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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: how can i find part time teaching job in Shenzhen?
12 years 23 weeks ago in Business & Jobs - Shenzhen
I have seen some stores, some restaurants and even in college campuses, a bulletin board where you could post notices seeking whatever part time job you desire. At the city where I live, that is very common.
You just need to prepare a small, short resume, and including contact information, and hope for the best in finding places to post it.
Search the net. China jobs. There would be lots of sites for that.
or you can try 2. hope it helps.
first, make sure you have a work visa and not a student / tourist visa. then identify what type of job you want to do. then make a list of the companies in your city in those fields. track down their phone numbers. have a chinese speaking friend sit down with you to call the companies, and obtain the email addresses of the person responsible for hiring people. once you have their email addresses fire of your resume to all of them.
You can look online but be careful. Most jobs posted there are not what they seem. For example I went to one interview for a job that claimed to start at 14000 a month with raises after 6 months. After basically getting me to work for free for a day(stay away from "demo classes") they showed me the contract which was after some creatie deductions and spin a 8000 a month contract. Needless to say I walked out.
You really need to be tough. Insist on being paid in cash so your not cheated- 70% of "schools" will have a problem with this but 50% of those problems are probably because they were going to cheat you.
I strongly recommend not doing a "full time" job as the pay per hour is very low.
just spam out a message to everyone who spams their job offers all over the net. But for your fellow teachers sake please don't take anything less than 200 an hour.
i need some part time jobs around can you help send me some contact or web side to fine the jobs