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Q: How do you cope with the crazy heat at your host family?

There is this thing about couchsurfing here in China (particularly Beijing). I don't understand how these Chinese people refuse to switch on their air-conditioning despite the crazy heat. They walk around almost naked at home when there's someone sleeping on their couch? Do I do the same? Oh man...I'm melting...

11 years 6 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Couple of thoughts for you to understand better what is really going on :

1.- A/C is not turned on because it does cost money to run it, not because they do not feel as hot as you do. We foreigners value personal comfort, they value the power of having money. As an example, my GF at her apartment will not turn on the A/C in her room, I do sweat a lot when there. But as soon as she walks into my place, she turns everyone she can lay her hands on the remote control.

2.- For many Chinese, it is normal to remove outer layer of clothing when in the privacy of their homes. And they walk around in bra and panties, or in jockey shorts. Even answer the door bell like that. The idea they have is that you really can not see a thing (which I do disagree with, panties are very thin), besides that Chinese people are not supposed to look. So, for thm it is normal, for us it is not. So, do not stare, or get yourself some dark tinted sunglasses, so no one knows where you are looking at.
At my GF's apartment, when her brother visits, the first thing he will do after entering will be to remove shirt and pants. And the 16 years old daughter walks around in her bra and panties too. After a while, it will stop bothering you, and then you join the activities.


A lot of people leave the A/C off for health reasons.  I don't know if it's true or not but excessive use is supposed to be bad for you.  Also to acclimatize to some extent.  If the temperature difference between inside and outside is too much it's difficult for your body to adjust.  So yeah, they do use it sparingly but it's not always about money.  Similar to the not drinking cold drinks thang.

11 years 6 weeks ago
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11 years 6 weeks ago
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Go find the nearest swimming pool and plunge yourself into the water to keep cool...


I only swim in an ool.  U can go swim in the ones with the P in them.


odd thing is I love swimming in the ocean.  Do fish pee ??

11 years 6 weeks ago
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11 years 6 weeks ago
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11 years 6 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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you are a guest in their home. Just accept the living conditions, however strange they might seem to you.

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11 years 6 weeks ago
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I barely run it in my apt. either. I mean barely compared to what is/was common in the States. My reason is that I am a cheap-ass bastard. surprise


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11 years 6 weeks ago
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I'm Canadian, what heat? and its free. I love it. Heat or cold doesn't bother like some people. I have never had a drop of sweat run down my face.

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11 years 6 weeks ago
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Buy yourself one of those portable fan thingys if you don't have air con. If you walk around naked that'll probably work too because they'll feel uncomfortable and will then switch on the air con - unless of course, they're nudists.

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11 years 6 weeks ago
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