????? you are a freaking retarded moron. They should let have paid you more...... You are reincarnated 5 times, it is impossible to get so stupid in 1 life time. this is for sure. Is your half left brain cell suffering already from brain deadness too?
Skype is the best way I know. A subscription costs US$12.95 a month for unlimited calls to anywhere in the world. I don't think a Nanchang (capital N) specific phone plan is really of any benefit to expats in the rest of China, and it sounds rather expensive.
Crimo if you have China mobile. Just dial 10086 follow instructions and ask for english speaking service, tell them that you phone regular to the US and they will give all the instructions you need for FREE. will ya? If you are to f*cking lazy then dial 17951+country code+mobile number. This will cost you 3rmb/min. Not ANY deposit required.
Their is not such a plan were you are talking about, it is that simple.
You can go to the China Mobile website too and do a search, but as you are too busy here with crap you will have not the time to do it.
It is rather easy to do so. If you have a cell phone, and your provider is China Mobile for example, all you do is dial 1259300, then without a space left, 1 for USA and the area code and number you want to speak with.
Wait until the call goes thru, and eventually you will hear a ring or a voice telliung you circuits are busy try later. If rings eventually someone will answer, and then you talk.
And the best part, the cost is around 1 yuan per minut or so, I do it all the time, and it works for me. No need for any plans, prepay deposits, International phone cards or anything.
This only works in Shanghai and the cost is not 1yuan/min but 0.4/min. you don't phone much huh...? Do you? You are right it is easy to do, if you call 10086, yeah press 2 for english.
If you want to call overseas you can dial the number you want but it will cost you $$$ a calling card like normal peeps do and save some $$$ can buy your hunny a nice dinner!