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Q: How do I get knowledge if a job-contract includes a Z-visa?

I got a job offer from an international education center, but there is no reference about getting Z-visa. It only says in one clause: Employer shall reserve the right to cancel the employee's legal work permission and legal residence permission". Does this statement mean Z-visa?

9 years 12 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - China

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Ask the question:

"what visa do you offer?"

if they hesitate, fudge or say 'F' or 'L' (tourist or business), refuse to accept the offer.


"You can change to an 'Z' visa when you are here" means there is something dodgy/illegal about the place, so just don't continue engaging with them.

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9 years 12 weeks ago
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Ask the question:

"what visa do you offer?"

if they hesitate, fudge or say 'F' or 'L' (tourist or business), refuse to accept the offer.


"You can change to an 'Z' visa when you are here" means there is something dodgy/illegal about the place, so just don't continue engaging with them.

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9 years 12 weeks ago
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Don't get on a plane without a Z in your passport. No ifs and no buts.

Good luck with your job hunting Smile

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9 years 12 weeks ago
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You should also ask for the email addresses / phone numbers of other teachers there. Talk to them. If the school won't provide them that's a huge red flag.

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9 years 12 weeks ago
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What does it mean 'I got job offer'? Did they offer you Contract for sign? If 'yes', that is the real job offer.

If Chinese employer just talk over the Skype or emails with promises and what not, that isn't job offer. In other words, you got job only after you signed Contract.

If you didn't get the Contract, ask for it.

Your employer will need your signed Contract to apply for Working permit and Invitation letter.


Ask your employer: 'When will you send me Working permit and Invitation letter?'.



You will need both documents in original to apply for Z visa at Chinese Embassy in Germany. Both documents must be send to your address in original by post.

If school will supply documents for Z visa, it will take them approximately three weeks to get both documents out of SAFEA (Foreign Expert Bureau).

Legal employment in China is only under Z visa, for which you must apply outside of China (your home country or Hong Kong).

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9 years 12 weeks ago
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Thank you Sorrel, thank you ScotsAlan, I understand there is only one condition to come to China and that is Z -visa written with bold capital letters!  May I ask you a feed back how do you understand if the job offer is reliable? The contract is full of duties (teaching, other duties assigned and working cooperatively. No link concerning accommodation. Are this questions I need to ask and to negotiate? Thank you for your response.   


Yes, you must ask about housing. Usually, Schools in China offer free housing, but you must make sure:

1. apartment isn't sharing;

2. size of the apartment;

3. distance to the school, i.e. 'can I walk to the job?'

4. who pays utilities?

5. if school doesn't offer free apartment, they usually offer 'housing allowance'. That is money school will pay beside the salary for your housing.

Apartment must be stated in the Contract as 'free one or two bedroom apartment, bathroom, kitchen, TV, Internet', and similar.

If apartment isn't stated in the Contract, ask them to write 'free apartment and things' into the Contract, before you sign it.

9 years 12 weeks ago
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You need the visa in your passport before you come. There are lots of Z visa theeads on here that cover all the documents required and proceedures to go through. You cant apply for a z visa in China. The visa should be your first question. Once you have that and enter China, then convert it into a residence permit, you are protected by Chinese law. Without it, the law is against you.

9 years 12 weeks ago
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@Scottish: 'OP must sign Contract first. Then, school can apply for WP and Invitation letter.'


Did you see new pics from Loch?

9 years 12 weeks ago
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9 years 12 weeks ago
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Hi icnif77, nice to hear you again and get support from you. Well, I applied to the job, then without having an job interview I got attached a "Foreign Employees' job contract" proposal. So I have an inside view in the contract I have to sign up. But conditions are a little bit vague. Lot of duties not really specified. Hmm, ok I need to email Centre to clear-  up! 



- apartment must be written in it;

- hours required (make sure what is the meaning of 'hours'! Is it 45', 50' or 60');

- salary during recess. If School is Public School, you'll have 3 months recess per year. Will I get salary during recess? If they are Training school, ask about (paid) vacation: how long?

- return flight ticket refund at the end of the Contract. That's usually fixed amount something like 6000 -10000 Rmb;

Demand, everything they promise must be written in the Contract, before you sign it. Chinese like to forget 'promises'.

It must be written in the Contract. Than, it isn't promise anymore, but obligation!

Special treatment: you can copy&paste offered Contract here. Blank/erase your real name, salary, and School's name, and we'll tell you what do you miss.

You can also send me Contract through PM, and I'll tell you what do you miss on the Contract.

9 years 12 weeks ago
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9 years 12 weeks ago
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Do lots of research before signing. This site, Daves esl cafe etc. Stay away from any sites that are CFTU (Chinese foreign teachers union). They are scam sites.

There is no black list and no white list.

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9 years 12 weeks ago
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Dear collegues, what an effort to come to China!!!

No apartment , no flight, no Z visa mentioned. What a pity! It seems I have refuse this job in Chongqing. But I am happy to have this big support from all of you. Normally, I would invite all of you to drink a "Prosecco" (sparkled wine) together. But China is so big and you might be thousands of kilometers away from each others. Thank you Scots Alan, thank you icnif77, thank you Stiggs and finally thank you Sorrel.


I saw few adverts today on Jobs site looking for German teacher. Have a look. Remember, never apply only at one job offer. Just apply everywhere, and say 'yes' to everybody.

Then you shift through the all offers/Contracts, and sign the best offer. Good luck!

No Z visa offer: 'reality for the school is 'it's much easier to get foreign teacher on F visa, but you'll be working as illegal'. In order to became legal (Z visa), you must exit China again, and most likely return home to apply for Z.

9 years 12 weeks ago
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Good luck with your search

A good employer will answer your concerns clearly and promptly.

Beware those who dismiss them or say that something is 'not important'.

Ensure that all is outlined clearly in a contract, and leave no area vague.


doing your homework prior to traveling will ensure fewer issues on arrival.

People on this site have years of experience of the challenges of living and working in China, as well as the many positives.wink



9 years 12 weeks ago
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Have a look at this openings.

9 years 12 weeks ago
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9 years 12 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77