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Q: How do you clean fruits and vegetables?

When returning from the supermarket/open air market what do you do to your shopping before eating/cooking ? 

11 years 35 weeks ago in  Food  - China

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You can purchase  a special liquid soap made by White Cat brand of soaps for dishes that is especially made to clean fruits and vegetables.  If you are worried about leafy, green vegetables, than add just a few drops of bleach to the water, very few, add the soap mentioned above and rinse well.  Additionally, all meat and poultry should also be rinsed at least.



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11 years 35 weeks ago
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We have a water filtration system fitted to our kitchen (and the water feed to our fridge) that makes the water potable, we use that water for washing food we are going to eat without cooking.

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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Unfortunately it is not enough to just clean with clean filtered water.  Pesticides are on everything.  That is why we have perfect fruits and vegetables.  The Chinese just rinse and cook since they believe all the chemicals will be cooked/washed off.  ewww.  Not true.


You do have to use cleaning method.  Either buy the bottled solution above that someone mentioned or 1 cup of vinegar to a sink full of water and soak for about 20 minutes.  you'll see residue come off and floating.  That is your pesticides/chemicals.  Or  maybe just peel everything before eating. 

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11 years 34 weeks ago
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I use vinegar and salt wash to clean veggies. When I don't have vinegar, I use lemon.

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11 years 34 weeks ago
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Amway have a dish cleaner that can clean fruit and vegetable. Please get it from Amway shop.

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5 years 19 weeks ago
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We sprinkle flour on the fruit then wash and rince...seams to do a good job


Flour? I never heard of that but I can see how it might work with the friction and all...


I just run the food under cold water and give it a vigorous wash with my hands. I never made myself sick from my own cooking so supose it works ok.



5 years 19 weeks ago
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5 years 19 weeks ago
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